Perhaps Love is:
Finally it is all about what you have and what you want. Try to get what you want with what you have.If it leads to happiness inside and outside you,it takes you closer to love.Usually the personality it self shows it even if you don't make any attempt to show it also.Better to relax.
2007-02-11 12:28:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Love and lust are not totally related, but somehow, at times, they can be inter-related. Allow me to briefly explain this.
Love, is an unconditional feeling, where the communication is mainly between actions and the eyes. Where you can feel what the opposite person is feeling in the look of the eyes. By daily actions, sharing, caring, understanding, faith and loyalty bind the two people together, thereby making it stronger day by day. It is an inner emotion, which cannot be bought by money, but only expressed in the language of love.
Lust, on the other hand, can be a slightly selfish desire, which can only be satisfied with the unision of two bodies. It is basically a sexual desire. This desire can be accomplished only if both people are willing to do so, and hence in this, you expect something in return. However, there is an exceptional case with raping.
Love and lust can be related though. How? Love is expressed emotionally, yet, it can be expressed physically as well, which brings in the situation of lust.
People may believe lust is more negative and love is more positive. In my opinion though, lust is not at all negative if it is connected with true and pure love. Lust related with love implies the two bodies become one soul at that moment.
I hope you do understand what I mean. Love and lust, related? Yes, they can be, but it depends from which view you see it from. From my view, it's pure and natural. What do you see?
2007-02-10 06:05:43
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
This is what true love is
1 Cor 13:4 Love endures long {and} is patient and kind; love never is envious {nor} boils over with jealousy, is not boastful {or} vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.
1 Cor 13:5 It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) {and} does not act unbecomingly. Love (God's love in us) does not insist on its own rights {or} its own way, {for} it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy {or} fretful {or} resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].
1 Cor 13:6 It does not rejoice at injustice {and} unrighteousness, but rejoices when right {and} truth prevail.
1 Cor 13:7 Love bears up under anything {and} everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening].
1 Cor 13:8 Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end].
2007-02-08 02:33:20
answer #3
answered by infernos_heart 2
Love is that small-small things u do for ur loved one, which have no significance for any outsider but value lot for the one u love .. and thats the only way to show it. Small things ..Big deal. Feeling of Heart.
2007-02-08 04:18:59
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Love is Unselfish. Real love is mature, and people realize it is more than just a feeling. Immature love is saying that you love someone because you need them, so you are not alone. Real, true love is understanding, not only that you CAN love, but that person (or in some cases, an unseen entity) is imperfect. Love is many things...what is it to you?
2007-02-08 02:23:16
answer #5
answered by third_syren_of_seduction 3
To me, Love is my wish, that all the creatures including human being in the whole Universe be painless free from all sorrows enjoy life up-to the saturation point, so that ultimately they find peace in the state of tranquillity and remains no other expectations in their life what so ever. Thus all realise themselves and the God, finally merging in me.
By Prafull Paramaatmaa Das,
Vishw Paramaatmaa Parivaar.
2007-02-10 07:44:11
answer #6
answered by vishw_paramaatmaa_parivaar 3
1. It is the best 2&1/2 minutes of one's life.
2. it is something that never has a good ending . . . . 'coz it is something that never ends.
3. Something that makes you believe . . . . a heart truly in love never loses hope . . . no matter how far the distance . .. . no matter how long the time.
4. and finally, LOVE stands for Lots Of Valuable Emotions.
2007-02-11 23:41:32
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
love is the the experince we have when we see the almighty god, we can show the love by seeing the almighty seated in heart of all the living beings, we should give all possible help to the needy as by doing so we are doing a loving service to the god himself
2007-02-11 06:47:37
answer #8
answered by yogesh s 1
Love is a feeling of the heart. You show it by accepting others as what they are and feeling for their goodness and forgiving them for their negativity.
2007-02-11 22:26:53
answer #9
answered by GANESH BHAT 4
Love is care. You cannot show it or see it but can feel it.
2007-02-08 04:43:34
answer #10
answered by Mr. Stealth 3