We keep hearing conservative, liberal. We keep hearing lectures about it and we should. But we really do need to understand the terms here. There’s a huge difference between conservatives and liberals.
You’re seeing it played out on television every night. With this detestable Carl Levin of Michigan with his spectacles at the end of his nose. Somebody buy that man a pair of new glasses!
What is Conservatism? It’s not a political philosophy folks; it’s a life philosophy. Conservatives believe that each individual is unique. We believe that each individual is responsible for his development. We believe that family is the best support group for individuals. And we believe that private institutions like churches and synagogues, charities, private enterprises and so forth are best support group for families.
Conservatives believe, as did the Founders of the Declaration of Independence, that God is Supreme-not the government. Conservatives believe that God has given us natural rights, not the government.
Conservatives believe that a powerful centralized government such as ours, putting aside national security for the moment, threatens the individual, the family and private institutions. A powerful centralized government seeks uniformity and absolute compliance; it smothers individuality, family and religion. A centralized government seeks to play the role of God, through its abuse of laws and regulations, and the confiscation of redistribution of wealth.
Conservatives believe in the Constitution. We believe in Representative government as opposed to a judicial oligarchy or government by bureaucracy.
Conservatives believe in free political speech and the free exercise of religion. We believe in the right to bear arms. We believe in due process rights for American citizens and not terrorists. We believe in Federalism, the dispersing of power among the states. We believe in a colorblind society. We believe in low taxes and strictly limited spending. We believe in individual opportunity and merit.
Conservatives respect the private property and wealth of our fellow citizens. Just as it’s wrong for any of us to steal from our neighbors, it’s equally wrong to elect politicians who steal from our neighbors on our so-called behalf.
Conservatives believe in the greatness of the American people; their compassion; their honor; their inventiveness; their judgment. We believe that but for America, the world would be a dark, bloodthirsty, regressive place where tyranny would rule and humanity would suffer an unimaginable fate. And so we’re Conservatives. Proud conservatives.
Now what is Liberalism?
Liberals put a powerful centralized government before all else. Government exists to limit individual liberty, private property rights and religious freedom.
Liberals believe that the people are incapable of making the right decisions of their own so they empower undemocratic institutions to make decisions by fiat, such as the courts and federal agencies and the rest.
Liberals believe that Americans should be divided by color, by religion by sex and by income. Liberals seek to create jealousies among Americans and sic them upon each other in hopes of keeping them agitated and unfocused and distrustful and always wanting. And always a recipe for a more aggressive role for government.
Liberals are not satisfied with temporary power achieved through the
electoral process; they seek to create a permanent liberal agenda through the
courts, through the bureaucracy, through entitlements, through academia. They want an agenda immune from future electoral losses.
Liberals create entitlement programs, not because they solve anything, but because they don’t. They seek to enslave large portions of the population, they call them beneficiaries and they seek to punish private enterprise by forcing private citizens to pay up or suffer the consequences. Liberalism isn’t a way of life, its away of controlling life.
Liberals believe Americans are selfish, stupid and dishonorable. They believe that people exist to be manipulated and to serve the state for some greater good.
Liberals believe that America is not a unique place; that the Constitution is an obstacle to their power and that to create a world order in which they rule supreme, America’s independence must be destroyed through places like the UN and through policies like open borders. They detest the American culture and they seek to destroy it.
So, they worked for America’s defeat in Vietnam, just as they’re working
today, right now, to defeat us in Iraq.
A weak America is exactly what they seek. The elites want us to lose this war. You can hear them since the election. The detestable Carl Levin tried to undermine Reagan; hoped that we would lose the Cold War; hoped that we would lose the war with the Contras down in South America; hoped that we would lose the war wherever we fight it.
Kennedy, the single biggest figure in undermining our efforts in Vietnam, cutting off funding to the South Vietnamese, enslaving millions of people. Hundreds of thousands were murdered after we left South Vietnam, millions in Cambodia and the man never blinked, his conscience never panged, he never gave it a second thought.
They say they care about casualties in Iraq. They didn’t blink when Mao Tse-tung murdered 60 million people or when Stalin murdered over 20 million people, or when Pol Pot murdered 2.5 million people or when the Rwandans murdered 800 thousand, they didn’t blink and they won’t blink if we’re forced to leave Iraq, if we’re forced to lose that war and hundreds of thousands of people are slaughtered in the streets, with their blood running through the sewers they won’t blink again!
2007-02-07 16:42:23
answer #1
answered by CaptainObvious 7
Barry Goldwater was a real conservative and an honorable man, even though I didn't alwys agree with him.
He would be appalled at what the Repub Party has become. The whole witch hunt against gays and the illegal invasion/nation building in Iraq would have sent him over the edge.
2007-02-08 00:19:44
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
They rolled over for the far right to the point that they are identified as RINO's that are merely weak-minded moderates.
The real moderates are painted out to be liberals, and liberals have been portrayed as flaming anarchistic lefties.
It's been spinning that way for a bit over 6 years.
2007-02-08 00:16:28
answer #3
answered by oohhbother 7
They're still out there, i think... A true conservative is one who wants life to go back to what it was like in before the 60s. Of course without the racism and other social problems that happened back then. They want people to give each other privacy, the government to do the minimum in overseeing individuals and grant the most freedom to each man.
I'm guessing some to the libertarian side, others stayed with the republicans and others got disgruntled.
BTW Patois its good to see the typical liberal arrogance and rumormongering are still in vogue with your type. What you fail to understand is that conservatives believe in the individual ability to succeed while people like you believe only in the failure of the common man. Conservatives believe that what you achieve is what you deserve and that merely existing doesnt entitle you to others profits and amenities. They believe in things like personal responsibility as things like guns aren't the problem but the individuals who decide to use them for murder others. Most of all, conservative believe in a can do attitude and that hard work, intelligence, and acumen will benefit society without the need to babysit grown adults. You on the other hand believe in a will fail attitude and the majority of people will fail due to the "evil" manipulations of everyone scrambling to fulfill their base desires. As a result, you probably think the only way to force people to play nice is to have big brother lord over them and punish those it catches being mean to little sally.
2007-02-08 00:16:28
answer #4
answered by doctor slernon 1
Well it looks like they stand for something and will not back down , no matter what The Liberals say.
What are the Liberals for, Nothing just against what the conservatives are for!.
How about , solving some problems!
2007-02-08 00:13:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
good question.
it's funny, everybody seems to think we all (R's) adore the Bush administration and everything he does. HA!
i know it's early days, but it's too bad there's not an actual conservative running for president yet. (McCain doesn't count. i don't think he is one.) makes it hard to decide who to hold my nose and vote for.
2007-02-08 00:17:37
answer #6
answered by political junkie 4
I know how you feel
Fox and Bush killed the real Republicans
2007-02-08 00:08:52
answer #7
answered by FOX NEWS WATCHER 1
You got that backwards it's the Liberals that don't nose in other peoples lives, they don't sneak around reading your email, your phone conversations , and they like women , not pages.
2007-02-08 00:11:29
answer #8
answered by Nicki 6
Liberals tend to believe in the social contract, that we are stronger as a nation when we empower each other and conduct our government for broad social benefit rather than for individual benefit. Conservatives, on the other hand, operate from a lower level of human development where individual empowerment means "survival of the fittest", "a sucka's born every minute", "dominion over the planet means plunder rather than guardianship" and "me first". Genecide, rigging elections, gerrymandering, lying and torture are ok if it means their survival sort of reasoning and so-called "values". They believe that the end justifies the means. Liberals do not. Conservatives have never believed in the American Dream. Since the beginning of this democracy, the dream to be free and have a fair chance has been under attack by the Conservative's belief system. Conservatives do not believe in the U.S. Constitution, unless it serves their self-interests. Liberals believe in free speech. Conservatives do not. Liberals look out for each other's rights in our pluralistic society. Conservatives do not. Conservatives do not care for anyone but themselves and their own viewpoints, their own religions, their own bank accounts. They are not believers in the common good. They plunder, even from the weak. They do not care about their own neighbors or their own communities or people who are different than they are. They prefer to live in gated communities and build massive fences and walls. They relentlessly strive to disenfranchise as many people from the American Dream as possible. Per Supreme Court record, they fought against Americans who wanted slavery abolished. They fought against black Americans who wanted to vote. They fought against female Americans who wanted to vote. They fought against Americans who wanted to keep church and state separate. They fought against older and disabled Americans who wanted American public restrooms and sidewalks to accomodate wheelchairs. They fought against American workers who wanted a decent minimum wage and a forty-hour work week. They fight to this day against poor people by refusing to raise the minimum wage yet voting themselves raises in legislative bodies. They fought against American children and forced them to work like slaves in factories and mines. They fought against American children and spent our money making arms dealers rich while taking money away from the public school system. They fought against working American mothers who needed equal pay and decent childcare. They fought against hungry American babies and slashed preschool nutrional programs for the poor. They fought against pregnant poor Americans and slashed prenatal care programs. They fought against American healthcare professionals who were struggling to stop the spread of AIDS and they blocked the distribution of condoms that would have saved millions of American lives. They fought against American homosexuals who wanted to be able to rent a house or an apartment and live together in peace. They fought against American police organizations that pleaded for a ban on the guns that slaughter police officers and over 40,000 Americans every year. They fought against Americans who tried to protect the environment and people from pollution and poisons that are being put in the air and water, by conservatives, mostly. They fought against every American in court who has struggled to protect our freedom of speech. They fight against Americans who want the Internet to remain free. They fight against Americans who want peace and they fight to protect their right to profit from war. They fought against a common ground like this Yahoo site, a common ground where people from all tribes and nations of the world could gather and share ideas and problem-solving, the United Nations. Their vision has plunged this nation in horrible debt, set back science and technology and our national math and science scores to the point where our young people cannot even pass the new global job market tests while they pandered to fringe religious groups for their votes, sold us out in NAFTA based contracts that thus far have benefitted only a few and have divided this nation in order to plunder even the future of our children. Conservatives feel nothing but contempt for compassion, as evidenced by their phrase, "bleeding heart liberal". Scratch a Republican / Conservative and reveal the Beast. Their's is a morbid paradigm.
2007-02-08 00:16:26
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
We do know - and we wish you'd take your party back from the fundies and warmongers. Please.
2007-02-08 00:12:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous