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6 answers

Slave -- No rights, no chance of being free. You are property for life.

Indentured -- You are only obligated to work for the person for a specified period of time. After that, you are free.

Apprentice -- You work underneath someone to lean a trade/skill. Eventually, you work your way up the ranks.

2007-02-07 04:42:11 · answer #1 · answered by Marcus S 3 · 1 0

A slave is destined to be in bondage for life. Their children and children's children will be slaves. Slaves are property owned by another human being to do with them as they would chattel.
Indentured Servitude is a state of working for very little pay. You work the land for the owner, in return, you get a place to live. But you must sell your crops for extremely cheap and pay the owner for supplies. You are economically trapped. You could never make enough to support your family. You can earn your leave by resolving a debt or finding other more profitable means elsewhere. You are free to go if you have the financial means.
An apprentice, is learning a craft under the guidance of a master. They work for free and will leave once they are ready to take over the business or start their own.

2007-02-07 13:22:42 · answer #2 · answered by Their Guardian Angel 2 · 0 0

A slave is an unpaid worker doing chores and tasks sometimes in harsh conditions. An indentured servant is someone who is hired out to someone else for seven years or so. An apprentice is like an intern; they're working in an environment to learn a trade.

2007-02-07 12:56:47 · answer #3 · answered by chrstnwrtr 7 · 0 0

A slave was bound to serve as the PROPERTY of another person. Bought, and owned. A slave lived and died at the whim of his master, being owned until death.
An indentured servant voluntarily entered into a contract, for a specified period of time. They received room and board from thier employer, and at the end of their contract money, or a parcel of land.
An apprentice was bound by legal agreement to work for another for a specific amount of time in return for instruction in a trade, art, or business. Often they recieved room and board form the "master" and a small sum of currency to use as they pleased.

2007-02-07 12:44:18 · answer #4 · answered by aidan402 6 · 1 0

The big differences are the reasons, the races, sexual relations, what became of the children and the terms of service.

A master owned a slave. Masters bought them to provide cheap labor. Slaves had no choice in the arrangement. The slave was usually a slave until death. In the southern USA, the masters had sex with the female slaves more often than you read about in the history books. The phrase "treat with special kindness" crops up in most slave owner's wills, when the owners pass their slaves on to their children. (I give my son William my ***** boy Moses, and admonish him to treat him with special kindness") It means "He's your half-brother", so don't sell him down the river". It happened enough and was obvious enough (A slave women with two black children and one who is the color of cafe au lait sticks out) that the southerners must have turned a blind eye to it. The relation ranged from outright rape to what we would call employee sexual harassment today. Children of slaves, even the half-white ones, were slaves. Slaves in the USA were African or African-American. Masters were white or Cherokee.

Indentured servants had a specific term of service, usually 5 - 7 years. They became IS's to work off a loan or a payment. For instance, a rich man would pay for a young man's passage to the USA, and he would work his farm / wagon shop /smithy for him for 5 - 7 years to pay it off. If they had a wife, she would cook, clean, mend and help the master's wife for the same time period. Masters didn't have sex with the indentured servants very often, and it was frowned upon in society. Children of IS's were free. Most IS's were the same race, religion and nationality as their masters.

Apprentices worked for a master until they were journeymen, again, usually, for a set number of years. They provided cheap help with the boring parts of the job (sanding a cabinet for a cabinet maker, for instance) and the master taught them his trade. Young people became apprentices to learn a trade. Most apprentices were the same race as their master and may have come from his village. Children of apprentices were few, because apprentices were usually too young to marry or have sex. if there were any, the children would be free. Almost all apprentices were young men, almost all masters were adult men. (Dress-makers, hat makers and their apprentices were both female.) I suspect at least one master had sex with one apprentice at last once in the last 500 years, but it was HIGHLY frowned upon and very rare.

2007-02-07 13:06:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

an indentured servant had something payed for by someone, and now they work off thier debt for 5-7 years, and then go free with some money and land. a slave go no pay, no land, and were treated very badly and made ot do everything. an aprentice works with someone to learn their trade and get a job, but they have to pay to be an aprentice to someone.

2007-02-07 13:55:35 · answer #6 · answered by reading rules! 4 · 0 0

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