Are you going to all your prenatal doctor visits? He/she should be the one to point out any problems with your weight gain. But some people do lose weight in the beginning due to lack of appetite and vomiting. Just make sure that you are taking a prenatal vitamin everyday, and take it at night if it causes you to get sick. Try eating several times throughout the day, like little mini meals, nausea is sometimes due to an empty stomach. MAKE THE FOOD YOU DO EAT, COUNT! Eat healthy as possible since you feel like you are not eating enough.
Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!
2007-02-07 08:35:29
answer #1
answered by Jennifer M 4
Everybody's body does a few unique things during pregnancy! I personally become lactose intolerant! (What a time to not be able to drink milk!) Just try your best to eat food that is not smelly and to avoid smelly situations. This typically goes away by the 12th or 15th week but it is like having stomach flu for 3 months! Generally the baby is going to take from you what it needs and will not be harmed by that 1rst trimester of illness.
Find a good Dr. you trust and listen to her/his advice. They can monitor your weight and stuff to make sure your body & baby aren't too stressed out and can tell you things you can do for your specific situation.
With my fourth pregnancy I was felt ill into the 7th month! Then I found out I was suffering from a little bit of gestational diabetes. By going on a diet where I ate a few carbs six times a day. This regulated my blood sugar and I was astonished by how much it helped my nausea and smell issues.
2007-02-07 08:39:19
answer #2
answered by psycho-cook 4
I have children and you can get what they call morning sickness when you smell certain foods. I know that you want a healthy baby and I went through the same thing, and I told the doctor that when I felt that way I drank plenty of V8 juice because it was full of vitamins and other things. At the time that was fine you know that things change so rapidly nowadays. Let the Doc. know about your eating habits to see what he recommends but in the mean time keep taking the prenatal vit.and eat what you can when you can. Good luck and have a healthy baby.
2007-02-07 08:38:06
answer #3
answered by reddchilds 5
To start every pregnancy is different, some feel huge, others feel small, back, breast, feet pain all fit in there somewhere too. If certain foods make you feel sick or loss your appetite try your best to stay away from those foods. If you are not very hungry make good snack choices. Eating alot of little meals vs. a breakfast, lunch and dinner regime will actually help you. Remember you whatever you eat goes straight to your baby.
2007-02-07 08:36:18
answer #4
answered by blackkitty022583 2
Oh, pregnancy! I lost quite a bit of weight in the first few months with my first daughter because I was sick ALL THE TIME and everything made me gag. I still got sick through the remaining part of the pregnancy (all the way to 8 months), but I was able to eat and get back to a normal weight. My doctor was concerned, but basically told me that everybody is different and your body will do what it needs to do. I would talk to your doctor, if your concerned though. Better to be safe than sorry. Good luck to you.
2007-02-07 08:38:11
answer #5
answered by Wendy B 5
In the first few months of pregnancy you tend to loose about 10lbs. When i was pregnant the first time I had no trouble eating but the second time i wasn't able to eat much for the first six months. I was worried just like you but everything turned out just fine. Don't worry your body naturally takes care of the baby. Think of it as a good thing that you won't gain alot of weight. Haha.
2007-02-07 08:39:27
answer #6
answered by cjhazeleyez4 1
You may develop a keener sense of smell.
Your breasts may become engorged and may be tender for a while.
Your areolae and nipples may become larger and painful.
Your belly will expand and become itchy at some point (do not scratch it, apply lotion or oil instead).
Your back may begin to ache due to the weight gain in front.
Your body may become fatigued more quickly than you're accustomed to.
Certain food that you once enjoyed may disgust you (this will pass eventually).
Your hair may become more lustrious and thick.
Your nails may grow faster (perhaps due to an increase in calcium intake).
You may develop dark hair around your belly button.
Your belly button may protrude after the 6th month.
You may develop more cellulite.
You may become more or less sexually excited.
You will have to urinate more frequently after the 6th month.
Even if your appetite is diminished, try to get your calcium intake in every day (3 to 5 servings) and take a prenatal vitamin like Materna daily.
2007-02-07 08:43:27
answer #7
answered by Jane T 2
Sweetie, your body is changing! I lost 15 pounds in my first trimester because of what you are going through. I couldn't even watch commercials showing pizza. Remember to take your prenatal pills and eat healthy. Have mints with you to help with the nausea. This hopefully will pass but with my 1st child I had it until I gave birth! But keep your visits with your doctor and they will let you know that the baby is getting all his nutrients just fine! Remember to eat, have animal crackers on you to munch on. Congratulations on your baby! I'm sure you are doing fine!
Good Luck!!
2007-02-07 08:37:54
answer #8
answered by Lisa P 2
Those changes are normal for the first few months of pregnacy. Dont worry about it, it will not harm your baby. You will notice alot of changes in your body, the way you think, your attitude and your patience. Be prepared to not like foods after your pregnacy that you liked before. Your body will ache when you get further along. Your breasts will get bigger. You will be very iritable some times. Congradulations though!
2007-02-07 08:34:45
answer #9
answered by Treyes 4
well yes body goes through a lot of changes while been pregnant. in this case all i would say is take care of your self and watch your food. just dont eat junk eat everything balanced. eat healthy so your baby is healthy.
2007-02-07 08:38:39
answer #10
answered by farah2968 3