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OK so i have been playing WoW for more then a year and i have never made a character past level 35 and i really want to! So i need tips every thing you can possibly fit into a box about race, class, professions, quests, instances, areas, pvp times, all of it! i want to be reading for hours about all this stuff so i can make the best possible Character.

Please don't make fun of me!

2007-02-06 06:18:30 · 9 answers · asked by Andy 1 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

9 answers

Ahh, a kindred spirit. My friend and I have played MMORPGs for years and (until WOW) never did really max out. We always joked that we were "perpetual newbies" cause we always liked making a new character and never got them past 20 or so (in our defense, our main characters were higher...not quite maxed, but in the 40s-50s in EQ1).

WOW was the first game we hit the level cap of 60 (we're now in the process of hitting the new level 70 level cap...but it'll be a while).

One thing I would suggest is to kill things a level or two below you. They seem to have the best exp-to-effort ratio, thus maximizing your XPH (experience per hour). This is something that I'd like to touch on...experience per kill is far less important than experience per hour. Not that you have to have a whole hour in which to kill, but the concept. Some people will think that if they kill higher level creatures they will get more exp...and they are right, if you look at it as a number that a particular creature has given you. But if you kill something that gives you 300 exp and you kill something that takes half the time/effort but gives 200 exp, which is the better way to go? I'd go with the easier kill, wipe two of them and score my 400 exp. Of course these numbers are totally made up, but I just wanted to use it as an example. As a creature gets higher in levels it seems to me that they get harder but do not provide enough of an exp bonus to warrant the extra effort.

Secondly, I want to suggest soloing. It isn't as much fun as grouping and going through instances, but it will likely earn you experience quicker. This all depends on your race/class though, as some are better suited for soloing and some shine as a group player. While all classes can successfully be either solo oriented or group oriented (depending on talents, equipment, play style, etc.) I see the following as more group oriented: warrior, priest, paladin and I see mage, rogue, warlock, hunter, shaman as better in the solo field. I do not know where I'd place druids...probably solo though. I'm not going to talk about the other classes, as my highest other than my main is 24 (perpetual newb, LOL!) but I will speak of mages.

My mage is level 60 and I have a blast with him. A few weeks ago I had re-specced him as a Fire mage, and I did like that. At first I thought fire was all based on damage, damage, and more damage! But as I played around with it I found that there were tactical elements to it as well. I'm glad I learned some strategy and extra uses for some of the spells, but I have since reverted to my favorite spec: frost! As a frost mage, you become a control freak. You only let things happen to you that you allow (PVP aside...as I personally suck at PVP). Let's start with the pull. Frostbolt will be your best friend at higher levels. I recall when I started playing that Frostbolt was good for only 1 thing...slowing the enemy while I hit them with my REAL damage spell...Arcane Missiles. Now, I seldom use Arcane Missiles, and Frostbolt is my spell of choice for dealing out damage. The frost talents give me reduced mana costs, reduced threat, quicker casting times, and improved critical hit chance and damage. I pull with Frostbolt, then hit them with 1-2 more frostbolts before they get to me (one of my talents increases the amount of the slow by 10%...another gives a 5% chance that my chill effect (the slow) will freeze them in place). Once they get to me I Fire Blast (instant), Frost Nova (instant - freezes them in place), back up, and start with more frostbolts. That's not my favorite feature as a frost mage though. I love my Ice Barrier spell. Consider it to be a self-use of the priest's Power Word Shield spell. At my level it will absorb up to 800-900ish damage and my spells will not be interrupted while it is in effect. It is a great saving grace spell, as it buys me time. Another good one is Ice Block. This will encase me in ice for 10 seconds. I will take no damage, but I can not move or cast spells. It is great if I am in a group and am in urgent need healing, as the healer can cast a healing spell while I am encased in ice. It has saved me several times. The third of my favorite toys is my improved blizzard spell. It is area effect, does about 1200 damage on everything in range over the course of the spell, will put the chill effect on a creature each time it strikes it (every second for 8 seconds, so long as the critter is in the radius), which means that each time it strikes it there is a chance of it freezing in place. The drawback is that Blizzard costs a lot of mana. That's where (Arcane Spec) Clearcasting comes into play. When I hear the chime that indicates I am in clearcasting, I know the next offensive spell I cast will cost no mana. Blizzardtime! Finally, we have Cone of Cold. Since it is instant cast, it is a good safety spell since I can cast it while moving. When I have used up my frost nova and need to freeze a critter in place, Cone of Cold has been helpful many times (remember...chill effect has a chance to freeze them in place). All this coupled with Polymorph means for a very tactical and controlled fight. Lots of fun!

I think I got off-track somewhere, but I'm too tired to go back and pick up where I left off, so I'll just give this to you for your reading pleasure. If you are on Darkspear, look me up...Desecrates (Deh-Sec-Ruh-Tees, not Deh-suh-crates). Good luck!

2007-02-06 11:54:44 · answer #1 · answered by Guvo 4 · 0 1

u mean the best u can do w/out makin a twink? well i made a jump from lvl 53 to 59 in about a week, mainly questing my a$$ off and a LOT of dungeon quests, easiest way to lvl is take grinding quests and complete all the quests u can for one area then move on to the next and just keep questing. Dungeons give GREAT grinding xp and if u get a good group w/ u it'll be quick and easy, preferably make a group somewhat like this, healer (preist or pally) tank (warrior, feral druid, pally) dps (hunter) aeo (hunter preist mage) and then the last i usually prefer a rogue or lock, not too many squishies though, don't wanna deal w/ rezes after every battle =) hope i helped a bit

2007-02-06 06:28:27 · answer #2 · answered by Cheezy 2 · 0 0

there are some game guides out there, from Blizzard you can buy at your local bookstore, they have LOADS of tips and hints about those things.. otherwise i would recommend you to check out the forums of WoW. there are loads of info about - race, class, professions, quests, instances, areas, pvp - but finally it all comes down to your mind... would you like to be a spellcaster, meele or support? wanna be horde or ally? and if you have played wow for a year you must have a very good idea what you liked so far, and what you didnt.. try combine that info into picking the right race, class and profesions :)

2007-02-06 06:40:23 · answer #3 · answered by boizen 1 · 0 0

Just keep doing the quests...especially the ones for the instances....you get loads of xp for doing those..Try not to pvp that much, waste of time at lvl 35

2007-02-06 06:22:38 · answer #4 · answered by fr33d0m09 5 · 1 0

Best advice if you REALLY want to manage your WoW time is this: Get a brother/sister or GF or maybe friend you really trust, have, go to your account settings on the WoW website and set it so you can only play 2 hours a day, then give your password to your friend or brother and have them chang ethe password so you can no longer take of the 2 hour restriction. I had to do this when i started playing to much also>-<. Just make sure its someone that won't cheat you out of your account!

2016-03-29 07:59:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

your probably better off going into a WoW forum. Like wow.allakhazam.com and look up info there. There are many different possibilties the only way to level higher is to just stick to that one character and not jump around constantly.

2007-02-06 06:21:47 · answer #6 · answered by gonzi8046 2 · 1 0

First of all it takes forever, Quest like crazy. A warlock is good for lvl'ing fast. and read the website man.

2007-02-06 06:23:16 · answer #7 · answered by Amethyst 3 · 0 0

ok pm me and specify which class and race and i will give you a detailed tut on that race and class...i got a lvl 60 war,24 lock and 20 pally

2007-02-06 06:25:31 · answer #8 · answered by Amon143 1 · 0 0

any wow forum

just keep to it

2007-02-06 06:31:17 · answer #9 · answered by Mustng0021 5 · 0 0

fedest.com, questions and answers