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I am trying to find a talisman/amulet with a pentangle on it and the names Hod, Cassiel and agiel on it. As i dont know what it signifies and if it has a proper name, I am unable to buy a replacement for someone.
I would appreciate ANY information or help anyone can offer.

2007-02-06 05:56:27 · 6 answers · asked by rodrigueshart 3 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

6 answers

It's probably something from the Greater Key of Solomon... a spurious book written in the 12th century A.D.

I used to be a solitary Wiccan myself. Maybe you should read about the lives of famous occultists:


Then decide if it's worth persuing. If you want to wind up broke and forgotten, go for it!

In the 19th century a romaticizing of things Pagan began. Godfrey Leland forged a spurious book called Aradia:Gospel of the Witches that implied that witches were pagans who worshipped Diana (and Lucifer). He plagarized materials from two previous books he wrote (Etruscan Remains and Gypsy Sorcery). Although the word Wicca isn't mentioned, it was the great-great daddy of the whole thing.
Later on quack anthropolgist Margret Murray hatched her own theory about the witches of the European witch trials actually being survivors of a Pagan cult in her books. These inspired Gardner to create his own witch cult witch he called "wica" (at first spelled in lower case and with only one "c"). Gardner insisted Witch meant "Wise one" claiming the word derives from the Old English word "wicce". "Wicce" actually means "to bend", and this is where the word "wicker" comes from. The word "wicked" also comes from "wicce" (as in a wicked person being "bent").
The word "witch" has a nefarious meaning in every language on earth,including English, but for some reason Wiccans still insist on calling themselves "Witches" (with a capital "W") and their religion "Witchcraft". They feel that the reason people are afraid of them is centuries of "xtian propaganda" meant to defame them. But even if they went to Vietnam ( a predominantly Buddhist country) and said they were a Phuy Tay (Vietnamese for witch), people would still be afraid of them. Of course, a tiny few Wiccans have stopped calling themselves witches, but most probably enjoy the shock value wether they admit it or not.

If there is any truth to the old saying "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.", that truth is found in the occult, and Wicca in particular. Silver Ravenwolf has written close to a dozen books on the subject of "The Craft", and claims she has been studying it since about 1969, which is almost as long as I’ve been alive. She has written a book on how to cast money spells, and includes a chapter on how to do so in her Teen Witch book. But the thing is, she doesn't particularly sound all that prosperous herself. Ravenwolf writes,

" For years I couldn't afford to go to a hair stylist (still can't, it's shop and chop for me). I got pretty good at stying my own hair from looking at magazine pictures" [SOURCE: Teen Witch, Llewellyn Publications, 2003 edition, page 145]

OK, she so rich she can't go to the hairdresser. Hey, get me a copy of that Prosperity Spell book!

Silver Ravenwolf seems to have inadvertently discovered that Wicca makes things worse, but won't ever admit it as such.
In Teen Witch she says

"A lot of people tell me how bad their lives have gotten after casting a spell and tell me they won't do Witchcraft anymore. I tell them their lives would have been much worse for not having cast the spell".

Don't you would think a lot of people would be saying things like "Hey, Silver Ravenwolf, my life has improved tremendously with Wicca!" if Wicca is as great as they claim? Instead it makes lives much worse, and even Silver Ravenwolf admits she hears this a lot!!!

My advice would be to rethink the whole thing and try reading C.S. Lewis instead.

2007-02-11 17:23:51 · answer #1 · answered by The Notorious Doctor Zoom Zoom 6 · 1 1

Do you desire to know one of the reasons normal Law of attractionmaterial doesn't work for numerous people?Think it like a diet. If you desire to drop weight and you strive to lose it

2016-05-18 06:50:28 · answer #2 · answered by Isabella 2 · 0 0

In witchcraft, the pentacle or five pointed star is a symbol of protection. It represents the four elements - air, fire, water and earth in balance with the spirit, represented by the fifth, uppermost point. It is an ancient symbol, present in many forms of mysticism. It can signify the "degree" of the witch, if she follows Gardenerian Wicca.

The symbol and inscription you describe is not exactly Wiccan. It comes from the Key of Solomon, a book that describes the method of summoning certain figures from Judeo-Christian mythology, typically angels or demons. The names Cassian and Agiel belong to angels associated with Saturn. Cassiel is the angel of temperance and Agiel, the angel of intelligence. Hod is a Hebrew word meaning "praise". It is one branch of the tree of life in the kabbalah. Put it all together and the amulet is basically praising and invoking the influence of the two angels.

I am not sure, as my ancient Hebrew isn't brilliant, but I think the pentacle you describe is a corruption of one of the seals of Saturn, from the Key of Solomon. I'm not sure where you'd get an exact replacement. Often pagan jewellery, unless it is a speciality item, will put anything vaguely mystical on it. You could try buying a plain pentacle and have the words engraved on it. Consider the person for whom the gift is intended. You may not need to get them something exactly the same. Do they have a patron deity, a symbol they might prefer?

Good luck with your search.

2007-02-06 06:50:46 · answer #3 · answered by queenbee 3 · 4 0

As for the top 3 answers as to what the seal means, I can't argue, but as for the pentagram it goes back a lot further than Gardarian! To as far as ancient Egypt actually. The circle surrounding the symbol means no end, no beginning, and starting at the upper most point (spirit world) you descend to the underworld (bottom right) rise up again to where you begin your life on earth. You live a life, your body dies you descend again to the underworld and then rise up again to spirit, See! as said above it represents the four elements, being the four bottom points and the fifth at the top is spirit. It means mind over matter. For it to be upside down has absolutely nothing to do with devil worship or satanism we do not believe in or recognise such an entity. "he" belongs to the christian faith, they invented "him" so it should be their job to deal with "him" instead of trying to palm "him" off on to some other belief system. So that's all I know really. Well! About that anyway.

See ya x

2007-02-12 10:46:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1


To the ancients who sought to find in nature the secret of life nothing was a more perfect symbol of the miracle of re~ production than the tree with its leaves and blossoms and fruit. Those that shed their leaves in autumn only to put forth in tenderest green in the spring conveyed the divine assurance of renewal, of "dying to live" which was the frame work of the old religions. Onthe other hand, the trees that remained always green symbolised the everliving spirit, green typifying the everlasting. Thus the Cypress reaching toward heaven like a pointed flame, the Pine Tree from its resemblance to a spiral of flame, the straightness and uprightness of the Pine and Fir and the fact that they were continually green made them symbolic figures of highest import only surpassed, perhaps, by the Palm.

The belief was wide spread that the Pine and Cypress, because of their greater vitality, had the power to strengthen the soul of the deceased and to preserve his body from corruption. Hence their use in cemeteries.

The Pine Cone from its inflammable nature (fire wherever found being a potent attribute of the primary creative force) was used as a phallic emblem. Among the Semites, however, it came to have a deeper meaning, and like the crux ansata of the Egyptians typified an existence united yet distinct
or the union of the positive and negative forces. The Sacred Cone is found constantly on Assyrian monuments, on Etruscan sepulchral urns, and its use spread to the Greeks and Romans. The Pine Cone conventionalised and enlarged may still be seen on gateways in Italy as a talisman of abundance, fecundity, good luck. It was also a symbol of Venus and Artemis.

search on this site and u will found more and even pics!!!

2007-02-13 00:26:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

As for the answerer above me, no one said anything about devil worship.

Your ideas about Christians inventing the idea of evil spirits is ludicrous. Al the major religions believe in demons and devil like beings. Most of them believe in a Hell like place for souls of people who lived evil lives to go to as well.

Samarian: Adramelech ; Derived from the name “Molech”Babylonian god (possibly of the sun) to whom babies were burned in sacrifice.
Mayan : Ahpuch A devil in the Mayan Indian religion.
Persia : Ahriman The enemy of the Zoroastrian god, Arumazda.
Celtic Biléé The “god” of Hell in Celtic mythology.
Greek (Pagan) Demogorgon Name of Greek pagan devil, it is said should not be known to mortals.
Japan Emma-O The ruler of Shinto hell in the Shinto religion.
Hecate Goddess of the underworld and witchcraft. (Note:Wicca covens that worship her are considered to be left hand path and practicers of black magic. by some Wiccans )
Germanic Hel The goddess of death and the grave. The English word 'Hell ' is derived from her name.
Greek Pluto; god of the underworld and of death. Sound familiar?
Chinese (Buddhist) Yen-lo-Wang Emperor of Hell

Egyptian Set Ancient Egyptian god of evil.
Aztec Tezcatlipoca; god of Hell in Aztec mythology

Japanese: Amatsu Mikaboshi Shinto god of evil
Japanese Bimbogami Shinto “god” of poverty. Exorcisms are performed to get rid of him.
Japan Ekibiogami “god’ of plagues and epidemics.
Celtic Carman A destructive witch, she was the goddess of evil magic. She had three equally destructive sons: Dub (darkness), Dother (evil), and Dian (violence), who ravaged Ireland.
Norse Holler Viking lord of disease and destruction. Drags people to his hall where he tortures them to death
Greek Enyo Goddess of War and Violence, she is called the daughter, mother and sister of Ares. She is pictured covered in blood and striking poses of violence.
Haitian voodoo Limba One of the Haitian loa, believed to live among the rocks. He has an insatiable appetite and persecutes and kills people. He then eats them. Even his own devotees are not safe from his hunger.
Chineese Emma-O Bhuddist god of hell, that tortures souls in the underworld.
Greek Hades He was believed to rule the realm of the dead. He is jealous and uncaring, constantly trying to increase the number of subjects under his rule Not surprisingly, his name became synonymous with Hell.

2007-02-12 15:35:10 · answer #6 · answered by Jen Jen 2 · 0 1

Queen bee is correct about the origins of any seal/ talisman using the name cassiel being of Solomonic origin. We are uncertain as to the antiquity of the seal designs though. They may be of ancient Hebrew origin but many are medieval frauds including some published by Mathers and Crowley. It's not Pagan/ Wiccan as any believer in this type of seal would have to be a positively aligned believer in God Almighty.

I'll check my copy of the key of King Solomon and get back to you tomorrow.

The seal should be made by you in the correct hour, on the correct day, of the correct metal or on virgin parchment, during a waxing moon, inscribed with tools of the art, cleansed with fire and perfumed correctly and with the intention of glorifying God.

If it's not done this way, it's just for show.

I'll check the info you need and edit/add relevant info. I suspect the Seal is of the Sun. I can't remember any others having a pentagram inside. If you make one of these, you MUST make it during a waxing moon - between new moon and full moon. Making one during a waning moon would have a curse-like effect.

I reserve the right to not answer publicly if the information should be kept private.

Ok, it's not a standard Seal of Solomon as published and while Cassiel is ruling angel for Saturn/Saturday/lead/black etc. there are no 5 pointed stars on any of the seals of Saturn. It may have been made by somebody for protection against curses as Saturn is conservative, protective and judicial. Most seals of solomon under Saturn are protective or used to control spirits, especially fallen Angels. I don't recommend you to get involved in those kind of experiments though. They won't result in happiness.

If you want to make a protective seal, use the 1st seal of Saturn of King Solomon's key. It should be drawn on white or grey paper with a black pen on a Saturday morning just after sunrise, a few days before full moon. It must be completed in about half an hour. or you will have to wait till the hour and day of Saturn arrives again during a waxing moon. You could inscribe it on lead but it's heavy and difficult to obtain not to mention unhealthy stuff.

You must remain clean, healthy, of pure thought and deed and faithful for nine days prior to making such a seal. No sex, No drugs, No rock and roll, clean thoughts only, no drugs, no smoking, eat ONLY healthy food - preferably vegetarian- if meat, it should be Kosher or Halal. Drink lots of water, read the Bible every day and go to a church or synagogue or Mosque etc on your sabbath.

If you don't believe in God you're wasting your time.

After being made you should either keep it in silk, not black or grey - or frame it and keep it somewhere safe. Treat it with respect as it has names of God on it.

OK, now the sensible advice.

You opened a door by asking this question. It's your choice if you walk in. Think carefully about everything you do for the rest of your time in this world. There is now a serious side to your life and to your soul. Do NOT be lead in to Darkness by your vanity or your ego. We all have vanity but avoiding acting on it may save your soul.

This is not something you can just pick up and drop.

Good luck and if you want to try other resources, type Abramelin, Solomon's key/clavicle, Cassiel, Agiel, Hod in to a search engine and see where it leads you.

The British Museum also holds most of the manuscripts that MacGregor Mathers seals are copied from plus others. You could try asking them for pictures of the varying designs.

2007-02-06 08:25:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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