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I have black friends, but I dismiss the intelligence of rappers, and I have been told I am racist. I also question the legality of affirmative action. I believe Kwanzaa is a made up holiday, invented by a murderer and FBI stooge. I was ecstatic when Tooky Williams was given the death penalty. I don't like the way black girls hair feels, so I don't push myself to date them (it feels like dolls hair, stretched plastic :( ). I like to think I give every human an equal chance in my mind, but I think maybe i am racist. HELP!

2007-02-06 16:09:00 · 22 answers · asked by Nickythewire 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

22 answers

Who cares! They're only 12% of the population. It's not that hard to avoid them.

2007-02-06 16:14:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 17

I dismiss the intelligence of rappers, because I don't understand it. My tinnitus flares with loud music, so it's the music I dislike not the people. I can't coment of Kwanzaa or Tooky Williams, because I have no opinion. I don't like black hair, but my girlfreind says my hair feels slimmie to her. We laugh about the stereo typing and really respect the differences, which we have learned are many. She also had preconceptions about whites, so we have a lot of laughs about these things. If you don't feel like dating them, don't worry some people may not want to date you. It's not color, dating is just a question of appeal and prefrences. You may not be a racist. When you believe you are better than someone else, or you accept stereo types as fact without first hand knowledge, then you will be a racist. When you feel your feelings are more important and more accurate than others then you would be a bigot.
As long as you think you need help to not be a racist, then you probably are fine.
People are all different, even when they are the same color. As long as you respect that we are all different and thats ok, you will be fine.

2007-02-07 01:03:14 · answer #2 · answered by Pat B 3 · 1 0

How do your "black friends" feel about your views?

Anyone with common sense knows that rap is a form of entertainment. Therefore, you shouldn't look to rappers for intelligence. Rappers are not meant to show you the way to life. They are there to entertain. Period.

And regardless to what you question, or what you believe to be true...that is pretty much irrelevant. Apparently no one cares. And yes... Kwanzaa is a made up holiday. Most of them are. Holidays didnt fall from the sky. They were "made up" by someone. Now, who created Kwanzaa, I don't know. But, as far as I'm concerned, the whole murderer and FBI stooge is some B.S. theory that you just pulled out of your a$s. Its not an African holiday. And, most black people don't celebrate it.

If Tookie Williams didn't murder the people he was convicted of murdering, he probably did something else that would deserve the death penalty. So, oh well. The fact that he wrote some books after the fact does not change what he did.

And, you don't have to like the way black girls hair feel. But, I'm black and my hair has never felt like dolls hair, or stretched out plastic. Makes me question what you were actually touching. Perhaps it was a weave. I don't know.

If you "think maybe" you are a racist, you probably are. Most people do not willingly give themselves that title unless they are content with it being true.

2007-02-07 00:52:10 · answer #3 · answered by *karasi* 5 · 2 2

Just for the record; every holiday is a "made up" day..
At the beginning of time there was no decree that any one day was more special than other.
If you speak about sabbath, the Muslims believe it is Friday, SDA ad Jews; Saturday ,and then of course Christians, Sunday so which day is it?
They have all chosen a different day.

No where in the Bible is there a celebration of Jesus birthday.

Historians know that ancient people were celebrating the "winter solstice" (not so unlike Kwanzaa) when the king decided he wanted to make his new conversion to Christianity more palatable to those in his kingdom. He high jacked the winter solstice festival and made an addendum- a celebration for Jesus birth.
Most traditionalist will tell you that he was most likely born in the fall.

I don't necessarily like rap music but Black culture/music is far more than that.

If don't care to date Black women that is okay...some folks probably don't like the way your hair feels or care to date you either. The most important thing is you should treat them and everyone else like humans with respect and courtesy.

As far as the founder of Kwanzaa having done time; why is it that on one hand everyone says a person should pay for their mistakes; but upon release from jail any good they do is negated by their past wrong deed?

Why keep throwing up the man's past?
Who are you to judge?

2007-02-07 01:13:56 · answer #4 · answered by creole lady 6 · 3 0

I do not know whether you are a racist, but you are an honest person. More people should ask themselves this kind of question. Society is very polarized and the things you are writing about make it hard to know the source of your own feelings.

I answered this question because I believe the death penalty is wrong. You should get involved in dialogues about affirmative action, death penalty, Kwanzaa, but first, get facts about them, from reliable sources, not sloganeers. You should look at the lyrics of rappers- sometimes distasteful, but rap often contains truths that we all need to hear. (Its invention by a murderer and fbi stooge is questionable- have you checked reputable sources.?)

2007-02-07 14:02:31 · answer #5 · answered by Susan S 7 · 2 0

You like what you like, so what. You believe what you believe, so what. 1) gangsta rap is moronic - you don't like it, so what, I think those rappers are idiot...I think many performers regardless of race are idiotic. 2) Affirmative action benefits white woman more that blacks - you don't like it, who cares, for years many people have gotten by on nepotism - I mean really, have Paris Hilton done anything to deserve her place in life, this is nothing new. 3) Kwanzaa was made up...so was Christmas - Jesus wasn't born in Dec. 4) Tooky was a bloody criminal/murder - you rejoiced, great! 5) Some black girls have fake hair weaves - natural black hair does not feel like plastic...trust me.

You are racist if you hate people and treat them differently solely based on the color of their skin. If you don't like people because of their actions and character, that is not racism. If you like whites who behave badly just because they are white, you would be insane.

2007-02-07 10:19:53 · answer #6 · answered by truly 6 · 1 0

I dont think anyone agrees with the intelligence of rappers. Kwanzaa is a holiday. Tooky Williams was a criminal. Hair is a simple thing and should not bother. A person's charater is not defined by it. If you are this way, I dont think you are racist, you just need to understand the culture a little more.

2007-02-07 00:16:26 · answer #7 · answered by InfraRed 5 · 6 2

ok in order, i don't care about the intelligence of rappers since it's not my kind of music as for kwanzaa i won't venture an opinion about since i don't really know what the holiday is about but it does sound like something you'd scream before running into battle, tooky well again i don't know much about the guy but he's dead now too bad so sad, next. now i will say this about black womens hair to me it feels like velcro and i proved it, one time i thought i would have been really funny if i stuck my VELCRO watch band in my ex-girlfriends hair, now that actually was funny... for about 5 seconds before the punching and swearing started, up until i got it back out again but i will have to say velcro

2007-02-07 02:17:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

First of all Lottaloday needs to know not all white people celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Only the Irish do and other people who want to be Irish for a day.
I have black friends and have dated black men, so I like to think I am a little familiar with their race. Of all the black people I know, and that's quite a few, not one celebrates Kwanzaa.
As for affirmative action, I beleive the most qualified person should get the job regardless of color or gender. If a business hires someone who is less qualified because they like their race, creed, color or sex, than that's a problem.
I think anyone who is a murderer deserves the death penalty, regardless if they are Tookie Williams or Scott Peterson.
As for hair, sometimes that can be something that is hard to deal with if you don't like it. I don't like guys with back hair, but my wonderful boyfriend of five years is Italian and is extremely hairy, but I overlook it because it does not define who he is.
When I started high school, I had never been in school or up close and personal with a black person, the are I lived in didn't have any blacks. I met a nice black girl in school and asked her point blank honestly how her hair was different than mine and asked to feel it. I was 14 as was she and we educated each other about our racial differences openly and honestly. We were different religions as well and learned to accept each other and appreciate our differences.
I think when people stop trying to segregate themselves and try to melt into one America, it will be a better place.
I will say one thing honestly, there is an ad running in Chicago on city buses and it is an advertisement for a black tv station, and it says "I SEE BLACK PEOPLE". That bothers me. Because if there was a billboard for let's say NBC that said "I SEE WHITE
PEOPLE", there'd be outrage. Jesse Jackson would be the first to protest racial injustice. He really bothers me for some reason because he needs to put his money where his mouth is.
Another thing about people that racial injustice and try to punish today's generation for past sins, such as slavery, is that when the Irish came to this country centuries ago, they were also enslaved. I'm not looking to the British ancestors or whoever else was in this country back then, for reparations. I deal with it and look past that.
I look at America as a place we should try to live together as one. Not try to separate based on color or creed. But as an American, I believe everyone has the right to their own opinion.

2007-02-07 02:46:41 · answer #9 · answered by Bridget C 3 · 0 3

I think we are all a little racist to an extent (and no I don't mean in a way that is mean and hurtful to others).

Let me ask you somethings:
Do you dismiss the intelligence of Britney Spears?
Do you think presidents day is just another reason to get a day off?
Were you also extact with Scott Peterson was conviced and sentenced to death?
Do you like the way a white girls hair looks when she has not washed it for 4 days?

Those are all white related? It is opinions and I don't think it has anything to do with race.

Give yourself a break...you are human.

2007-02-07 00:15:56 · answer #10 · answered by ~Just A Girl~ 3 · 4 1

If you don't date someone because of the way their hair feels, you are immature, not racist. Criminals getting the death penalty is always good. So Kwanzaa is made up? It's a free country, don't let other tell you who you are or what you are.

I have three adopted brothers from Haiti and I still use the 'n' word to describe certain people, normally rappers and Jesse 'Jackass' Jackson. Live your own life and do what makes sense to you.

2007-02-07 00:15:15 · answer #11 · answered by Ryan K 2 · 2 5

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