Good one E Man. And Washngton D.C., our fair capital also has it's fair share of murders every day.
2007-02-07 17:13:21
answer #1
answered by scarlettt_ohara 6
The problem with Detroit is simple. Detroit is being ran like a third world country. From the majors office all the way down to 911 operators corruption is rampant. Detroit was once a city of 2.5 million plus now you have a little over 900,000 residents and a whole bunch of abandoned house. These houses are were people go to smoke their crack, and dead bodies show up frequently in them. If I was in charge of Detroit I'd clean it up in 1 year. Just by demolishing the empty houses. The major office is claiming it cannot do anything because of the budget deficit but they have enough money to award hefty contracts to their cronies, and give their Mistresses salaries without them even working. Pull out of Detroit? No. Clean-up Detroit? Yes.
Pull out of Iraq? Yes. In Detroit most murders are drug related and the people killed will not be missed(occasionally an innocent by-standard or two get caught in the crossfire) but in Iraq you have some of our finest young men and women dying for their country and principals that are based on lies and just like Detroit large contracts and massive corruption is going on there also. So you are trying to justify the Iraq blunder and deflect attention to it by attacking Detroit typical Republican (Bush-Cheney) hypocrisy.
2007-02-08 03:28:24
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
We should pull out of Iraq. There is no intelligent means of comparing the crime rate of an American city with a war zone. The fact that Bush and his cronies want 245 billion more of our tax dollars for Iraq while so much of New Orleans is still in shambles is about as disgusting as the Democratic majority in Congress giving Bush the money. You want to quote statistics, understand that we must pay 35 billion in tax dollars for the next 30 years just to pay for Bush's savings & loans scandle when he was Governer of Texas. Your great grand kids will still be paying for Iraq.
2007-02-08 01:45:45
answer #3
answered by blogbaba 6
Stay in Iraq, pull out of Detroit.
2007-02-08 01:50:33
answer #4
answered by yupchagee 7
seriously... this is the problem with you guys... you think you know what you're talking about... but the more you talk... the more it's clear you don't...
there are MILLIONS of Americans in Detroit... in fact there are nearly 9 million in the area...according to Wikipedia
and there are 150,000 Americans in iraq...
so can you see the difference between 35 out of 9,000,000... vs. 39 out of 150,000?
clearly... I'm probably just confusing you with these numbers and you don't understand what I'm saying...
fine... I'll just leave it at this... you should really go to Iraq if it's as safe as Detriot... I've been to Detriot it's not that bad... and you can make tons of money in Iraq... you would really be a fool not to go...
you probably play the lottery, but don't like to play black jack... don't you... why play black jack when you can make billions with the lottery... right? hahaha
2007-02-08 01:16:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The difference is: *YOU* can move out of Detroit if you don't like the crime rate in that city ... or, for whatever reason, for that matter.
The US military personnel had no choice to be in Iraq. In fact, some of those that were supposed to go home had had their tour of duty extended.
2007-02-08 01:27:57
answer #6
answered by Meta Irie 2
I hope you're not shamelessly trying to exploit the sorrows of the people of Detroit for a political or financial reason...because that would be like...well, like invading Iraq.
2007-02-08 01:41:15
answer #7
answered by ... 7
Bring back Mayor Dennis Archer. He was the only mayor Detroit has had in over 30 years with enough sense to come in from the rain. He was an ethical mayor and an effective one, very different from his predecessor and his successor.
2007-02-08 01:15:49
answer #8
answered by Rick N 5
Ah, but how many Americans are in Detroit, vs. the number of Americans who are in Iraq? I suspect percentage wise, the deaths in Iraq are still higher.
2007-02-08 01:13:02
answer #9
answered by Vaughn 6
Yes, we should pull out of Iraq because we're losing.
2007-02-08 04:49:06
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
The figure that you cite is U.S. troop caualties ONLY. The government of Iraq estimates that 1,000 Iraqi civians are being slaughtered per month.
Now quit parrotting this afternoon's Limbaugh/ Hannity/Savage-Weiner show and empty your drool cup.
2007-02-08 01:30:21
answer #11
answered by Anonymous