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answers to part 1 ranged from the reasonable to the ridiculous so lets address the key points still missed, why does the president and the neocons lump all arabs into radical evildoer terrorists which is why we are in the wrong war ? why is it ok to inherit money stolen off the backs of slaves, when economic justice is the fairest and quickest way to have closure. why would anyone still defend someone that has been a loser at everything except his narcotic hazed rants on how he thinks things should be. Rush is hardly ever right but he's always white. Contrary to his opinion white conservative rich men are often wrong

2007-02-07 03:53:26 · 19 answers · asked by doc_of_three 2 in Politics & Government Politics

19 answers

hmm... lets see, you didn't like the answers because they didn't AGREE with your bipartisan thinking, am i right? So because you got a bunch of answers that countered yours, you felt the need to post the damned question again? Are you expecting different results? Are you a fool? wait, dont answer that last one. I already know the answer to that.

2007-02-07 03:58:20 · answer #1 · answered by dreamoutloud2 3 · 6 0

Neither the President or most conservatives think all Arabs are terrorists. That's your first fabrication.

We are not in a "wrong" war. That's the second fabrication.

There is no concept of any worth called "economic justice". That's just a soft-soap euphemism for "Marxist class warfare re-distribution of wealth by idiots." This is typically a precursor to poverty and oppression, like in Zimbabwe.

I'm not sure what your personal hatchet-job attack on Rush is all about, or what that has to do with the rest of your incoherent rant.

2007-02-07 04:08:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Sigh.. ... Sigh again. . . . . . .. still sighing.... . . . . . .
.. . ...
.. . . Lump all Arabs into radical evildoer terrorists ?

Never seen anybody do that . Perhaps it's your sensitivity to the subject .

Radical Islam makes up approx. 10-15% of Muslims . It is estimated, that approx. 40% sympathize the Radical Islamist cause . But let's go back to the 10-15% . That means there are over 100 MILLION terrorists . And God forbid that 40% actually sympathize their cause . How can you try to appear reasonable when you are not aware enough of what really exists ? Watch 'Radical Islam - In Their Own Words'.. . .. . then come back and try to tell us it's an ECONOMIC problem .

2007-02-07 04:04:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Fine, I'll go AGAIN, and maybe, just maybe, a miracle will occur and you'll get this through your thick skull:
1. Neither President Bush NOR his supporters NOR the "neocons" NOR ANY conservative believes that all Arabs are terrorists.
2. I don't know ANY conservative that has inherited money off the backs of slaves. My dad's side of the family had slaves way back in the day, and they lost EVERYTHING. We HAVE no money, other than what my dad worked his butt off for and literally killed himself to give to us! He worked WAY past when he should have, and it shortened his life considerably.
3. There is more to President Bush than a few failures. Who cares? He's done the best he could, and better than most would have been able to do.
4. Why do you KEEP bringing up Rush? Are you obsessed with him? You seem to care more about him than just about any conservative I know.

2007-02-07 04:02:27 · answer #4 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 5 1

"Why is it ok to inherit money stolen off the backs of slaves"
Are you seriously trying to insinuate that not one single lefty in this country inherited any of this money? Don't be a dumbass.

Blind partisanship just makes you look really stupid.

Economic justice? Ante up, honey. Do you honestly think a little guilt money is going to make up for the injustices of slavery? I think that is a really condescending attitude. You can't buy your way out of everything.

And why do you guys *care* what Rush says? I have learned more about Rush from you liberals than any conservative. I can't even think of anyone I know who listens regularly.

I really think liberals are the most miserable people around. Are you guys *ever* happy??

2007-02-07 04:40:00 · answer #5 · answered by Lola 2 · 2 0

this person to me sounds racist to me. I have never once heard the president say that all arabs are terrorist...my opinion is that there are extremeist in all groups of ppl. it just happened that those who killed 3000 men, women and children on 9-11 happend to be arabs. I know ppl who are muslim, and they are peace loving, and love this country. They were very ashamed and scared to death when bin laden attacked us on 9-11. But Bush never said that all arabs are terrorist.....you siad that......Who inherited money from the slaves? I didn't get any money from slaves, plz explain this one! Let see I have not listened to Rush since back in the clinton days....and the reason that you do not like him could be that.....he does his research, and he backs everthing up with facts.....and if he believes in something, and believes it is wrong or right.....he has the right to do so.....it is a free country. and to end......all politicians lie.....they will lie straight to your face......and get this.......left wing liberal rich democrats are more often wrong as well. you democrats seem to believe that your party is all for the underprivledged......nope.....they raise your taxes....this means it they take more of you hard earned dollars out of your pocket, that you need to raise your own family. There are now more democrats that have been born into wealth and inherited wealth......they don't care aobut the working men and women. Get real ppl. The democrats love ppl like you because you have proven that you will believe anything that they say....and that you would just rather not research the facts, and just rather take them at their word.....now that is really ignorant, but funny though

2007-02-07 04:27:08 · answer #6 · answered by mrs_endless 5 · 2 0

Actually the president does not lump all Arabs into that category. I find it is more likely to come from the closed minded, name calling liberals that are abundant on this site.

Secondly, my family came to the US way too late to have had anything to do with slavery. Why is it ok to steal money from me to pay for the sins of your forefathers?

You either like Rush Limbaugh or you don't. Contrary to your opinion, poeple of both genders and all races are often wrong. Just because you firmly believe your opinions do not make them right. It just means you are passionate about them. I don't believe that reparations for slavery are right, but I am intelligent enough to realize that it is my opinion. Even when enough people are of the same opinion that does not make it right either, it just means there is a consensus of misguided, but like minded people.

2007-02-07 04:11:44 · answer #7 · answered by meathookcook 6 · 2 0

All Arabs are NOT terrorists. Didn't I say that last time?

"Inherit money stolen off the backs of slaves"??? Not sure what you're on about. Slavery has been illegal for quite some time now. Economic justice and giving everybody an equal opportunity is what conservatism is all about, actually.

My guess is that you don't listen to Rush. (Me either) He uses facts and makes good points. Contrary to YOUR opinion, "white conservative rich men" are often right, too.

Hope this helps, mate.

2007-02-07 03:59:23 · answer #8 · answered by theearlybirdy 4 · 7 1

And what exactly is economic justice??? Communism??? Reparations??? You sound like you think you're intelligent. Noone is lumping anything here except you and your lumping of conservatives. I wonder if Liberals like you will ever see things rationally?!? The world is not a fair place and making it fair would make things even worse. The last thing we need is more China's in this world.

2007-02-07 04:08:52 · answer #9 · answered by killapaddler 2 · 1 0

I guess what you are saying is that a black person should not inherit the right to be an American? Should we use all slave made money to deport any black person who thinks that their families were brought here against their will? Yes these questions are as ridiculous as yours. Try getting an education to make your own money. My great great grandfather was shot to death. Maybe I should sue his decendants.

2007-02-07 04:04:30 · answer #10 · answered by this_takes_awhile 3 · 2 0

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