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9 answers

I thinke that the Importance of Assertiveness is in the expressing your thoughts, feelings, and opinions and standing up for your rights is important. You are your first and biggest supporter, so it's important that you speak up for yourself.

Whether your behavior is unassertive (passive) or overassertive (aggressive), it is possible to change. But it is also important to understand the difference between expressing yourself in a self-confident manner (being assertive) and forcing your ideas on others and intimidating them (being aggressive).

This course is intended to help you express yourself in a way that will earn people's respect without alienating or hurting them.

Stand strong!

2007-02-06 22:17:57 · answer #1 · answered by Daniel 2 · 2 1

Take for example you and another driver get to the stop sign at the same time.....being assertive means either waving the other person forward or pulling out (often dangerously). Assertiveness means taking charge when there is no one in authority to fill that role. It is a good quality for managers and supervisors, but not so good if you are a technician/ operator, since no one likes to here a mouthful from someone they are working with, etc. you hear about that person at work that always has an opinion.....

You should always be assertive to help other people, either at a grocery store and helping people get a cart, or while waiting in line and while listening to people complain, tell a joke or story to help them pass the time.

Assertiveness comes natural for some people, while others might tend to let things go as they are, and always will be, and hum dee dum, nothing ever happens with them. Keep your assertiveness under control and it is a very powerful tool for influencing people, but let it get the best of you, and you could turn out to be the worst bully on the block.....

2007-02-07 06:21:02 · answer #2 · answered by kaliroadrager 5 · 0 1

When your out drinkin with a few a d lads and the night is starting to come to an end. Your half pissed and by now almost all the women are gone except the odd few mingers that smile and dance around you nearly humping your leg then you smile back and jester your going for a drink, beside you is one of your friends whos so pissed he's leaning against the wall to support himself. You scan the dance floor looking for the last decent women you try the women you've tryed earlier on in the nite again and retreat to the bar. Then you spot a butherface( fit but her face) whos dancing beside 2 d.u.f.f's(designated ugly fat friend) which makes her seem that much nicer, plus the 8 pints of bud, the 4 double vodkas and redbull and 5 shots of tequilla has slightly blurred your vision. You stare at her til she glances your way! There it is! you wink and she smiles back, looks away and continues to dance. This is it! your last chance to get some if you dont act now she'l move on! you order another tequilla to boost your confidense just that little bit more! barman comes you grab it from him with one hand just as it touches the counter and with the other the money is slapped onto the table your not sure how much is there but you dont care! you down the drink and slap the glass on the table, all the time staring at her. You notice this path opens up to where she is dancing so you make the move do a little big fish little fish cardborad box throw in a little bit of justin timberlakes moves and your there. the first thing to do is seperate her from her friends as they will just ruin everything so it has to be done fast and without them knowning and you only have one shot at this. So you swoop in rap your arms around her and dance with her she'l be too busy doing her jlo or beyonce dance moves to notice your shimying her away from her friends. Thats it you go her to a safe distance now dont waste any time and smack the gob on her! if you stay dancing with her she'l just say she has a boyfriend and go away! bring her outside and give her a seeing to!
and thats what being assertive is.......

2007-02-07 06:57:34 · answer #3 · answered by Fukdupmind 2 · 0 2

Lets get this straight. Are you talking about assertiveness or confidence?

Assertive behavior is for those who lack confidence in most cases. Those that are naturally assertive will have confidence already.

Is there an appropriate time to act assertively? I don't know that one!

2007-02-07 06:19:30 · answer #4 · answered by David W 4 · 0 1

Assertive in the literal sense means that a person is able not only to speak his/her mind out but also make others understand the same in a bit forceful manner i.e.he can make people understand actually what he /she wants or means in very clear terms or can put things across to them in a very plain manner so that later on, no ifs and buts arise out of the same topic about which he/she has already put their views across.

As regards why one should be assertive,well,everyone has his/her way of thinking depending upon their upbringing,their backgrounds,their society,the people with whom they relate to in their day to day life etc so depending upon such factors ones views maybe different regarding the same issue for e.g. for u studies maybe an intergral part of every child's life but for a child who does not get two square meals daily your view might be ...........................so in order to make that child understand your view you have to be assertive and will have to talk straight with him so that your point gets through to him/her.So by being assertive u put your views across making the other person believe that what u are saying is right and also u believe in them as strongly as u would the other person to believe in them.

Now as to when one should be assertive:
when u feel that by not speaking your mind out u will hurt your self respect,
when u think others are unnecessary repressing u,
when u know about something for sure and believe it to be true etc.
But mind u please don't mix assertiveness with rebeliousness or confrontation.

All in all assertiveness is a courteous way of putting things, in which u believe across, so that u may hit your point straight to the target.

2007-02-07 07:34:05 · answer #5 · answered by krish 1 · 0 1

Being assertive means to deal with things as they occur, rather than letting them build up. For instance if someone does something you don't like, then tell them, but do not be rude. Just make it clear that you are not willing to put up with their behaviour. Please do not mistake assertiveness for aggression.

2007-02-07 06:20:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Refer to Daniel,brilliant answer and spot on.

2007-02-07 06:22:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

So you can look yourself in the eye when you look in the mirror.

2007-02-07 06:12:37 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

to get what you want

2007-02-07 06:58:42 · answer #9 · answered by wilma m 6 · 0 1

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