In space they have a device that provides light suction that they can use to relieve themselves. During launch however, they are strapped in for prolonged periods of time, and in Earth's gravity it would be tough to reach the "relief station". NASA calls them something besides diapers, but that is essentially what they are.
2007-02-06 12:01:56
answer #1
answered by SteveA8 6
So many questions unanswered here. We dont have to guess now, this is the effect that lack of oxygen will have on your brain! Talk about stiffer pentalities for cocaine, what about 'space dust'. When I first heard this story, I thought I was still dreaming....and the diaper thing, If someone told me that story I would swear they made it up....I mean really, how long does it take to stop and take a piss? About the same amount of time it would take to change an ADULT DIAPER in a moving car? This is a comedian's dream! I can already imagine Leno this evening. Dont they have to go thru all kinds of mental tests and clearances to even get on the NASA property? I am not sure what aspect of the story was the strangest, 1. that she worked so hard for the life that she apparently wanted (God only knows how much money and school she had to go thru to get to where she was and that she would throw all of that away to move into a 8 x 8 room with a 'hug me jacket' and soft walls is unreal. 2. that she went to the airport to mace this woman in a wig and trench coat but thought that her disguise was so good that the woman wouldnt know who the hell she was??? 3. That she had that DIAPER on because she didnt want to waste 4 mintues to go to a rest area bathroom....and the visual of her changing said diaper while flying down the highway...I wont go into the details imagining the odor of said car when it comes out of the impound lot with soiled diapers on the front seat 4. that with all of the extensive test that have to be conducted by SEVERAL psychiatrists before she can even get a clearence to get on the NASA property, that someone would not have seen SOME clue and put her on meds. 5. That the poor guy is dying thinking that he slept with this nut case and someone nearly died because of it 6. and probably most important: HOW DID this chick get the other ladies flight information. I thought that that was illegal to give out. P.s. her husband works at mission control with NASA Just goes to show you what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive. I hope that her husband is not like that idiot husband of andrea yates. I hope that this guy gets an emergency injunction to protect his kids from this kook.
2016-05-24 01:12:48
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Once in space, they use vacume toilets. In the earliest missions, the astronauts had only a bag to poop in. Yuck! The diapers are for the way up and the way down. I'm not sure if they wear them on EVAs.
2007-02-13 13:56:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
There is a vacuum operated toilet in the shuttle. If that fails, they have little plastic bags to go in. Of course a regular toilet does not work in weightlessness.
2007-02-06 11:44:17
answer #4
answered by campbelp2002 7
During the early days, before they had the modern moiture absorbing diapers, and they only had male astronauts, they used condoms.
2007-02-06 12:06:59
answer #5
answered by ttpawpaw 7
i think they should wear diapers all the time diapers are just like underwear but if you have an accident you are the only one that would know i think everyone should wear diapers
2007-02-09 10:49:31
answer #6
answered by chris h 1
vacuum operated toliet , peeing in the shuttle not allowed lol
2007-02-06 11:54:33
answer #7
answered by merlinswrench 2
the toilet technique is the same as u have in a aerolplane they have vaccum flush
2007-02-14 00:20:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
They use a toilet hooked up to a vacuum cleaner.
2007-02-06 11:45:25
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
They suppose to be making colonies in space somewhere.
2007-02-06 12:09:28
answer #10
answered by sunflare63 7