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I filled up my dodge with diesel at a service station recently... The next morning, it was running terrible. Turns out, there was water in the diesel, and it cost me 900+ to get a new transfer pump and everything else because the water damaged the system that bad. I was wondering if there was anything that could be done as far as insurance or anything, because I know exactly where the bad fuel came from..

2007-02-07 03:14:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cars & Transportation Maintenance & Repairs

4 answers

I would file a complaint right away with the BBB and the city/county. It would be very difficult to prove that the gas station is at fault if no one else complains. You might also consider posting on a local website about the station asking if anyone else experienced the same problem in the same time period. If there are a group of you that all used the same station and had the same problem, then the balance of evidence is probably in your favor.

2007-02-07 03:23:52 · answer #1 · answered by Confused 3 · 1 0

That happened to me once in Arizona. My car was fine. I filled it up and right away it ran horribly and it did so from that point forward. In fact the car hardly make it out of the gas station lot! I attributed it to bad fuel. Then I finally took it to a service station which proceeded to rip me off a few times and the car never ran right after all of that. I wished I had known I might have had recourse so listen so some of these other people.

Keep all the receipts and then file a small claims court to get your money back! A lawyer's hourly rate is probably exorbitant and you can do it yourself in Small Claims Court.

2007-02-07 12:10:48 · answer #2 · answered by Lake Lover 6 · 0 0

1. If you're willing to fight your fight for the "principle of it" I would go back to that gas station, get a galon of fuel for proof and call a lawyer from the yellow pages.

2. Other than that, you can go to the gas station and confront the ownership about the situation.. see what develops.

3. OR.. you can pay the repairs and never go back again.

Your answer is one of the 3 above situations. Pick your poison.

2007-02-07 11:27:43 · answer #3 · answered by rob1963man 5 · 0 1

Your best allies in this situation are your reciepts....the one from the gas station,showing date,time,type of fuel,and gallons.your second one being from the dealer who repaired the vehicle.when an attorney puts the two together for the court,and all dates and times create a "time line",you've got a good chance of having them reimburse you for the repairs......

2007-02-07 11:51:08 · answer #4 · answered by 1st Responder FF/EMT 3 · 2 0

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