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If you feel different about any of the three explain

2007-02-07 14:44:35 · 30 answers · asked by andy 2 in Science & Mathematics Alternative Other - Alternative

30 answers

Not unless there was some sort of evidence. I actually did see a UFO once but anyone would be foolish to believe me. It was while I was in the Army. Nothing on earth could move like that thing. Actually there were two but only one moved in a way that made me sure it was an alien craft. I was in Yakima Firing Center in Washington State at night out in the desert. A fellow soldier yelled for every one to take a look, that he saw a UFO. I was the only one to look. We watched it for about 5 minutes and he said he saw it zig zag across the sky. It looked like an airplane. It blinked two lights. It hovered in one place right next to a star so I could see that it was perfectly motionless and it was silent. I didn't have any reason at that point to assume it was an extraterrestrial spacecraft. After about 5 minutes it shot across the sky to another one that we didn't even notice and they both just sat there. The speed and acceleration were so great that it was simply impossible to be anything from this earth in my opinion and I am now a engineer. I know what I saw and I wasn't alone. Funny thing is, I too then told some other people to look but no one did. Later, I didn't tell my commanders. I haven't told anyone except a few friends and family or a couple of times of the internet. Why should anyone believe? Honestly, for me it is not that big a deal. I do feel confident now that there really are alien space craft visiting earth but I know next to nothing about them. I cannot explain why they have two lights like planes, why they would zig zag, or shoot across the sky the way they did.

My true passion is Bigfoot and I would trade my UFO sighting for a sighting of Bigfoot any day. My brother and I had what may have been an encounter with a bigfoot but we just heard it. We were looking for bigfoot and had found some interesting signs that day and while camping that night we heard it walking up on us. We were both infantry sergeants but this thing scared us big time. I don't expect anyone to understand but it was something walking on two legs that was so heavy the dirt and gravel under its feet was being grinded in a way that you could tell that this thing was monstrously big. I know I might sound like I am making it up only this really happened. It was not a bear. I know it was walking on two legs (you could tell by the cadence and because it was so quiet except for the steps) and there is no way it was a man. You see why no one would say what they saw. If you do, you know that most will think you are lying and most of the rest think you're just ignorant, gullible or something worse.

2007-02-07 16:03:53 · answer #1 · answered by JimZ 7 · 0 0

Had a friend see Bigfoot years ago, he didn't tell anyone other than a few people he swore to secrecy. - Scared of being called a nut.

The only one of the three I've seen is ghosts. - I grew up in a haunted house, plus I had an odd encounter later on. I tell people about them quite often.

Years ago I had a black out one night while closing up my business and I lost a few hours (scary) no drugs or alcohol were involved.
A few days later I noticed a triangle of small wart like growths on my forehead (I had them removed).
Since then I've seen a t.v. show about U.F.O. abductees and the triangle of warts is supposed to be a common sign that you've been abducted. (insert errie music here).

I don't really believe I was, but who knows?

2007-02-07 17:44:35 · answer #2 · answered by dropkick 5 · 0 0

I've personally seen many things I can't explain. No Bigfoot or UFO's, but I've seen what I thought were maybe ghosts.

I co-own a ghost walk tour company here in Rochester, NY (www.rochesterghosts.com) and I enjoy sharing my stories. When I'm not working, I am more hesitant to talk about my experiences though, as they do even make me wonder if I'm sane. I'm a psychologist and scientific researcher, so to say that I chased a jogger in a cemetery for help only to watch him disappear into a tree is a bit unnerving!

J. L. Oneske, Parapsychologist

MAY 26 & 27, 2007 ~ ROCHESTER, NY

2007-02-08 03:51:41 · answer #3 · answered by jlo5616 3 · 0 0

If I witnessed it alone, myself, I would never tell anyone anything - just to remain sane (except for ghosts - I'd only share it with a few people). I think today, if you do see something - you can't tell people without evidence - and even then, there is a lot of technology to fake these things. Most people won't believe you...

If I saw it with another person, or heaps of people there - then I would tell maybe a few people, but I would NEVER go public. As soon as people go public, you become targets for media and ridicule. On top of that, people will claim that you're making it up for attention. And if I wasn't doing it for attention, then there are also some nutters out there who'll make up stories to get attention too...

2007-02-08 14:31:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

YES!. I'm crazy anyways,so I can tell..when I was a child of 6yrs.
I was sitting on a long bench behind our kitchen table...
There was two windows behind me...I turned around and
and got a shock..What I saw that night, has made me till
this day, NOT to look out your window after dark...I've had
nightmares ever since..

Then when I was almost seven years old, I saw a little
short smoky film in the shape of a woman..come out of
the bedroom, with my black and white shoe on her foot

The smoke and my shoe went clop. clop, clop.thru the
house... I followed it and it disappeared at our big tree
in the front yard...But it left my shoe at the base of the
tree..I was so scared....I lived on South Meeting Street
in Statesville, N.C. then...

There have been other sightings of ghosts down thru
the years...Too numorous to mention...I seem to see
what others can not... And that in itself is scary..
I sometimes wonder what is wrong with me??
So if I wonder,, wouldn't someone else think I'm crazy
also???? Oh If only I could tell the things I've seen and
heard...wow....What a book that would make....

2007-02-09 23:03:26 · answer #5 · answered by whistlegirl7 1 · 0 0

A ghost? definitely. I think it would be cool to see one, and I would like to share it with other people, even if they didn't belive me. On the other hand, bigfoot? U.F.O.? Too weird. Probably not. I think ghosts are more realistic. But who knows? :P

2007-02-07 14:50:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've seen ghosts. They seem drawn to me. But I can't call them out, I've tried. So yes, I've told many people about those experiences. As for big foot, I have also looked for him. Deep in the woods, at all hours. I only saw a ghost. There's an actual pic on my 360 page. UFO's would be a little nerver racking. But I'd still talk.

2007-02-07 16:24:16 · answer #7 · answered by hudson_floridamale 3 · 0 0

The only one I'd feel safe telling is my husband. I'd be afraid of being taken away for the rest of my natural life. You do realize this is not a popular subject with various governments?! Is there any proof of their existence? I mean I know God does but...Bigfoot??? And for sure I don't believe in ghosts. UFOs that's a horse of a different color.

2007-02-07 15:21:11 · answer #8 · answered by G V 2 · 0 0

i wouldnt tell anyone if i saw bigfoot... mainly because i dont believe in it so i would make reasons that it WASNT bigfoot, but just some ugly, gigantic hairy dude.

a ufo... i would tell someone only if i REALLY saw it. not just a spot in the sky or a quick movement... though i dont think anyone would ever believe me.

and ghosts... i wouldnt tell certain people if it was in my house, only because i wouldnt want to scare my family. but i would tell a friend, or go to a church and talk about it. seeing a ghost would scare the crap out of me, but in a way i really want to see one, so i can be reassured of life after death and take a different stand on religion etc etc

2007-02-07 14:57:42 · answer #9 · answered by Breesy 2 · 0 0

I haven't seen Bigfoot, although with a size 18 foot, maybe I am Bigfoot?

I have seen and spoken with ghosts, and I have seen several UFOs.

2007-02-08 14:09:59 · answer #10 · answered by drewbear_99 5 · 0 0

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