The issue is not whether the earth is warming. The issue is whether the productive activities of man are causing it. There is very good scientific (not political) evidence that it is not.
First of all, the global warming hysteria is mostly political, not scientific. The so-called consensus on global warming is hardly unanimous. The doomsday scenarios that have been force-fed to us have changed every day for the last ten years. Remember the "hockey-stick" model, which showed temperatures gradually rising, then taking a sudden jump? Completely discredited. Remember global cooling hysteria? Completely discredited. The disaster-mongers are losing credibility with each bungled prediction.
Note also that the summaries of the UN's climate report (which are written, not by scientists, but by policy makers) keep getting more fervent, even as their projections get more and more conservative. Each model projects less warming and smaller increases in sea levels than previous ones, yet the rhetoric gets more dramatic. For example, the 2001 report predicted a maximum sea level rise of 3 feet. This report adjusts the prediction downward to 17 inches. So while the science in the UN reports makes less and less of a case for the hysteria, the politics call for more and more. Groupspeak does not equate to good science.
It is obvious that the spokespeople are coached. Listen to the interviews. They all use the word "solid." The science is "solid." Every one of them has used that term in describing the new U.N. report. Coincidence? Or coaching? Or just more vacuous groupspeak?
Finally, here are some points to consider:
1. More people die from the cold than from the heat. There is no proof that a little global warming would not be a good thing for the majority of people on this earth. More arable land, less fuel spent on heating, all benefits to mankind.
2. Our best data show that the temperatures of all the planets are increasing. Can't blame man for the other planets. There are no SUVs on Mars. Why is it also warming? Could it be that the sun has something to do with the warming on both planets?
3. The human activity that global warming hysterians seek to curtail has brought better nutrition, medicine, higher standards of living, better health and greater overall human well-being. How much of it are we willing to sacrifice for this unknown?
4. China will construct over 2,000 coal plants in the next 25 years, offsetting any "benefits" of any sacrifices we make here.
5. The world has been warming since the 17th century, when the Little Ice Age ended. There were no SUVs in the 17th century, either.
6. Temperatures declined from 1940 to 1980. But there was a lot of industrial output of greenhouse gases during those years. Why no warming?
7. Scientists who doubt the so-called consensus are routinely silenced and marginalized. Proponents of the global warming hysteria do not allow differing viewpoints. They have much to gain from propagating this hysteria: grants, political power, prestige, etc. No one gets a grant to disprove this theory.
8. While projections had predicted warmer and warmer temperatures, the world in 2006 was just 0.03 degrees Celsius warmer than in 2001. This is less than the margin of error, i.e., insignificant.
9. Hysterians do not give you the full story on Antarctica. Only 4% of the continent, the Antarctic Peninsula, shows signs of warming. The other 96% has maintained stable temperatures for the last 50 years (as long as we've had data). At the very least, this suggests that there is not enough data to claim a pending disaster.
Until there are steady, consistent data to back it up, global warming hysteria should be treated like any other religion: you are free to believe it, but the government should take no part in it.
2007-02-06 17:43:16
answer #1
answered by Martin L 5
Most republicans don't deny the existance of global warming. They just won't roll over into the stone age for a process the is natural. Most conservatives I know ask the question, how did the last ice ages end without global warming?
The problem is the real advocates of global warming are only try to impose a socialist agenda. The UN doesn't care about the environment. They just want an excuse to charge us some stupid CO2 tax to gain power overus. They use global warming to scare gullible liberals into following those plans. Just ask yourself this, if Al Gore is so concerned about Global Warming, why does he still fly around in private jets, burning millions of gallons of jet fuel. The least he could do is fly commercial, at least those jets were 'going there anyway...'
2007-02-06 16:57:10
answer #2
answered by Milton's Fan 3
They don't ignore global warming, they ignore that the human-induced carbon-dioxide (CO2), should be the root of all evil in this case. The earth has always been warming up, and cooling down over and over again, in jurassic time-period fx, it was much warmer than it is today. Even in the medieval times we had a period looong period of warmer climate. In the 70's everyone feared global cooling, and the threat of a new ice-age, because the graph on global temperature had been going drastically downwards after a period where the temperature had been increasing. Furthermore the temperature has since the year 2000 been going downwards again. I just think we have to accept that these climate changes have always been going on, and will keep going on and on and on forever. People deny that CO2 is the greatest sinner of all time, because it simply is against the human logic, when you have a lot of knowledge. Most people just believe what they hear, when it's someone of high authority saying it, because they don't have any background knowledge at all, other than "it's a greenhouse gas". That said, I'm happy to see have this fuzz over us, so that the scientist and engineers will get on with the development in the field of alternative energy. Because nomatter the global warming, we're running out of oil and choal, which there's tons of bad things to say about other than the CO2 produced when burning it.
2016-05-24 02:04:03
answer #3
answered by ? 4
I'll try to be intelligent. Go to Google and look up ice age scare. You will see why some of us aren't buying into this. We were 'driven to panic' a few yrs back because the ice age was just around the corner and we would be doomed if we didn't take care of buisness. Did it happen? No, but a few people got rich off of the hype. Now only a few short yrs later we've gone from being frozen to fried, doesn't it seem odd our planet could switch that fast and it's the same hype with the money going to pretty much the same sources? Democrat or Republican doesn't really have anything to do with it except to be used against each other. There is also a site I can't find again that said our planet is cooler today than it was 60 yrs. ago.Can't verify it tho.
2007-02-06 17:08:35
answer #4
answered by Brianne 7
I looked outside today, and realized that Al Gore is a dumb butt. It's the coldest it's been here in decades!
Jokes aside, I don't believe this is all our fault. Actually, I believe we are only a small contributor to this. Even the "world's leading experts" guess out their butt. I heard another expert in the field explain why that the "evidence" and computer models are based on false reasoning, and although they can possibly convey the future, odds are that the models do not address the root cause of global warming. A single volcanic eruption releases many orders of magnitude the amount of pollutants into the air that we are capable of making. Why doesn't the EPA ban volcanoes? Oh right, volcanoes don't care, because they are a part of nature. Thus, global warming is NATURAL. Creatures will go extinct because of it, and that's natural too.
However, even though global warming is natural, we should be responsible. Buy flourescent light bulbs because they use far less power, and you will save money. Buy fuel efficient cars and carpool when you can. Plant a tree. However, dumping billions of dollars for the government to tell people to do that is stupid. If people aren't responsible, we should ship them to China where it reaks of pollution, and people are going thirsty because they poisoned over 90% of their renewable water supply.
2007-02-06 17:18:41
answer #5
answered by SirCornman 3
Actually I think if you actually listen to the arguments raised by the "deniers" you will hear them say "Man made Global warming"
the earth is a living thing, it's weather paters go in cycles, it goes up it comes down, that's what weather men can never accurately predict the weather days in advance, because no one knows whats going to happen.
65 million years ago the earth was hotter and wetter than it is now, Arizona and Nevada used to be under an ocean, 600 years ago we had a mini ice age. almost 200 years ago there was a "year without a summer" in the 70's they were talking about global cooling.
No one I knows denies global warming, but no one thinks it is entirely man made. Yes man has had some effect on it. but in the end the biggest cause of global warming is the natural cycle of earth's weather patterns.
That's based on science, that's based on history, what Al gore is trying to spew is politics. I noticed Al Gore never mentions the fact that the earth produces more green house gas naturally than all of the industrialized nations combined... why do you think that is? because then he would have to admit there is a level of nature involved and some people can't phantom the idea nature can cause harm.
2007-02-06 17:02:22
answer #6
answered by Stone K 6
Global Warming is an idea not a fact. Intelligence tells us to accept facts but not all ideas. The world is flat was an idea accepted for a long time by the majority but some did not agree.
If the Earth is getting warmer than why have many areas set new lows this year, no not NY but Hawaii & parts of South America.
Weather cycles - read history like the American Settlers that froze to death in VA. Come on you could survive in a tent in VA & NC during the winter. That is the only time people have frozen to death in VA that we know of, so weather was not always that cold. Weather changes in cycles. Our summer just last year was the mildest our state has seen in years. Just because people do not agree with you does not make the dumb & just because people do agree with does not make them right. I will wait for proof before I decide.
2007-02-06 16:54:44
answer #7
answered by Wolfpacker 6
Because cows farting and aersol cans are a little hard to believe are major factors in warming up the world. Scientists have now up-dated saying what is going on with the world is as natural as the things that caused the ice age. Difference is no one was there to make a buck off of public panic in those days. Why does everything have to be either Demo. or Rep.? How about just common sence.
2007-02-06 17:35:18
answer #8
answered by DixeVil 5
It's because liberal policy and agenda is bolstered by Global Warming. I am a Repub and I do believe in Global Warming, but it is obvious what the liberals are trying to do with the information.
2007-02-06 16:48:03
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
There is a lot of evidence to disprove it as well. I'm to tired to supply links, so you'll have to look them up yourself if you want both sides of the argument. For a long time I believed the global warming side, but with evidence on the other side of the argument; I'm undecided now. For example in some parts of the world the ice caps are getting thinner but in other parts they are thickening. Now how can that happen with global warming?
2007-02-06 16:51:19
answer #10
answered by Bunz 5