How old are you?...the reason I'm asking is that if you are very young then maybe you haven't found your calling yet...hang in more...get out there and try new things...put yourself into uncomfortable situations and laugh at your own expense if things don't go your way...see the humility in things and look at the lighter will find life a lot more intriguing and fun...keep your head up...
2007-02-06 18:17:35
answer #1
answered by Gavinsanity 1
Hi Abby,
I read your other questions because i was concerned about you. You are reaching out which is great. The fact that you have joined yahoo answers and have put it out there that you are depressed and that life doesnt mean anything is really good. It is a step showing that you want to live, that you want help.
Now I dont know much about you, or what you do, or what age you are or where you live. But I do know that you definately have some talent, you definately have some interests, you definately have something that you are good at, you definately have some good qualities.
It is time to make a decision. To live or not to live. I believe you have already made this decision - TO LIVE.
The next thing to do is to start back on track to enjoying your life.
* Pray to God every day for strength and wisdom to get through
* Write down some good things about yourself
* Talk to someone - a counsellor, a friend, a reverend/ pastor/
* Exercise is fantastic for depression
* Write a journal (not for the bad or negative stuff) but for 3 things that you can be thankful or grateful for every day
* Think back to a time most recent when you felt a bit better. Now what was it that helped you to feel that way? As long as it is not bad for you, against the law or addictive then do that again. Eg watching the sunset, or having a 10 hour sleep, or going to the gym.
* Try helping someone else if you can. It really helps combat depression
* Join a church or community group where you can build relationships and feel a sense of belonging and support
* Are you angry about anything? Life, someone hurt you or just angry at yourself? Try to forgive and you will feel so much better. You will be released from a lot of bitterness or resentment. (Depression is often anger turned inward.)
But remember - you are loved. God made you for a reason. You are on this earth for a reason and you have to find that reason and start moving towards it. Hang on to anything you can that you think of that you enjoy or are good at - and you can excel in that.
Us humans are capable of so much more than we think. Decide to be a success story and I guarantee that if you follow my above suggestions life will start to mean a lot more to you.
Best wishes my friend. Search your soul and be nice to yourself!
Hugs :)
2007-02-07 03:46:24
answer #2
answered by Nic 5
I read your other letters and I'm not sure why you were taking medication. Is it because of a specific disorder, or because you think your life sucks.
I wonder about your friends and family. Do they support you? I don't know your history, so I am just going to give you a few suggestions.
You are only 19, it is easy to turn your life around. It may be really hard for a short time, but if you do, you will have what you really want most. What are you like physically? If you are unhappy with that, check out some books on how to change it. You said that you don't have much money? You could easily exercise without spending money. Going running, swimming, using things like monkey bars and the jungle gym at the park will get you in shape really fast and cheaply.
Friends are more difficult because it is sometimes hard to find GOOD friends. One of the best ways is to be a good listener and never judge others. Also, never tell them your problems until you are really good friends. Try to focus on their needs, not yours. You will find that they will treat you wonderfully because you are a caring friend.
Work or education is much harder. Keep looking and NEVER give up. If you want to go back to school, keep trying until you find out how it can be done. If it's work, just keep trying. Work as SMART as you can. Try to get promotions by being the best you can be at work. Keep your ears open for other companies that may be hiring. And if you feel depressed, exercise, don't eat.
And this may sound a little strange, but I thought I'd say...
Many women get lonely, just like us guys. You could buy a BOB. (Battery operated boyfriend) I don't want this to sound bad, but when I guys have nothing else we have do do things ourselves to relieve frustration, and so do women. It may help you deal with your frustration.
Good luck, Abby. And please remember, we do care. It's just some people say the wrong things when they open their mouths.
2007-02-07 02:35:00
answer #3
answered by A dad & a teacher 5
Hey Abby, many people ask this question, and it's usually at a standstill in their lives. We all want to leave this earth knowing that we've meant something to someone and that we've made a difference (however insignificant). The only way I think you can find meaning in your life is when you live your life not for yourself, but for others. And ultimately, for God. I'm not sure of your spiritual background or if you even believe, but I'm sure most people believe in a higher Being. Living a life for God will give you plenty of meaning because you're living a life of love and meaning. You'll never be lonely if you have God.
2007-02-07 02:50:03
answer #4
answered by Peter C 2
I can not give you the answer you are looking are the only one who can answer that question. This is a really big, serious question and we all [at least everyone I know] struggle with similar questions at different times of our lives.
All I can tell you need to create meaning for yourself. Like a recovering alcoholic or drug addict, you need to live each day--one day at a time. Set small goals for yourself. Teach yourself to appreciate something basic and simple, like nature--the warmth of the sun on a cold day; the sound of the rain dripping from the roof. Learn to find joy in things you see and experience being sure not focus on the same thing everyday. Start each day fresh--and find something new enjoy. Some day, you will realize that there are many things in life and the world that do mean something to you.
2007-02-07 02:41:23
answer #5
answered by Journeyer 2
no one has told you how special you are to them or the world.
or if they have you have been so caught up in yourself that you did not believe them.
voluteer to help others. life is not all about you and your problems, but more about what you have to offer to the rest of the people. note, find someone worthy to help so that you will stick with it.
2007-02-07 02:17:49
answer #6
answered by sodajerk50 4
you need someone to care for and to care for you....we all need something to care for. get a puppy, grow some flowers from seedlings. set small tasks and finish them. set big tasks and separate them into small steps. knowing that your a small cog in the force of life... and you belong in it. knowing that you occupy space in this earth for a be seeking something...that gives you purpose and always try to make someone else smile first before you can smile. peace
2007-02-07 02:21:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think it does, your just trying to get attention. Life means everything to you and you know it.
2007-02-09 00:33:28
answer #8
answered by DDR QUEEN 3
because you see it from narrow corner. or you are in hole and you don't try to get out from it. to see the beatiful life in the outside...
2007-02-07 02:22:20
answer #9
answered by julia 5