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My regular salon keeps jacking up the price (5-10$/visit). It USED to be 30 bucks to get a decent hair cut. NOW I don't get out for under 60. I'm not including highlights or anything-- this is the cost of a simple cut & blow dry... which kills me. I'm thinking about changing to a different salon (the kind you see in the mall, etc). Has anyone faced this problem? Any horror stories? Tips on what to look for?

2007-02-07 15:05:53 · 2 answers · asked by ? 3 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

2 answers


well b-cause i have never actually found a hair person that i realllly really love so i normally switch around.... try a couple of places...... where do u live ?? is it like one of those really wealthy areas??? ( mee too!!!!!) well from x=perience the prices usally jack up the second the store gets regular customers and ppl sooo....... i would recommend stayong b-cauz if they think that u r a loyal customer then they might give u a discount!!!!!

but if u really r un sure of the price... u could go around and just brouz the malls and pretend like u r asking 4 yr mom or something so that they don't drag u into the chair....... but really under 60$ is actually really cheap.... when i got x-tensions last year it cost me like more than 750$ plus tax !!!!!!!!! so for a normal do-up which is sometjing taht i do like at least once a week ( for Sunday Brunch) it cost like 85$..... so a cut and dry and style is pretty cheap for just $60.......

Stay Gorgeous,

2007-02-07 15:09:09 · answer #1 · answered by ♥ Lollie ♥ 5 · 0 1

Ask friends or colleagues who have nice haircuts who they go to for their cut.

it's not about the salon, its about the right stylist.

Expensive salons, unless they're just really popular or a rip off, do a lot of the legwork finding stylists for you. Mall salons dont require as much experience or references so you have to find the stylist on your own.

when looking for a salon, look for a clean well-kept place with a design and aesthetic you like. if it's all white walls and black drapes and you're a flower pattern comfy couch kind of girl, odds are the stylists who work there share that aesthetic so beware!

good luck!

2007-02-07 23:14:48 · answer #2 · answered by imnotachickenyoureaturkey 5 · 1 0

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