you need to move on, you may still love him ect but his actions towards you prove that you really mean nothing to him, there are plenty of guys out there who are more worth your time than some guy who cheats on you and has no consideration for your feelings....
2007-02-10 09:18:48
answer #1
answered by MidnightSkies 7
OK from a guys perspective be FORWARD we dont do that female dance around the question thing well, we just dont get it. Look him right in the eyes and ask if he still has feelings for you if he doesnt then move on. Do not take maybe as an answer he could be a manipulative jerk who wants to string you along. Its YES or NO just that simple then tell him if its yes he needs to get off his *** and prove hes worthy of you. NO more other women, no more being an *** in front of his buddies, walk the line or walk out the door. There are lots of other men (note I said men not boys women need to learn the difference) out there who need a good woman he might not be the one whos worthy of you.
2007-02-07 18:47:50
answer #2
answered by BIG-IRON 3
Talking yes only talking with him would help you. You so deeply love him and you state " I really do love this kid to death" under these circumstances the best suggestion would be just keep on contacting him and explaining him whatever is your heart and never give him time to move around with anybody else and thats the only way you could isolate him from others so that he will reach you. All the best.
2007-02-07 18:46:02
answer #3
answered by ssmindia 6
To make sure that your mind is clear, you should see other guys for awhile to make sure that he really means that much to you. Sometimes the way you feel about someone changes after you know other people. Most people do not go on and marry their first true love, that is mainly in the movies. It is better to get to know a lot of people, have a lot of friends to get a feeling for people and what you want in another person. I would recommend that you be nice to him when he comes to your party, smile and be nice. Good Luck to you.
2007-02-07 18:46:02
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
unfortunetly for you, me, and many others; we love harder then the person we love. We cant help who we love and we cant help if the person we love does not love us. It sucks a lot.
Ive been single for almost a year now because I cant think of anyone but my ex how has moved on and is having a kid.
My advice to you is to try and do whats best for you. Even tho you love this guy he seems a little d*ckish and he most likely is to young to be with one person.
Life is to short to waste time tho Id talk to him after your B-Day (this way he cant wreck it) and tell him how you feel. But keep in mind that if he doesnt feel the same then he dosent desirve you.
Hope all goes well
2007-02-07 18:54:39
answer #5
answered by Vicious Valentine 1
You love him and he prank calls you? You love him and he is with other girls? You love him and he's only called you 4 times?
The reason why you cry yourself to sleep at night is because he took your heart. You have to be care to who you give you heart to and you did it too young. Please stop and don't do it again until it's time for marriage, otherwise you'll go through this again. He used you and doesn't want to be with you, he might hang out and try to get physical agian, but that's it. He shouldn't come to your birthday party, you need to break off from him in your thoughts and heart. He will eventually fall away and your heart will get strong again.
2007-02-07 18:49:26
answer #6
answered by yaabro 4
so lets just have a second here to think, so by reading your story, if i am correct you started dating when you were like fifteen? and he was your first B.F.? or at least first long term, and you must have been sleeping with him? don't worry you did nothing wrong!! seemings that im not sure if you were or not i will give you both sides of what my awnsers are. starting off with if you two were intamite, was he older than you? that does have a huge affect if he was. first off he was only an *** around his friends when you were with, but when you weren't he was more than likely talking **** about you to them. as a guy gets older and especially when in high school their friends give them **** about only being with one girl in there life, especially when we go off to college we get this allusion in your heads that there are hot drunk girls that we are going to get with and for some of us thats true and for the others its not, like for his example, yeah he does get some here and there but not as offtend as he thought, and then by sleeping with them he thinks that they want to date him but they don't especially when they sober up the next day, most if not all girls that he has been with after you either don't want to be with him or vice versa, the reason why he calls you is for a piece of ***, sorry but its true don't listen to what he says he don't love YOU anymore he only wants what you have in your jeans. its hard to get over your FIRST love, NOT true love. the reason why he pranks you is because he is insecure with himself, the best thing for you to do is to delete his number from your phone and your memory and to never awnser his calls again and to move on with your life, your only 18, you will find someone else, no ifs or buts about it. it will be hard to get over him but when you do it will make you 100 times stronger as a person. peace out i hope this helps??????
2007-02-07 19:12:37
answer #7
answered by turboblue22 2
This guy is being a complete jerk! He's not worth your love! He's not worth the dirt on your shoe! It's obvious he doesn't love you anymore, I wouldn't dare prank call someone I cared about. Kick his *** out of your life and move on! I hope you find someone better than him! Good luck!
2007-02-07 18:50:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
nicely first element you are able to do is ask your friends how he behaved even as he became going out with them. 2d he may choose you to fall in a capture which may lead you to being emotionally damage if so. He may in basic terms choose the entire determination of you and ur acquaintances.
2016-11-26 01:54:29
answer #9
answered by delk 3
Bit the bullet, and move on...he has. You need to find someone who really likes to be with you, wants to your everything. "Just because you like someone, doesn't mean they have to like you"
2007-02-07 18:47:15
answer #10
answered by 007 3