I hope you do not take offence to this but do you have nothing better to do with your time then ask stuoid questions and to think u were saying i needed a woman lol
2007-02-06 13:53:54
answer #1
answered by ? 5
nope but I just read if you are very very good you get to spend some time outdoors like 1/2 the day. I dont know how good you have to be to get your family info that your ok or where you are. They may have thought you killed. Rendition kinda sucks all around. I think they get hurricanes and stuff as well. If your from the middle east I think all the humidy will probably give you a rash. I think they are going to give 3 of them a fair military trial with all their self confessed testimony nevermind the torture that was going on while they spilled the truth. And they will be happy to know they dont have to hear about their brothers ratting them out because you can use testimony that only the prosecution knows about. So they dont get demoralized to know that in fact the people that they thought would hold up well under torture in fact broke just like they did.
I wonder if they know Osama got away maybe that gives them hope or actually makes them a little TO'd. Who knows maybe some of the testimony against them was obtained from Osama while he was on he way back home to Saudi Arabia?
2007-02-06 21:52:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I recommend a 9 Iron
2007-02-06 21:38:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes, Cuba sounds like a good move. Too many new sand bunkers in Iraq.
The Oak
2007-02-06 21:41:47
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Most certainly ! Join the Marine Corps !
2007-02-06 21:42:02
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Sorry no golf clubs that I know of . But the beaches are nice. Bring your Koran .
2007-02-06 21:36:30
answer #6
answered by prole1984 5
A hockey stick.
2007-02-06 21:46:16
answer #7
answered by robert m 7
try the USGA.gov website (U.S. Guantanimo Association)
for a few ideas... though I hear there are a lot of water traps.
2007-02-06 21:37:28
answer #8
answered by shazam 6
Just the one they beat the prisoners with.
2007-02-06 21:37:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
A one iron, I hear it hits balls a long way if that's your sort of thing.
2007-02-06 21:47:43
answer #10
answered by Anonymous