Basic health care for everyone should be a human right; its a basic need after all. All civilized countries have a form of it, except the US. How much is it costing us as a country to have millions of Americans uninsured? Its costing much more than it would to change the system in order to insure every American........The doctors, hospitals, insurance companies and pharmaceutical industry are getting filthy rich in a system that is corrupt. Its time for a change.
scruffy, I work in the medical field. Most in medical school do not take out huge loans; most of them already drive luxury/sports cars and their school is being paid for by their parents, many of whom are already doctors. Who do you think ends up paying for free medical services and for the uninsured whom get treatment that never pay the bill? We all do, because the doctors, hospitals and medical technologies charge those of us who can pay more to cover the loss.
2007-02-06 13:51:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It IS available for everyone. There are free clinics and community hospitals who take people in regardless of ability to pay. I have had to go those clinics and hopitals many times.
I think that if NO ONE had to pay for their medical services, then the quality of the services would be compromised. Doctors DO have to pay back the loans they took out for medical school. The technology costs money, as does the overhead of keeping a hopsital or doc office functioning.
If we don't pay and the government does, then SOMEONE pays by their taxes.
I say this as one of many people living below the poverty line and with little or no insurance.
2007-02-06 13:58:24
answer #2
answered by scruffycat 7
For children, Yes. For everyone else no. If you work hard and get a fairly decent job then you get health care. Even programs like Social Security are in deep fancial trouble because there just isn't enough money to pay for it. Universal Healthcare will be even more expensive to pay for than Social Sec. and that will make it a monumental problem for all of America if/when it passes congress. As much as everyone wants to help everyone in the long run it hurts the entire country.
2007-02-06 13:36:56
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
When you say everybody are you talking about everybody that is in our country legally or do you just want to finance everyone that can make it here? I think emergency care should be available to everyone, not health care in general. We have starving children here in America. We have hungary elderly people. We have mentally ill. Let's take care of our own before we finance "everybody".
2007-02-13 07:06:06
answer #4
answered by notuptoit2000 2
H*ll ya! health care is something people Need to live a healthy life (it's in the name). No one should have the right to take it from the people who need it most, and the people who ironical have the most trouble paying for it, the poor. I do think that rich people like Rupert Murdock should have to pay for theirs.
2007-02-06 13:46:09
answer #5
answered by socialist sympathiser 2
You'll be paying for it either way. It's just a matter of if you buy it from the private sector or from the government. You have been grossly misinformed if you think universal health care provided by the government will be free. If the government takes over all of health care you can expect nearly 50% of your paycheck will be taken out. Health care like anything else should be a personal choice, not imposed by the government. If you want health care, buy it!
2007-02-06 13:33:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
well... it really comes down to the point you mention... "does our health have a price"...
and in a free market system... the price is determined by what people will pay for it
so... how much will you pay for good health... most people would pay anything... so the entire pricing system is totally messed up... rates are increasing a many times the rate of inflation across the board for several years in a row...
simply put... the majority of America won't be able to afford it in 10 years at the rate it's going... if nothing changes...
so something will have to be done...
2007-02-06 13:32:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Everything has a price. This is the real world. Who do you think pays for things now? Nothing is "free". We can offer affordable health care but get real, nothing in this world is free.
2007-02-06 15:54:31
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No. Only people that have very large savings and can afford the outrageous prices doctors and hospitals charge deserve health care. It's so horrible that just anyone can see a doctor in places like Canada, England, France, and Cuba. I'm so glad we live in a country where 20% of the population can't visit a doctor. That's the way Jesus would want it, I'm sure.
2007-02-06 13:31:55
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes, but socialism is not the answer.
Eliminate insurance companies, class action lawsuits, and income taxes. Lets go back to the days when people helped people and we didn't have to beg the all-powerful government to do it for us.
Big brother is watching you.
2007-02-12 13:35:36
answer #10
answered by Marcus 3