The 1st Generation
The tube-based mainframe computers
1939 Dr. John V. Atanasoff and his assistant Clifford Berry build the first electronic digital computer. Their machine, the Atanasoff-Berry-Computer (ABC) provided the foundation for the advances in electronic digital computers
1941 Konrad Zuse (recently deceased in January of 1996), from Germany, introduced the first programmable computer designed to solve complex engineering equations. This machine, called the Z3, was also the first to work on the binary system instead of the decimal system.
1942 Vannevar Bush's "Rockefeller Differential Analyzer" -- a one-hundred-ton machine with 2000 vacuum tubes and 150 motors, is dedicated at MIT. Bush's Analyzer was an analog computer as opposed to today's digital computers. A thermostat is a simple analog computer. It was used to calculate ballistic trajectories during W.W.II.
British Intelligence's Colossus built at Bletchly Park by British mathematician Alan Turing. It was a large-scale electronic machine. The Colossus, a special-purpose machine developed to decode secret messages, performed the logical, as opposed to arithmetical, operations necessary to defeat the famous German code machine Enigma.
1944 Eniac (electronic numerical integrator and calculator ) was placed in operation at the Moore School. By today's standards for electronic computers the ENIAC was a grotesque monster. Its thirty separate units, plus power supply and forced-air cooling, weighed over thirty tons. Its 19,000 vacuum tubes, 1,500 relays, and hundreds of thousands of resistors, capacitors, and inductors consumed almost 200 kilowatts of electrical power. But ENIAC was the prototype from which most other modern computers evolved. Eniac was originally used for ballistics, but played a roll in the development of the atomic bomb.
Howard Aiken, in collaboration with engineers from IBM, constructed a large automatic digital sequence-controlled computer called the Harvard Mark I. This computer could handle all four arithmetic operations, and had special built-in programs for logarithms and trigonometric functions.
1945 John von Neumann wrote "First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC" in which he outlined the architecture of a stored-program computer. This report changed the direction of computer development away from punched paper tape.
September 9th, Grace Hopper (one of the creators of the COBOL programming language) recorded the first actual computer "bug" — a moth stuck between the relays and logged at 15:45 hours on the Harvard Mark II.
1947 On December 23, William Shockley, Walter Brattain, and John Bardeen successfully tested this point-contact transistor, setting off the semiconductor revolution
Bell Labs physicists Shockley, Brattain, and Bardeen create the first Germanium transistor.
1948 Remington engineers complete the Model 3, a one of a kind concept computer.
GE Electronics Laboratory in Syracuse wins an order for a USAF tube computer, named OARAC.
1951 The first UNIVAC I mainframe computer was delivered to the Census Bureau. Unlike the ENIAC, the UNIVAC processed each digit serially. But its much higher design speed permitted it to add two ten-digit numbers at a rate of almost 100,000 additions per second. Internally. It was the first mass-produced computer. The central complex of the UNIVAC was about the size of a one-car garage: 14 feet by 8 feet by 8.5 feet high. It was a walk-in computer. The vacuum tubes generated an enormous amount of heat, so a high capacity chilled water and blower air conditioning system was required to cool the unit. The complete system had 5200 vacuum tubes, weighed 29,000 pounds, and consumed 125 kilowatts of electrical power.
1952 The Remington (later SperryRand) Model 409 was delivered to the Internal Revenue Service facility in Baltimore.
MANIAC (mathematical analyzer, numerical integrator and computer) built at Los Alamos by Metropolis. It was responsible for the calculations of Mike, the first hydrogen bomb. It was followed by MANIAC II, the IBM-built STRETCH supercomputer and a series of commercial super computers that have made the Laboratory the world's largest scientific computing center
The IBM 701 Electronic Data Processing Machine announced by IBM President Thomas J. Watson, Jr. was IBM's first commercially available scientific computer and the first IBM machine in which programs were stored in an internal, addressable electronic memory. It was the first of the pioneering line of IBM 700 series mainframe computers, including the 702, 704, 705 and 709. The computer consisted of two tape units (each with two tape drives), a magnetic drum memory unit, a cathode-ray tube storage unit, an L-shaped arithmetic and control unit with an operator's panel, a card reader, a printer, a card punch and three power units. The 701 could perform more than 16,000 addition or subtraction operations a second, read 12,500 digits a second from tape, print 180 letters or numbers a second, and output 400 digits a second from punched-cards.
1953 IBM's drum memory 650 computer, announced. It sold for $200,000 to $400,000 and was a great success: more than 1800 were sold or leased.. The basic IBM 650 had 2000 words of memory and 60 words of core memory. It was the first computer on which IBM made a meaningful profit.
First IBM 701 delivered.
1955 IBM 704 announced. It was the first large-scale commercially available computer system to employ fully automatic floating point arithmetic commands. It was a large-scale, electronic digital computer used for solving complex scientific, engineering and business problems and was the first IBM machine to use FORTRAN. The 704 and the 705 were the first commercial machines with core memories.
IBM 705 announced. Developed primarily to handle business data, it could multiply numbers as large as one billion at a rate of over 400 per second. In a 1954 IBM publication, the 705 was credited with "Forty thousand or twenty thousand characters of high-speed magnetic core storage; Any one of the characters in magnetic core storage can be located or transferred in 17 millionths of a second; Any one of these characters is individually addressable."
Honeywell computer business was originated from the Datamatic Corporation, founded in Newton MA, as a joint-venture by Raytheon and Honeywell, to produce large-scale computer systems. Raytheon sells its 40% interest to Honeywell in 1957
2007-02-10 09:46:43
answer #1
answered by Mikey C 5