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i have irregular menstruation that sometimes lasts for quite a long time or i miss it for a month or two. are there some natural ways how to treat this?

2007-02-06 06:41:29 · 7 answers · asked by eldridan 3 in Health Alternative Medicine

7 answers

Homeopathic Remedies for Menustrational Complaints :-

Dark, clotted; copious or scanty menses, during day time only; 1st menses delayed and painful; intermittent and irregular; changing moods; likes open air Pulsatilla 30 or 200, 4 hourly

Early and profuse; copious; during night on lying down; frequently; intermittent; painful Kreosote 30 or 200, 3 hourly (3)

Menses dark; acrid, excoriating,during night only, after lying down Bovista 30 or 200, 4 hourly

Copious and dark; worse after injury Hamamellis 30, 3 hourly (3)

Dark, clotted, painful and frequent, due to displaced uterus; during night only Trillium p.Q or 6X, 3 hourly

Copious; gushing and frequent; worse after exertion; every 2 weeks or every few days;lasting for a week or more Medorrhinum 200 or 1M monthly (3)

Copious, offensive, clotted and painful,due to uterine fibroid; difficult to wash Platina 200 or 1M, 3 hourly (3)

Menses bright red, copious, clotted, painful and frequent; worse during menopause; walking ameliorates; history of abortion Sabina 30 or 200 6 hourly

Menses bright red, mingled with dark clots; offensive Belladonna 30, 4 hourly

Mense bright red; gushing; nausea or vomiting, clean tongue Ipecac 30, 4 hourly

Menses bright red; copious and frequent Millefolium Q or 30 4 hourly

Menses bright red; vicarious; patient desires icy cold water Phosphorus 30 or 200, 4 hourly(3)

Menses acrid; excoriating;copious after miscarriage; frequent; intermittent China 6 or 30, 4 hourly

Menses copious; continues upto next period; dark and clotted; irregular Secale Cor 30 4 hourly

Menses profuse and early; copious with dark clots and abdominal distention Nux vomica 30 or 200, 6 hourly

Early and excessive; bright red, long lasting with headache; copious; worse after exertion; early in young girls lasting for long; late in adults Calc-phos 12X or 30, 3 hourly (3)

Copious; lasting a week or more,frequent, every 2 weeks; intermittent Sulphur 200 or 1M, 4 hourly (3)

Amenorrhoea; dark clotted blood; copious, frequent, delayed; first menses delayed; exhausting; pale, thin blood Ferrum met.3X or 6X, 4 hourly

Irregular; painful, delayed or frequent; worse after exertion Sepia 30 or 200, 3 hourly (3)

Early; profuse and frequent; every 2 weeks; during lactation; lasting a week or more; returns after excitement; suppressed after working in water or becoming wet Calcarea carb.200 or 1M, 3 hourly (3)

Menses copious, frequent,dark, intermittent and irregular; during day time only; offensive, painful and thick Lilium tig.30 or 200, 4 hourly (3)

Menstrual flow suppressed after fright or shock; in plethoric young girls; menses profuse with nose bleed; late; marked fear and restlessness Aconite 30 or 200, 3 hourly

Menses frequent and copious; offensive; passive bleeding Helonias Q or 6, 4 hourly

All complaints better during menstruation; copious or scanty; painful for very short period only; dark, lumpy and black Lachesis 200 or 1M 3 hourly (3)

Copious; worse after injury or coition; bruised pains Arnica 200 or 1M 3 hourly (3)

Menses copious; late or suppressed; worse while sitting; feels better after flow starts Zincum met.30 or 200, 3 hourly(3)

Dark, clotted, stringy, offensive, painful and frequent; worse from least movements Crocus sat.Q or 6X, 4 hourly

Delayed; specially first menses; irregular,painful,pale and scanty; stools constipated Graphites 30 or 200 3 hourly(3)

Delayed and painful; flow aggravates the complaints; neuralgic, rheumatic pain;scanty or suppressed due to emotions or fever Actaea race.30 or 200 4 hourly (3)

Delayed, scanty,stopped due to cold; putting hands in cold water, due to cold; breast becomes enlarged, sore and painful during menstrual cycle Conium mac.200 or 1M 3 hourly (3)

Delayed or stopped; by putting hands in cold water; suppressed after drinking milk Lac-def.200 3 hourly (3)

Early or delayed; exhausting,scanty or profuse; stools hard and constipated; haemorrhage between periods Thlaspi b-p.Q or 6 4 hourly

Copious; alternate periods more profuse; frequent and painful;very slight (1st day only), 2nd day with vomiting; mentrual colic with large clots Cyclamen 30 4 hourly

Painful and scanty;increases while sitting and less while walking Alumina 30 or 0/5 4 hourly

Menses with neuralgic pain; dysmenorrhoea with pains flying to other parts of the body Caulophyllum 30 or 200 4 hourly (3)

Early, dark and stringy with neuralgic pain; better after flow starts; menstrual colic; membranous dysmenorrhoea Magnesia phos.12X or 30 3 hourly

menses lasts for long; thick and dark; irregular Nux mosch.200 3 hourly (3)

Early and profuse; menses returns after over exertion; long walk, passing hard stools etc; discharge of blood between periods Ambra gr.200 3 hourly (3)

Painful; only for one day or one hour; late and scanty; amenorrhoea with opthalmia Euphrasia 30 or 200 4 hourly

Menses appear only for one day; scanty, pain in small of back and stomach during menstruation Baryta carb.200 4 hourly (3)

Clotted,stringy, passive and bright red; profuse after miscarriage; worse after slightest provocation Ustilago Q or 6 4 hourly

Early and profuse; suppressed after bathing in river or swimming pool; tongue thickly whitish coated Antim-crud.200 4 hourly (3)

Suppressed with colic; better bending double and by pressure Colocynth 200 3 hourly (3)

Acrid,early, profuse and prolonged; suppressed after getting feet wet Rhus tox.200 or 1M 3 hourly (3)

Early and profuse; epistaxis instead of menses; worse by motion Bryonia 30 or 200 4 hourly

Totally exhausted during menstruation, can hardly speak; lasting for long, though not profuse Carbo an.200 3 hourly(3)

Menses early or late; scanty or profuse; pain with soreness about genitals; pain from back passes down through left labium Kali carb.200 or 1M 3 hourly (3)

Gushing; exhausting with colic as from sharp stones rubbing together; irregular and painful Cocculus ind.30 or 200 4 hourly

Scanty; early or delayed; clots of black blood; menstrual flow aggravates all the complaints Thuja oc.200 or 1M 3 hourly (3)

Frequent; early or delayed during day time only; no menses at night; scanty and offensive Causticum 200 or 1M 3 hourly (3)

Frequent and gushing; membranous; painful and stringy; breasts swollen and painful before menses and better afterwards; excessive menstruation; discharge of bloody mucous after menses at the time of new moon Lac-can.200 or 1M 3 hourly (3)

Menses during lactation period; while nursing the child Silicea 200 or 1M 3 hourly (3)

Membranous; early and profuse, with griping in abdomen; nausea and pain in stomach extending to small of back Borax 30 4 hourly

Early with thick and strong odour; offensive; premature and too copious Carbo Veg.30 or 200 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Menses offensive; vicarious; mammae swollen and painful Psorinum 200 or 1M, monthly (3)

Menses painful; suppressed; colic before the appearance of discharge Verat Vir 30X or 200 4 hourly (3 Doses)

Dysmenorrhoea; menses usually delayed Pneumococcus 30X or 200, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Take the remedy which is the most similar to your symptoms as suggested above, for total cure of your complaint, totally without any side effects or complications.
Take care and God Bless you !

2007-02-06 18:27:53 · answer #1 · answered by Soul Doctor 7 · 2 1

Disturbances in the menstrual cycle can be of various kinds, and can be due to a wide number of factors, so it is essential to take a broad, holistic view of health. A major factor for many women in producing disturbances of the menstrual cycle is excessive stress. Perhaps, increased exercise and an improved diet, can have a dramatic effect on hormone levels and menstrual patterns
Another potential cause of irregular periods is sudden and drastic dieting. Among the herbs well-know for curing menstrual problems are Valerian, Lady's Mantle, Nat Mur, Pulsatilla and Chamomile tea. I've used two types of tea PMS TEA by Traditional medicinals and MOON CYCLE by Yogi tea, you can find them in any health food stores like Trader Joe's and Whole Food Stores or even Long's Drugs. Also, a warm bubble bath
with Lavender or Anti-Stress shower gel. It will help you to sleep like a baby as well!.

2007-02-06 13:08:05 · answer #2 · answered by Sabine 6 · 0 2

Amenorrhea diagnosis begins with a gynecologist evaluating a patient’s medical history and a complete physical examination including a pelvic examination.

Recommendations and treatments for Amenorrhea:

Lab Tests/Rule-Outs :Test for Hormones
Test Thyroid Function

After evaluation and getting the lab tests you might talk to a ND- specialized in women's health to cutomize a natural program according to your needs.

2007-02-06 07:01:13 · answer #3 · answered by Goldista 6 · 0 1

Although I haven't tried it, if you look up evening primrose oil on Y!A, you will find a lot of answers that say it is good for that. The only thing that cured it for me was a low dose b/c pill and a huge change in diet. Too many chemicals in food, so I had to change to a healthier diet and stop eating all the high-calorie snacks. Believe me, it really made a difference.

2007-02-06 07:36:12 · answer #4 · answered by Hoolia 4 · 0 1

Bee royal jelly it is all natural and helps your body to produce it's own hormones. It will help. The best place to get it is www.beeroyalproducts.com. Because theirs is 100% pure and works the best. One jar will last you about five months. Good Luck.

2007-02-06 06:47:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

www.danielchapterone.com for a natural hormone help.

2007-02-06 06:45:09 · answer #6 · answered by Rox 3 · 0 1

honestly, though its not natural Birth control pills are the best!

2007-02-06 12:52:24 · answer #7 · answered by kellie b 2 · 0 1


2007-02-06 07:07:19 · answer #8 · answered by werita 3 · 0 1

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