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we were eating lunch, with little conversation, she is a good friend of mine, and she knows i have a crush on her, and she is totally cool with that cause she sort of likes me too - that’s what she said

now, the prob. is

we were eating lunch after a game of golf, and she was sitting facing the green, she was just about done with luch, but then, while looking at the green, she said, she has to go

n i said why - has ur dad come? she said no, i will see ya later, byee

and ran fast - very fast, out of the club, and into her car

1 min later she sent me a sms saying

'sorry, i had to leave, or things would have got complicated'

I said ' could u please emplain further?'

she said, I am sorry, its just that I had to run before someone saw me

and that’s all it as,

I have not spoke to her after, but can someone please tell me whats up.... whats going on??

please help


2007-02-07 18:20:55 · 22 answers · asked by Jim 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

22 answers

It had to be someone she is or was dating, or someone she had a problem with in the past. Ask her point blank which it is and move on.

2007-02-07 18:31:49 · answer #1 · answered by kiera70 5 · 1 0

Sounds like she has a jelous boyfriend...or who knows maybe a protective brother? Could even be an Ex of hers that might have started something. Really you would have to ask her about this..there is no other way around it...you can assume this and that all you want...but wouldnt you rather know the truth? good luck

2007-02-08 02:25:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

She has a b/f or she is just playing with you or maybe she is a run a way from her parents or the cops. She must of saw someone if indeed she was not plaing mind games.. Look for someone else. This is just a waste of time.

2007-02-08 02:26:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Maybe she likes the extra attention and plays hard to get? Or possibly she has a b/f she hasn't told you about.

Either way, I'd ask again and tell her that as your friend you need to understand why she left like that.

2007-02-08 02:25:49 · answer #4 · answered by Tiffany 3 · 0 0

Sounds like she's probably seeing someone else and he made an appearance. perhaps she didn't want to mention him to you bcuz she'd like to see where the two of you may be headed. You should ask her if she is seeing someone. She sounds like a fairly honest person from what you described, she probably would answer truthfully.

2007-02-08 02:27:55 · answer #5 · answered by Jay K 2 · 0 0

Both of u lk each other heartfully but she dislikes physical; relation bcoz she thinks it'll spoil ur friendship.
Now u hv to explain her its not lk dat n u can continue the friendship and if she accepts continue other things toooo

2007-02-08 02:29:38 · answer #6 · answered by krishna 2 · 0 0

I think she is on her period and bleeding or may b she got to fart....Which could b a bad situation in front a guy like you.....

Dont get wrong it happened so many times with me....till I made her to brake the ice later........

2007-02-08 05:02:54 · answer #7 · answered by DON 4 · 0 0

It is very hard for a girl to hang out with a boy she likes and she probally just got nevours and started to think about what will happen and what is going to happen if i do this or if i do that you dnt really know i think you should ask her to have a talk and ask her wat happend that day that should resolve some issues between so u can close that gap in between u 2 ...sry about wat happened =(

2007-02-08 02:56:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sounds like she didn't want to fight with someone who happened to show up and it startled her so she took off. Maybe you should send her some flowers and ask her to call you . Good Luck!

2007-02-08 02:25:16 · answer #9 · answered by LSD 4 · 0 0

Another guy she either is or was dating was approaching. That is my guess. Have her clear it up or move on. You are a modern man who doesn't need the hassles of a less than honest woman.

2007-02-08 02:24:56 · answer #10 · answered by smtilley 3 · 0 1

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