Bette Davis as "Baby" Jane Hudson...
Two aging film actresses live as virtual recluses in an old Hollywood mansion. "Baby" Jane Hudson, a successful child star, cares for her crippled sister Blanche, who's career in later years eclipsed that of Jane. Now the two live together, their relationship affected by simmering subconscious thoughts of mutual envy, hate and revenge
2007-02-07 19:20:48
answer #1
answered by deepseaofblankets 5
first billed only:
The actress you are looking for is Bette Davis. She played the role of Baby Jane Hudson. Joan Crawford played the role of her sister Blanche Hudson.
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)
Two aging film actresses live as virtual recluses in an old Hollywood mansion. Jane Hudson, a successful child star, cares for her crippled sister Blanche, who's career in later years eclipsed that of Jane. Now the two live together, their relationship affected by simmering subconscious thoughts of mutual envy, hate and revenge.
2007-02-07 21:03:09
answer #2
answered by uoptiger_79 4
Not Fonda. Baby Jane is a fictional character. She was first played by Bette Davis and later by Lynn Redgrave. Baby Jane was a child star who, shall we say, did not age well.
In the orginal with Bette Davis, fans of old Batman TV shows will spot King Tut as the piano player.
2007-02-07 19:21:03
answer #3
answered by Kacky 7
Jane Fonda was born in New York City to actor Henry Fonda and socialite Frances Ford Seymour, and named Lady Jayne Seymour Fonda. When Jane was twelve years old, her mother committed suicide after voluntarily seeking treatment at a psychiatric hospital.[2]
Henry Fonda had distant Italian ancestry, and the surname Fonda originates from Italy.[3] The "Lady" part of Jane Fonda's name was apparently inspired by Lady Jane Seymour, to whom she is distantly related on her mother's side. The "Jayne" comes from her father's middle name Jaynes.
Her brother, Peter Fonda (born 1940), and her niece Bridget Fonda (born 1964), are also actors. She has an older half-sister, Frances Brokaw, as well as an adopted sister, Amy, who was born in 1953.[4]
After Seymour's suicide, Henry Fonda married Susan Blanchard, who was only 10 years older than Jane. Although all of Henry's children seemed to like Blanchard, Blanchard and Henry Fonda divorced before Jane turned 20.
2007-02-07 19:22:43
answer #4
answered by bAdgIrL™ 4