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A 350 pound chick ( Im like one and a half of her) How would I win? I mean I can fight good, but shes tall AND fat and she could kill me by sitting on me! Shes waiting til Im 18, and Im almost there, but how should I bring her down and humiliate her....w/o using anything that would get me put away? Oh, and talking wont solve anything. She'd prolly just growl at me...and yes I said growl. Has anyone fought a HUGE person before? Her arms are like the size of someones thigh!( And Im not talking about muscle, its all jello! :/)what should I do? Seriouly?

2007-02-07 04:44:45 · 21 answers · asked by Trisha 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

OK...lol...NO Im NOT 525 I said one and a half OF her...not one and a half her. You peeps know what I mean! LOL, Im smaller...

2007-02-07 07:48:38 · update #1

21 answers

Guess what? If you are involved in a violent act, whether you actually start it or not, you can wind up spending a good deal of time in jail. And, if the other girl gets hurt and you don't, you will no longer be looking at the county lockup. You'll be doing time in the State Penn. While the folks up at state are looking forward to a fiendish evening of delight with a pretty little thing like yourself, you might want to consider what will happen to your life after prison...assuming you survive the beatings and the rape. You will have a record and most employers will NOT hire you. Most decent people will NOT want to rent you an apartment. And most colleges will NEITHER admit you to classes NOR help you gain financial assistance for school.

Contact your local authorities. If the girl has been threatening you, then have them send an officer to talk to her. If that doesn't scare her into shutting up, then go to the court and take out a restraining order against her. If she comes within a hundred feet of you, she can be arrested.

If you are anything like the person you probably think you are, then you surely have much better things to do than to be rolling around in the street with some trollop like common trash.

2007-02-07 05:02:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Hola, that reminds me of a fight I got into a few years back, I was like only 17 and this woman, yes I said woman, who was at least 200 or more pounds and was like 30 years old. She and a couple of other girls were trying to jump my sister, who by the way is smaller than me and them.

So anyway's, I was walking and I heard shouting, and I saw my sister on the ground with this huge woman on top of her. I ran as fast I could, and grabbed her hair and kneed her right in the face, she went down like a sack of potatoes, and my sister got up and took on this other girl who was about the same size as her. And I went for this big girl, I had her down, and started kicking her, then it go broken up, by these dumb asses pulling me away. Then it was over. She didnt' bother us again.

Let me tell you, it's a great feeling when you can overcome things that are bigger than you. Weak spots are the boobs and face. Good luck.

2007-02-07 12:52:37 · answer #2 · answered by Janine 3 · 0 1

An extremely fat person can't fight. They are big, they are scary, but they have no breath, and they generally can't throw a hard punch. God help you though, if they grab ahold of you, cause generally then it is over.

Basically what you want to do is stay out of their "range" and not let them grab up on you. Let the fight drag on long as possible. With fighting extremely fat person time is on your side. The longer the fight goes on the more chance you have to win. When they finally get a bit winded (Which wont take long). Punch them in the face, back up, let them come at you, stay out of the way. And keep doing it.

Remember, fat fighters are wimps until they get ahold of you. Otherwise, its cake.

2007-02-07 12:49:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

This is an awful thing to have to go thru, and if possible dont actually get into the fight.
But if you must it is best to be in an open area and concentrate on defensive moving to out range your opponent, with side movement. Larger individuals have a harder time turning than others, but do not let them get ahold of you.
Keep them off balance and when closing try to take them off their feet. Be patient , use distance, time and balance.
And dress for the occasion ( jeans,sneakers).

2007-02-07 13:11:11 · answer #4 · answered by OpnfireDesign 1 · 0 2

A very fast as hard as you can punch dead center of her nose she will go down then grab her by the hair pull her head back and jam your thumb in her eye as to feel her brain she may lose an eye but there are no rules in love and war don't forget when the cops come you were scared for your life and felt that she was going to kill you and you were jest defending yourself its called justifiable assault

2007-02-07 12:55:05 · answer #5 · answered by delmonticoman 5 · 0 1

Well, anything you use against her is considered 'assault' however if you let her take the first swing and MISS then it's self defense. Just make sure when this occurs some strategically placed items are nearby, i.e. pepper spray or *similar*. You'll need to take out her powerbase, her legs take out an ankle, a knee and then she's all yours.

2007-02-07 12:49:18 · answer #6 · answered by InnerSymbiance 3 · 0 1


Usually, an obese person is unable to wage a battle of movement...you are lighter and faster, so you should use those things to your advantage. It would be imperative for you to stay on your feet, and strike her as openings become available to you. Make her chase you around...as she tires (with all that weight, she will eventually tire) you will find more opportunities to strike areas which may end the engagement.

DO NOT fight HER fight...which is one involving her strengths. Avoid tests of strength, where she could use her lard to her advantage...no wrestling, no sitting still trading punches, where again, she has lard on her to protect her to some degree.

Best to get your strategy together and practice. If you know folks that truly know how to fight, best to get their advice as well.

Good Luck!

PS...Oh Yeah...it hurts women to get kicked between the legs as much as men...strikes to the breasts score well also...

2007-02-07 12:53:06 · answer #7 · answered by Wolfsburgh 6 · 0 2

Well, i never fought a fat chick before but i have fought someone taller than me. what i did was brought them down to my size and i am short. i punched him in the stomach hard as ever but all her fat might protect her. then when he bent down i punched him in his chin but you gotta be careful because you can break someones jawbone like that and get their mouth wired shut.

2007-02-07 12:53:50 · answer #8 · answered by Jay Blacksheep 2 · 0 1

If you don't want to use any obstacle as a equalizer (Allis far in love and war) You have yo be quick and hit them where it hurts obviously you are female and you should know where a female hurts most hitting squeezing etc.

2007-02-07 12:50:53 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Move around fast and strike at her (or do a "rope a dope" like Muhammed Ali) - don't let it turn into wrestling. She'll probably tire out soon if you can keep her moving, then you can finish her off.

Seriously, though, I would avoid all of this.

2007-02-07 12:47:52 · answer #10 · answered by Joseph C 5 · 0 2

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