Yes, you are right in your observation of the average modern day politician, and the only profession whose members are more corrupt on average than politics is the pharmaceutical industry - they value making a profit at the expense of killing or letting die millions upon millions of Americans.
Finding a moral or ethical person in either of those professions is akin to finding a needle in a haystack.
The politicians live to gain power at any cost, and the pharmaceutical doctors, researchers, and CEOs live to gain money at any cost.
2007-02-07 08:27:42
answer #1
answered by STILL standing 5
All politicians are corrupted and do not care about what there government s once stood for .
Proof in the pudding is that we have never heard one politician relate publicly , the truth about UFO s , nor have we seen anyone step up to the plate and challenge changing the way soiety works with our money transfer system.
Untill you see this happen, there will be no uncorrupted politician.
If I were Prime Minister of the country I live in here, in Canada, I would dig into the Ufo mystery and reveal it to the public world wide. Then also, reveal all other Truths. How voting polls for elections are rigged all the time.
no fear.
yet the problem is....i got no education, so i doubt i d ever be elected even to run for a small office.
2007-02-07 07:38:45
answer #2
answered by Aaron M 2
For the most part, yes you are right. Most politicians are only interested in maintaining power not what is best for the country.
2007-02-07 07:28:47
answer #3
answered by meathookcook 6
Yes most are!
This waffling on issues that you see in both party politicians are publicly motivated to appease the citizens they want to vote for them.
2007-02-07 07:31:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
not all when they are elected but ten mintues after taking office they sure do change!
2007-02-07 07:31:04
answer #5
answered by paulisfree2004 6
Not like they used to be. Usually they are caught nowadays.
2007-02-07 07:28:38
answer #6
answered by Beachman 5
only the liberals ones are.
2007-02-07 07:27:43
answer #7
answered by Anonymous