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Be as detailed and complete as possible. I am invited to a Goth themed prom (It's a charity event being thrown by my school's art department), and I wanted to know how I should dress for such an occasion. What makes "Goth" clothes, what is modern Gothic, etc.

2007-02-06 18:06:52 · 24 answers · asked by angellove21 3 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

24 answers

Well, the entire concept of gothic style has evolved over the past couple of decades, so that gives you a broad variety. If you are aiming for a more classical gothic look (since it's a prom, i imagine you'll be wearing a gown)... you want to wear a lot of deep colours. Burgundy and black of course, most people know that, but dark purples and even navy can be acceptable. The fabric is important, probably brocade, and fishnets always add to the gothy feel of an outfit. Boots with a dress, particularly those with heavy metal accents (such as big buckles) are also a good way to set off a look that makes it undeniably goth. Jewelry is also important. Gunmetal colored chains, earrings, or necklaces with ruby accents can be eerie but pretty. If you want to push the bar, wear spikes. They are expensive generally as far as I know, but pretty popular among the goth and punk culture. Hair should be teased (since I have to assume you are not goth, so your hair is not goth) to achieve a big mess of bedhead. But, not to be confused with unstyled. Ratted pigtails are always a safe option, usually bigger is better. If you have bangs, wear them straight.
Makeup is not as simple as you might think, if you actually want to look nice you don't want to just smear on black eyeliner and lipstick. Try a set of dramatic false lashes, maybe something with some glitter or bright colored lashes woven in. (I'm pretty sure you can buy them at Hot Topic this time of year.. otherwise it would be a Halloween store.) Lipstick can be a few different shades. Purple, black, burgundy, red, or find a shade fair enough to match the color of your face. By that I mean a shade closer than you would normally wear day to day, something that makes you look a bit more washed out. Choose what is most flattering to your face, obviously you wouldn't wear this every day, but why not make it look good, right?

2007-02-06 18:17:08 · answer #1 · answered by The Only 3 · 52 8

Required? No, but they do go well with the punked out version of the gothic look. But I agree, given what else you're wearing, that sheer black with seams would be the best choice. If you can't, for some reason, find any, you could go with some other texture like lace since it sounds like you're mixing patterns, anyway. You might even find matching gloves. Incidentally, good show not just wearing all black, looking like Death from Sandman, and calling it good.

2016-05-24 02:13:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Lots of black.

Assuming you are a girl, you can wear black dresses with black lace, Victorian style clothes.

Also lots of dark makeup. Contrary to popular belief, not all Goths are satanic devil worshipping witches. LOL

Do an eBay search, you can get an idea of the clothing there. Also try gothauction.com

2007-02-06 18:12:20 · answer #3 · answered by lunartic5 3 · 9 3

You could go onto Yahoo Images and simply type "Goth" ... that should give you a pretty good idea.

2007-02-06 18:13:06 · answer #4 · answered by Secret Sauce 1 · 4 1

heres a tip, you don't have to dress all in black to be goth, try wearing a deep scarlet (red) or a dark purple instead. You will look goth and people will notice you , You need to dress dark and sort of like a vampire/vampiress
wear a pair of black combat boots under your dress with fishnet pantyhose. Try finding a purple or red velvet dress from a costume shop like renassance style, victorian. Elegant and long. Or just Go to Hot topic and Look at their dresses, try a thrift store too. Black Eyeliner and Silver Nailpolish. Wear Red LIpstick its prettier than black. Try fake eyelashes too.

2007-02-06 18:11:16 · answer #5 · answered by MADLYNN 3 · 18 3

ya know instead of going to hot topic or some other lame mall store try looking at some old renaissance gowns and such and emulating that.. mostly what people consider gothic today is pretty lame.

2007-02-06 18:16:56 · answer #6 · answered by nodumgys 7 · 6 4

Browse this website, and you should get some ideas:


Think of it as channeling Morticia Addams.

Have fun!

2007-02-06 18:20:47 · answer #7 · answered by Bronwen 7 · 1 4

You're asking the wrong crowd, Gothic CLOTHING breaks off into many styles, but I consider the true style, not all kinds of chains and spikes and useless accessories of that sort. But it's rather black clothing of course, black lipstick, usually blackhair, just do a web search, you'll see waht I mean. But if you look up modern goth styles, they're almost "emo" styles, and they look completely ridiculous. So it's basically up to you.

2007-02-06 18:10:49 · answer #8 · answered by Typical 2 · 8 9

Black gloves, black makeup (or dark makeup), Blakc or dark purple lipstick, chains, skulls, etc.

2007-02-06 18:15:26 · answer #9 · answered by Bordering Suicide 2 · 2 4

Think black wedding dress and with black boots.

2007-02-06 18:15:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

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