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its known that the universe is expanding. So wat does an expanding universe mean? Are there more matter created or are there more vacuum created in the universe as it expands

2007-02-07 02:46:39 · 10 answers · asked by sh 1 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

10 answers

Great question. What is it expanding into? I;ve wondered about this myself. We think about expansion only being possible if there is headroom to grow into. If that's true, isn't the real universe that thing we call the universe, plus all the available area to expand into?

And, what is that expansive capacity made of?

I'm not sure science has an answer. Hawking's research is the obvious place to start. He's at Cambridge.

2007-02-07 02:51:44 · answer #1 · answered by Murphy 3 · 0 0

There's more vacuum created as space expands. The total amount of matter doesn't change as the universe expands.

The mass of the universe is actually reducing slowly, because some of the matter is being "burned up" in stars, and turning into energy.

2007-02-07 10:50:26 · answer #2 · answered by Gnomon 6 · 0 0

Space itself is expanding. As it expands, the distance between galaxies gets bigger and bigger. No new matter is being created. All the matter in the Universe today was created during the Big Bang.

2007-02-07 11:38:35 · answer #3 · answered by bldudas 4 · 0 0

Depending on the average density of matter and energy in the universe, it will either keep on expanding forever or it will be gravitationally slowed down and will eventually collapse back on itself in a "Big Crunch". Currently the evidence suggests not only that there is insufficient mass/energy to cause a recollapse, but that the expansion of the universe seems to be accelerating and will accelerate for eternity . Other ideas of the fate of our universe include the Big Rip, the Big Freeze, and Heat death of the universe theory.

2007-02-07 10:51:11 · answer #4 · answered by Malcolm Knoxville 2 · 0 0

We are not sure if the universe will expand forever or will it eventually start to contract. The best definition of an expanding universe is to use the laws of thermodynamics. which states that entropy is increasing, or simply put that the energy in the universe is increasing.

2007-02-07 10:53:20 · answer #5 · answered by The exclamation mark 6 · 0 0

It means that the distance between any two objects when taken on a large scale to discount local gravity effects is increasing. It also means that any radiation that is in transit in the universe is increasing in wavelength. There's no matter created out of nothing.

2007-02-07 10:53:31 · answer #6 · answered by Gene 7 · 0 0

it means that the dimensions themselves are expanding, this is a hard concept, things in existance aren't expanding existance its self is expanding, a consequence of this is that the galaxy clusters are getting farther apart

2007-02-07 15:18:47 · answer #7 · answered by supremecritic 4 · 0 0

bert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, which established the relationship between matter, space, time and gravity, governs modern cosmology's view of the universe. But when Einstein began to apply his theory to the structure of the universe, he was dismayed to find that it predicted either an expanding or contracting universe--something entirely incompatible with the prevailing notion of a static universe. In what he would later call "the greatest blunder of my life," Einstein added a term called the cosmological constant to his equations that would make his calculations consistent with a static universe.

Einstein admitted his mistake in 1929 when Edwin Hubble showed that distant galaxies were, indeed, receding from the earth, and the further away they were,the faster they were moving. That discovery changed cosmology.

Enter Hubble's Law.
The familiar sound of a train whistle as it recedes into the distance is a consequence of the Doppler Effect. As the train moves away from the listener, the crests of the sound waves are stretched out or shifted, resulting in a lower pitch. The faster the train recedes, the more stretched out the waves become. The same holds true for any wave-emitting object--whether they be sound waves, light waves, or radio waves. Conversely, the wavelength of objects that are moving toward us are shorter than those emitted by an object at rest.
Atoms emit or absorb light in characteristic wavelengths: hydrogen, helium, and all the other atomic elements have their own spectrum signatures. In the early part of this century, Vesto Slipher was studying the spectra of light emitted from nearby galaxies. He noticed that the light coming from many galaxies was shifted toward the red, or longer wavelength, end of the spectrum. The simplest interpretation of this "redshift" was that the galaxies were moving away from us.

Hubbles's Law

Hubble, who had been the first to establish that the universe included many other galaxies outside of our own, noticed something else: the galaxies were receding from us at a velocity proportional to their distance. The more distant the galaxy, the greater its redshift, and therefore the higher the velocity, a relation known as Hubble's Law.
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The velocity v could be determined by multiplying the distance R by H, the Hubble constant, given by the slope of the line in the above graph, in units of kilometers per second per million light years. The Hubble constant describes the universe's rate of expansion.

The apparent linearity of Hubble's Law implies that the universe is uniformly expanding. What does that actually mean?

For one thing, it means that no matter which galaxy we happen to be in, virtually all of the other galaxies are moving away from us (the exceptions are at the local level: gravitational attraction pulls neighboring galaxies, such as Andromeda and the Milky Way, closer together). In other words, it's not as though we here on earth are at the center of the universe and everything else is receding from us. The universe has no "edge" as such.

Cosmic Expansion

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It also means that the galaxies are not moving away through space, they are moving away with space, as space itself expands. Think of a loaf of unbaked raisin bread you've set in a warm place to rise. The raisins are like galaxies or clusters of galaxies, and the dough, space. As the dough rises, the raisins move farther apart, but they've moved with the dough, not through the dough.

How old is the universe?
Determining the Hubble Constant is something of a Holy Grail for cosmologists, because it holds the key to the age of the universe. Imagine running a film of cosmic expansion backwards to the Big Bang--in
other words, a contracting universe instead of an expanding universe. Because the Hubble Constant is a measure of how much space is expanding in units of distance per second, it's possible to estimate how long it would take, rolling the movie backwards, for the most distant galaxies to collide with each other and finally collapse in the Big Bang.

Unfortunately, it's not so easy to determine the Hubble Constant. While cosmologists have mastered the trick of determining a galaxy's redshift, and therefore its velocity, determining the distance to far-off objects is quite another matter. We don't have any yardsticks that long.

Instead, cosmologists use standard candles, bright beacons that serve as reference points. One kind of standard candle are the Cepheid variables (the North Star is one), so called because they blink at a rate that is precisely related to their brightness. Because the brightness of individual stars is proportional to their distance from us, cosmologists compare nearby Cepheids (to which we know the precise distance) to those farther away. A Cepheid that is four times fainter than a nearby Cepheid is estimated to be twice as far away. Cosmologists use an entire ladder of distance indicators that are calibrated using the lower (nearest) rungs.

Until just recently, most estimates of the Hubble Constant have hovered around 50, which implies that the universe is about 20 billion years old. However, this provides only an upper limit to the age of the universe, and is based on the present rate of expansion, as observed by the recession of distant galaxies. It's likely that this rate was greater in earlier epochs of cosmic evolution. As galaxies tugged at each other through their gravitation, the expansion slowed down.

2007-02-07 10:52:45 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

we used to believe the earth was flat , how much have we learnt since then to make educated guesses again as to what is what when we cant see what is what .... use your imagination and surprise yourself as to what is too far to conceive , everybody else does and most people really did believe the earth was flat so use your imagination and surprise yourself , you may have a better idea than top scientists

2007-02-07 10:55:03 · answer #9 · answered by insenergy 5 · 0 0

It only means that the galaxies are moving farther and farther away from each other. When you blow balloon, it becomes bigger and bigger, but nothing new is created.

2007-02-07 10:54:00 · answer #10 · answered by ben c 2 · 0 0

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