Love is what I consider the most wonderful and healing emotion in the human body. It will make one feel lighter and faster. It is the feeling of self worth that everyone "should" have all the time. I wish that it wouldn't have to subside. I truly feel that Love is the healer of all times. This must be when we are closest to God.
2007-02-06 04:18:38
answer #1
answered by TMAC 5
That is a very interesting question and there are alot of different definitions to this one word. I think it's the one thing that can make or break someone. It can change people wether it's for the better or for the worse. I think if you really find someone that loves you and you loves them back that it's a remarkable experience.
2007-02-06 13:35:40
answer #2
answered by smallebabe 2
If you find the right person and you two click then love is the best thing that anyone could ever have in life!! I'd be no where if i didn't have my boyfriend to love!
2007-02-06 12:17:19
answer #3
answered by ♥ LISSA ♥ 2
Non existant, at least for men. Lov eis a perfect feeling that God can only achieve, we are imperfect beings thus we are incapable of love....we might get close to it but that's it.
How can you say " I love you": and years later you hate him/her? That is not love, love is supposed to last forever, its just really strong feeligns we have for a person and we think its "love", but jus tlike sex, once u get to that pick of pleasure, it all goes those are only strong feelings....
2007-02-06 12:18:28
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
its an awesome thing when you really realize that someone truly loves you (as opposed to just saying it)
2007-02-06 12:16:38
answer #5
answered by aerochik9675 2
I try not to.........
2007-02-06 12:16:15
answer #6
answered by troble # one? 7