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I want an I-Pod that is affordable but still looks good. I don't want the really big one. And I want one with a screen on it. Please help!!

2007-02-07 07:12:20 · 4 answers · asked by beautifully_scarred 2 in Consumer Electronics Music & Music Players

4 answers

I'd go with this:


We bought one for my son for Christmas, and it's great. He had an Ipod, and it didn't last long. From what I've heard, Ipods are overpriced, you're paying for the name.

2007-02-07 07:19:31 · answer #1 · answered by aj1964 3 · 0 0

Based on your needs, you're better off going for the Nano. The 2nd generation ones that were recently introduced are priced about $50 lower per storage space versus the 1st gen. An example would be my 2gb (1st gen) wen tfor $200. Now, you can get the 4gb (2nd gen) for $200, rather than $250.00. Great color selection, perfect size if you want a small one. The 4gb would be a decent one, but depending on how much music you have/plan on having, you may want to go to 8gb (or down to 2gb if you're not planning on using it too much). Hope this helps!

2007-02-07 15:21:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

u could get a refurbished ipod mini, there not as small as the nanos, and not brand new, but they look it, and are also less expensive and hold more songs

2007-02-07 15:20:02 · answer #3 · answered by amber 3 · 0 0

ipod nano 2g 149.99 at best buy

2007-02-07 15:28:44 · answer #4 · answered by chikis 6 · 0 0

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