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is there a way to get hotspringwater to castletown whe the bridge is broke

2007-02-07 04:15:18 · 2 answers · asked by jqntaylor 2 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

2 answers

Yes. Talk to the Goron elder in Kakariko village. He may be there only at night - but I'm not sure (played through that a few weeks ago). He will tell you that his son - the goron sitting by the broken bridge - is feeling down and could use some hot spring water. He then gives you a barrel full of it, and you have to run across the field north of Kakariko to deliver it, dodging bad guys all the way. If they hit you, they break the barrel and you have to go back and start all over. I found that the best route was to the right, along the edge. I avoided most of the monsters that way. After this, the hot springwater shop opens in castle town. Separately, go to the store in Kakariko after you complete the hot water delivery. There's a guy there collecting money - you can pay to have the bridge rebuilt.

Update: The second responder is correct. I have the tasks out of order. Pay to have the bridge rebuilt first, then run the barrel of water to the goron.

BTW - I had the 600-rupee purse, and didn't have to spend much time gathering rupees to pay the guy. The game is chock full of rupees. Usually I'm maxed out at 600.

2007-02-07 04:18:30 · answer #1 · answered by Steven D 5 · 1 1

No, you have to pay the Kooky Old Goron in the Kakariko store 1000 rupees to fix the bridge first. Once the bridge is paid for, you can run the barrel of water over there. (Gamecube version)

Really it's a lot easier if you collect all the insects first; you get the giant purse which cuts down on trips.

2007-02-07 12:24:53 · answer #2 · answered by n0witrytobeamused 6 · 2 0

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