Only one sure way to find out.
Life after death is the usual way to phrase it, or afterlife.
More a matter of faith and/or hope. Most people hope there is an afterlife but don't really believe it.
The fear of punishment in an afterlife is how the rich use their partners, the religions of the world, to prevent the poor taking back what has been taken from them by various manifestations of force. Goes along with the absurd notion that order depends on our "leaders" being wealthy. Gandhi showed that was no so, and no other like him has been allowed the press coverage they deserve.
2007-02-07 03:59:38
answer #1
answered by ? 6
...after the live?
My Soul is very much Alive, and the fact that it´s traveling presently with this body, gives me a chance to do a lot of things I like, and meet good people; some times I even can help them with something mechanical. (try to do that without hands!)
I am curious about where will I go after this vessel is over. I don´t know how to make a living without solid hands, but maybe they give me new ones over there. I am just curious and a little anxious, because in all travels you leave loved ones and rarely have the option to come back; but new grounds and new friends are also very rewarding
I never thought that Life stops; to me my Soul is allways Alive and gives Life to my temporary body.
See you over There some day,
DonYan the Survivor
...prove it? You mean...besides being the test Pilot (dieing!) I Can´t!!! But in this Life, with this body, I already have lived quite a few different Lifes when changing countries, languages, Continents, families, towns, crafts...
I feel in my Hart that I am granted only one Life: and when I leave this body (it wears out) I am granted a new one the moment I arrive "Abroad". In my Dreams, I have arrived someplace very similar to India (acording to photos and films, never been in India yet) where there are a lot of Minibuses with no roof, and loads of people all ages in them and around them, smiling. They all turn their heads to see me, and wave happyly to me, saying:
"The Mechanic is here, we have a Mechnic now!" and then I wake-up and regret leaving such lovely people so soon.
I have this silly belief that dreams train me for the one way voyage "Abroad"
So more than liking it, I accept and build my Destiny.(here and Abroad) So far it´s been real good! Some storms were impressive, though...
DonYan; enjoying the Present (gift?) will enjoy Abroad
2007-02-07 12:31:34
answer #2
answered by 0 2
Live after the the Live? That is new on me but if you think that when you die, all is gone? You are very wrong. We have energy in our bodies. You cannot destroy energy. It only takes a different form. Peace! OUT!
2007-02-07 12:02:13
answer #3
answered by sherijgriggs 6
i'm pretty sure you "go" wherever you believe that you will go when you die. for instance, hell only exists because of people that really think they have done enough wrong to go there... if you think you will come back as a carrot then... that's all folks
2007-02-07 11:57:07
answer #4
answered by Some Lady 6
Jesus died and rose again it that not proof that there is life after death? after all when we die we rise up as angels not in these bodies. our bodies are temporary.
2007-02-07 11:58:42
answer #5
answered by sasha 4
you cant prove it
2007-02-07 11:56:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous