haha your question made me laugh! ive always wondered this. i graduated a few years ago and now my sister is getting ready to start high school! im worried, all these wannabe thugs walkin around. its ridiculous! rappers arent bad people, but these kids should really be making their own image. its a popularity thing. my ex i swear had a hundred pairs of jordan's and he didnt even play basketball! just wanted to look cool. its STUPID! and the parents, let them dress like that... come on now.
2007-02-06 11:57:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
to answer this question you need to look at yourself and think how your generation dresses.....
its a sad fact but trends are very common and consistent throughout generations and society....if you look at the history of how people used to dress before...you might think they all look silly...i mean look at the 1960's...they all dress odd(too clean cut), even their hair was pretty odd back then...you might not understand the whole situation but its not as different as compared to the generations before....this is just a new wave of style and strong influence of culture and media (just like how the 80's media influenced the long hair as a symbol of rock back then)..... ever heard of the bright colored spandex from the 80's?
think of it as decades from now people will only see it as just another way people used to dress in their time.... clearly it doesn't have so much morality now as way back then...but teenagers from this era are more likely libertarians and they didn't have the beatles or the go-go's to influence them...instead you see P. diddy and etc.....plus rappers were not as well-known back then as they are now .....
2007-02-06 10:38:14
answer #2
answered by badluck13b 2
Becuase they have no taste!
I've never seen gangsta kids wearing Dora The Ex[plorer or Power Rngers bags, though.... I'd have thought that only alternatives/emos/goths/grungers etc did that.
2007-02-06 10:31:11
answer #3
answered by swelwynemma 7
i do not see why no longer both. the ******* in africa are nevertheless dwelling in grass huts, yet seem on the **** romans equipped 1000's of years in the past. its like they're pretending they're munkies.
2016-11-25 21:01:13
answer #4
answered by jandrey 4
Not all rap artists are bad people.My brother is a rap artist,and nobody dresses like him.Nobody even KNOWS him.People dress like them because they think that if they dress like them,they are induviduals.The most people that dress like them are teenagers,so they think that they are completely cool and that nobody wants to touch them because they break the school dress code. (sometimes).
2007-02-06 10:34:06
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Same reason any one dresses up, to look flashy, original, and like they have money. Just posing like everybody else.
2007-02-06 10:36:14
answer #6
answered by amish_renegade 4
yea i notice that cause im in midddle school and all the eight grade boys dress gangster thogh it funny lol
2007-02-06 10:26:29
answer #7
answered by abercrombie lover 2
they do it for the same reason you asked this question, because they want to.
why do you dress the way you do?
because you want to.
2007-02-06 10:27:43
answer #8
answered by ? 3
cuz they think its popular and cool..its not lol
2007-02-06 10:32:08
answer #9
answered by jessica :] 5
lol! cuz they're wannabes
2007-02-06 10:26:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous