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The song is called "WOR NANNY'S A MAIZOR" and my Nana used to sing it when i was a child, I've found albums with the song on but i really just want the lyrics, any help greatly appreciated. I seem to remember it says something about "we lost the train"

2007-02-06 21:45:11 · 2 answers · asked by abtllmt 2 in Entertainment & Music Music

2 answers

Wor Nan an' me myaid up wor minds te gan an' catch the train
For te gan te th' toon te buy some claes for wor little Billy and Jane
But when we got to Rowlinsgill the mornin' train wis gone
An thor wis ne mair to gan' that way till fifteen minutes te one
So aa ses te wor Nan "Its a lang way te gan."
Aa saw biv hor fyece she wes vext
But aa ses "Nivor mind we ha' plenty o'time,
We'll stop an' we'll gan in wi' the next."
She gi' a bit smile wen Aa spoke up an said:
"Theor's a public hoose alang here,
We'll gan along there and ha' worsels warmed
An' a glass o' the best bittor beer.
Nan wes see stoot Aa knew she cuddint waak
An she didn't seem willin' te try.
Wen Aa think o'the trouble Aa had wiv hor that day,
If Aa liked Aa could borst oot an' cry.


Ay but wor Nanny's a mazer an' a mazer she'll remain
An' as lang as Aa live Aa winnet forget the day thit we lost the train.

So doon we went te the public hoose, an when we gat te the door
She sez "We'll gan te the parlor end for Aa've niver been in before."
So in we went an tuek wor seats, an' before Aa rung th' bell
Aa axed hor what she was gan' te drink,
"Wey," she says " The Shyem as thi'sel".
So Aa caalled for two gills of the best bittor beer
She paid for them when they come in.
An eftor she'd swallied three-parts of hor gill
She said, "Bob, man, Aa wad raithor ha' gin."
So Aa caalled for a glass o' the best Holan's gin
An' she gobbilled it up the forst try
Sez Aa to wor Nan "Thoo is as gud as a man
She sez "Bob man Aa felt very dry".
So Aa caalled for another, an' that went the shyem way
Aa sez "That'll settle thee thorst,"
She sez, "Aa've hed two an' Aa's nee betta noo
Than Aa wes when I swallied th' forst."


Ay but wor Nanny's a mazer an' a mazer she'll remain
An' as lang as Aa live Aa winnet forget the day thit we lost the train.

She sat an' drank ti' she got tight, she sez "Man, Aa feel varry queea."
"Wey," Aa sez, "Thoo's had nine glasses o' gin te me three gill's o' beer."
She lows'd hor hat an' then hor shawl an' tossed them on the floor
Aa thowt she wes gannin rang in hor mind, so Aa sat mesel close te' th' door
She sez, "Give is order, Aa'll sing a bit sang,"
Aa thowt she wes jokin' for Aa'd nivor heered
Wor Nanny sing ony afore
She gave us a touch o' "The Row i' tha' Guttor"
She pleesed iv'ry one that wis there
Thar wes neebody in but wor Nanny an' me
An' Aa laft te me me belly wis sair!
She tried te stand up for te sing "Th' Cat Pie"
But she feel doon an myed such a clattor
She smashed fower chairs, an' the landlord come in
An' he sez "What the deuce is the matter?"


Ay but wor Nanny's a mazer an' a mazer she'll remain
An' as lang as Aa live Aa winnet forget the day thit we lost the train.

The landlord sez "Is this yor wife, an where de ye belang?"
Aa sez "It is, an' she's teun a fit wi tryen' te sing a bit sang."
He flung his airms aroond hor waist, and trailed hor across the floor,
An Nan, poor sowl, (like a dorty hoose cat) was tummilt ootside the door.
There she wes lyen, both groanen' an cryen'
Te claim hor Aa reely thowt shyem;
Aa tried te lift hor, but Aa cudden't shift hor
An' wished Aa had Nanny at hyem.
The paper man said he wad give hor a ride
So we lifted hor inte the trap:
She wes that tight she cuddn't sit up
So we fasten'd hor doon wiv a strap
She cuddn't sit up, an' she waddn't lie doon
An' she kicked till she broke the convains
She lost a new basket, hor hat an hor shawl
That mornen, throo lossen the trains.


Ay but wor Nanny's a mazer an' a mazer she'll remain
An' as lang as Aa live Aa winnet forget the day thit we lost the train.

2007-02-06 21:48:59 · answer #1 · answered by dumberthangeorgebush 5 · 2 0

do a Google search for the lyrics

2007-02-06 21:48:51 · answer #2 · answered by ~Tinker~Bell~ 2 · 0 0

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