to ease the pain.
2007-02-06 16:20:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
there are 2 kinds of teens who cut themselves
1) there are many reasons teens cut themselves but if you look at who is doing it you will find most where raised in day cares where feeling and self expression is not tolerated then the move up to school its the same there most teens have no idea how to express themselves or tell you how there feeling they are emotionally stunted and immature they cut themselves and hide it getting embarrassed and feeling shame when found out
2) and the ones that do it to get attention or in a group to fit in these kids need as much help as the first group and have more problems then the first group because they know what there doing is wrong but have the need to fit in some where and will do anything to impress others
2007-02-07 00:39:58
answer #2
answered by debrasearch 6
No, mostly it is not for attention.
I think it's mostly a coping mechanism. It's so hard to explain to someone who hasn't done it before. After you cut yourself, and see the blood, there is just this rush. You are so focused on cutting yourself and causing pain and the blood that you forget the other things going on in your life. Most of the time, if you are in a severe state you often don't feel the pain, your numb to it.
I went through a really bad patch of depression and I cut right when things started to go bad for me. If i hadn't of cut I probably wouldn't have gotten so depressed.
It's something that I have trouble explaining. I was 15 at the time and that whole 12months just feels like a blurr to me now.
But I am all better now =]
2007-02-07 04:42:40
answer #3
answered by ★☆✿❀ 7
Well, I used to be one myself. I did some of it for attention, I stopped Doing it were it was noticeable wen my parenst thought it was a jk and didnt care and ppl at skool started harrasing me. Things ot worse and i hurt myself other places Like cutting my stomach. then drinking and over dosing. Plus Looking for attention and love in the wrong way from guys. I even tryed to commit sucide. Now i have over come it. Not all of this is done FOR attention. For me I did this becuase of how i was being treated by my fmaily, Ppl at skool made it worse. and how my xbf broke up with me and made life hell. My family was falling apart and i had absolutely no escape. Check out the wwebiste below. ye si know its myspace but it has alot of helpful info if u want to learn about it. Including a video blog.
2007-02-08 20:52:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
i used to do it because when you cut yourself, all of your pain, suffering, unhappiness bleeds out. it's something you and only you have control over, it is also used to get attention. my reccomidation would be tharipist...may be depressed...i cut myself for about 3 years, first in obvious places and used dumb friends cat did it...but then i got tired of the questions and excuses, so i would cut my legs and wear long baggy pants, even in the summer, then i wanted to start wearing shorts, so i moved to my thighs and pelvic area...if you have any questions reguarding this, you can always e-mail me! by the way..i was 12-16 when i did this...haven't cut myself since and i'm now 20
2007-02-07 14:17:45
answer #5
answered by cantthinkofauseridsohereitis 3
2007-02-07 11:37:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Its to have physical control over emotional pain. In most cases anyway. It can be used to get attention as well, or in the same factor as drugs, "everyone else is doing it so i will too" If you need help with someone you know doing it I would definately seek prefessional help.
2007-02-07 00:24:57
answer #7
answered by sno_bunnyg 2
alot of the cutters do it too help ease emotional pain
some do it for attention, which is dumb, then the kids who cut themselves for real are grouped with them
or some people think it is an "emo" (labeled group) thing to do.
2007-02-07 00:31:04
answer #8
answered by (miss hypnotic) 2
A lot of them like to lie and say they are because they feel deep.
Other than that people with serious issues always have and always will.
2007-02-07 00:40:08
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Why Do I Hurt Myself?
- A Diverse Profile
- “A Mechanism to Cope With Stress”
- We live in “critical times hard to deal with.” -- 2 Tim 3:1
How Can I Stop Hurting Myself? ...
2007-02-07 00:24:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
well my friend cuts herself not only on her wrist on her legs also she is crazy i cant stop her she got suspended for 2 weeks at school because she brought achohol to school just for attention
2007-02-07 22:13:10
answer #11
answered by babypimpette*inthehood 1