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Is it normal for a woman to have no sexualy drive whatsoever? My wife is 28 years old, and she nerver never nerver wants to have sex. I always initate it. If i dont then she is happy not doing it. Its not like i am bad at it, (not trying to be concided) but i am good at it. I like to please a woman and it makes it more fun when i know she is in to it. When we do have sex, she acts like all she wants to get it over with and that she is just fullfilling her "womanly" duties. It never used to be like that and i have no idea what is going on. Any Ideas?

2007-02-06 04:07:03 · 17 answers · asked by paul b 3 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

17 answers

sounds like your conection was lost.

it can be very normal that she would have no drive to have sex with you. just becuase she isnt having sex with you inparticular dosnt mean she dosnt have a sex drive.

i was discussing the sexual relationship i had with my ex boyfriend with a friend of mine the other day. i told her baout how i hardly had sex with him and since i wasnt the cheating type there where periods of time somtimes exceeding a few months where i didnt have sex at all. at the time i cared for that man very much... but.... he wasnt helping me feel romantic twords him. it takes alot more than fore-play to turn a girl on. personality is number one in my book.

from being that woman i think might help.
1. bring home flowers for no reason
2. take an interest in somthing she is interested in (my current boyfriend and i cook together).
3. help her out, do you really think we want to wipe your pee of the toilet? pick up your clothes? well if you do it, i promise she will have more time to relax and you both will benifit from that.
4. turn off the tv. the tv is not quality time together.
5. show her affection at every chance you can. huggs lead to kissing. kissing leads to... dont just sqeeze her boob and expect her to jump all over you.
5. dont expect sex just cuase you did somthing nice, these are things you should always do for your woman.

i left my ex becuase i felt more like his roommate than his lover.

if you are already showing her as much affection as you can... then its not enough or she is getting affection elsewhere.
good luck.

2007-02-06 04:45:00 · answer #1 · answered by enza_bot 2 · 0 0

I think that outside issues can really affect a women's sex drive. Is she under a lot of pressure at her job, or with children? Are there any indications of her suffering from depression? I.E. Sleeping too much or too little, eating habits changing, or being unusually quiet? It could be many things, and you should probably sit down and have a talk with her. She can always talk to her doctor about it too. I've heard they've got medications now to increase a women's sex drive. I know sometimes when I didn't want to have sex, and I just fulfilled my "womanly duties" for a period of time, it was because his sex drive was so high...while mine I think was normal. I finally told him that I wanted to wait awhile and "build up" my enthusiasm by having to "wait" for it. Communication is very important....remember the biggest sex organ is the brain"...

2007-02-06 04:18:11 · answer #2 · answered by sassy_395 4 · 0 0

totally understand what you are talking about - in my opinion there's a good (very good) chance that what's going on has nothing to do with her not loving you anymore, or that she doesn't desire to be intimate with you. It very well could be that she is having pain during intercourse, and that pain is why is she avoids initiating sex & when you do so, it seems she wants it to be "quick".... pain during intercourse can be very severe & can be difficult to talk about...... also depression can lead to this problem with "avoiding sex." You may want to allot more time for intimacy, and have "intimacy" without actual intercourse, a bubble bath (or hot shower) that leads to sensual message, ...etc. there are many ways a couple can be intimate, experiment with each other....this will show her that you're trying to be understanding of the situation, that you are wanting & willing to work with her b/c her pleasure is just as important to you as yours......and she may need to see her obgyn, it's a good idea to discuss it with her primary care doctor, a hormone imbalance can be the cause, and this is easily discovered.
Good Luck & work together, and you'll get thru this, & be a stronger more bonded couple ..

2007-02-06 04:52:37 · answer #3 · answered by rjsluvbug 3 · 0 0

Dear Paul b, No, it's not normal. First your wife needs to see a Dr. Second you both have to tell the absolute truth. You say you are good at it, maybe not. Has your wife told you you were good, coz she didn't want to hurt your feelings? if you are good, have you hurt her feelings? You hurt us bad enough or make us mad enough, the last thing we want to do is get close to you, mess with our head or heart and our body shuts down. If Dr.says there is no physical reason why she has lost her drive then you both need to drag out big buckets of truth, and understanding.

2007-02-06 04:18:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Is your wife depressed. At times that changes a woman's sex drive. Have you talk to her about this? You need to tell her how you feel. The other thing is if she is taking any kind of medication that could also be affecting her drive.

2007-02-06 04:12:10 · answer #5 · answered by Melissa 4 · 1 0

There may be other issues involved. Speaking from my own perspective women dont always have the desire to have sex as much as men do. It could be that she needs love in other areas to feel that passion. Try and surprise her with something romantic that will knock her socks off.

2007-02-06 04:11:29 · answer #6 · answered by postal_marg 3 · 2 0

Luk 4 a woman it is diff as compared 2 men

Women mostly think in a very diff manner
They luv frm their heart
I think so she cud b upset abou sumthin
It might b very painful 4 her
Some womens mentality abou sex is absolutely diff
She needs sum councelling

2007-02-06 05:38:55 · answer #7 · answered by snicker34 3 · 0 0

It sounds like something is wrong. I'd encourage her to talk with her doctor first. Otherwise, counseling might benefit you both. There may be some hidden resentments keeping her from enjoying your sex life. Good Luck

2007-02-06 04:11:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

As a lesbian i'm not extremely in touch in adult adult males per se, yet i'm able to seeing the acceptance in a guy. To me someone's ideas-set can make or smash their acceptance, so initially it ought to count number a small volume, yet time will tell contained in the proper.

2016-12-03 19:27:39 · answer #9 · answered by rothberg 4 · 0 0

find out what is wrong,if you say she wasn't always like this,then find out the problem with her .don't lose your patience but let her know you care very much for her happiness and being her partner you realize that something is not right with her.this is more than some men do so I consider you an exception,go for it and good luck.Be ready for whatever is really on her mind.

2007-02-06 04:12:17 · answer #10 · answered by punkin 5 · 1 0

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