Wringing their hands. They are afraid to take a stand just like Hillary only stands in the direction that the wind is blowing. I wish they'd do something...
2007-02-07 06:53:51
answer #1
answered by Chi Guy 5
Not to be unkind (despite your obvious sarcasm), but the Democrats are no more of one mind about this than the American people in general. If there were one single, simple, obvious solution it would have been enacted by now. The President, his administration, and the military have been working on this for almost 4 years now; while certainly a flawed effort, it has not been nearly as incompetent or criminal as many detractors would have you believe.
Many intelligent and well-informed people are already working on the war situation. They have neither been of one opinion, nor have they come up with a successful way of addressing it. Any efforts to that end have been both obscured and complicated by the large number of persons more interested in deriving political gain from the Iraq war than actually finding a solution. It may be - in fact it is likely - that no simple or tidy solution exists; it is certain that no way of dealing with Iraq is going to satisfy everyone.
2007-02-07 15:06:33
answer #2
answered by dukefenton 7
What are you doing about it? Other than making demands...
When you're an expert on foreign policy and military strategy and Islamic issues and Global Warming (which is completely out of left field), then you can talk. The people in congress ARE experts on those subjects, so your opinions are based on an inferior understanding of the situation. You are not privy to all the intelligence reports, have probably never been to Iraq, etc, etc... And yet you are certain that congress is screwing it up?
I'm constantly amazed at the number of armchair quarterbacks in this country. Unless you are playing the game yourself, it's pretty likely that you have no clue of what's going on. Do you not trust your elected officials? You (and I) elected them... now we need to let them do their jobs and stop acting as if we know better. If we did, it would be us on capitol hill and not them.
Can you even be certain that there is a 'quagmire' in Iraq? How many Iraqi citizens have you spoken with recently? I have spoken to a few Iraqi's online, who say the situation is getting better. People who hate Bush are probably not going to be honest about that. Their goal is to undermine Bush, and I seriously wonder if they give a crap about what happens to Iraq, or if they are even paying attention to what is really happening.
We have secured American oil interests which Hussein was threatening.
We have eliminated the possibility of Iraq launching WMDs against targets in the region.
We have instituted a fledgling democracy, and the people have shown that they want that.
We have brought the enemy out from the shadows and they have to fight us in the streets now.
Iraq is still a haven for terrorists, but we have a force there to look for them, and they know we are looking for them.
Saddam Hussein is dead.
There have not been any terrorist attacks on the US since 9/11
Sounds like progress to me... it's not the instant gratification the Children of the Internet have come to expect, but it's progress... more progress than has been made in that region in hundreds of years.
2007-02-07 15:28:02
answer #3
answered by polly_peptide 5
Many in the Democrat Party are involved in this movement towards a New World Order. This is bigger than the parties. It is a movement by the powerful and wealthy to control the economy of the world!
Now the Democrats who are like minded with those in the administration are publicly denouncing Bush to further political agenda at getting to the head of the table by appeasing the publics unhappiness with the War in Iraq.
Have you been listening to Mrs. Clinton's public addresses about Iran and that she will deal with them harshly and militarily if she has to should she become President in 08?
It's all about positioning the top seat right now.....but don't be fooled they (the New World Order people) all have the same global agenda!
Economic control of the Middle East is the ultimate goal being perpetrated under the cloak of Democracy. Even at the cost of infringing on our own citizens constitutional rights with the enactment of the Patriot Act and the 2007 Defense Authorization Act! Do yourself a favor and do a search and look up what these Acts have given the president and our government to do to it's citizens!
All Americans should be enraged and condeming our officials who would imprison those of us who want to uphold our constitution! Can we allow our liberty to be negated for safety?
I don't think so!
As for global climate change.....there is way too much money made by the industries that are causing global climate change!
Even the American public as a whole don't want the inconvenience of having to address their part in it! The production of chemicals that are going into the air and depleting the ozone have been in our everyday lives and direct how we drive cars.....heat our houses.....in fact run our lives. Convenience and economic greed is the cause ......to address this many would be involved and guilty.
2007-02-07 15:01:03
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There are over 100,000 in Iraq in uniform. The Bush policy is driving the US Army away from the GOP
That's why in the last election most absentee ballots from Iraq were discarded.
Go big Red Go
2007-02-07 14:56:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Harry Reid was seen on TV whinning about not getting his bill passed as a protest to the war. So I guess they are just going to flap their lips like always and get nothing done.
2007-02-07 15:15:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yeesh.... you expect the Democrats to fix 6 years of Republican mistakes, sabotage, and destruction in less than a month?
I hate to tell you this, but it's going to take the United States about 50 years to undo all the damage the neo-con movement has done, and that's assuming everything is done right.
2007-02-07 14:54:59
answer #7
answered by leftist1234 3
The Democrats are trying to do something, but Bush insists he is the "Decider".
This quagmire sits squarely on the shoulders of the GOP and everyone who votes GOP.
2007-02-07 14:56:10
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The only thing they can do is cut off funding. Would you support cutting off the funding for the troops in Iraq?
2007-02-07 14:54:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
"The WRAITH of god"? What the hell is that?
Look, it took the Repubs many, many years to get our country in this mess; it is going to take the Dems a while to straighten it all out. And they will. It will be a long time before another Repub sits in the Oval Office. We have had enough of them.
2007-02-07 14:54:52
answer #10
answered by Anonymous