I did at 12 weeks after a heart beat! My dr. says 1 out of 5 will and do, regardless of heartbeat showing or not! Best wishes, I really hope you make it!!!
2007-02-06 03:32:17
answer #1
answered by whoa,3boys! 5
I know exactly how you're feeling. I have had this with 3 of my 4 babies. It's hard to convince yourself that things are still okay when you start to spot again. I kept going to the ER with my 3rd son because i'd get an ultrasound and see a heartbeat and then 3 days later begin to spot again. Finally, a doctor told me that once the heartbeat is established, that miscarrige is rare.
I asked if I could have sex and if orgasm would hurt the baby, and he told me that there was nothing I could do to force a miscarrige. I was so relived after that.
I want you to know, that it's very normal as long as there's no severe cramping at the same time as the spotting. Now, that in mind, remember that it's also normal to have slight cramping while pregnant because of your uterus growing.
Here's one for ya...... I was 11 weeks with my last one and had already had 2 ultrasounds because of spotting. Then I stood up and had blood pouring down my leg. I was sure that I was looseing the baby until we got to the ER and we heard the heartbeat. I mean it was ALOT of bright red blood!!! The ultrasound showed that my placenta was very low and a tiny piece had come off. I was placed on bed rest for a month until my placenta moved up, and now there's a beautiful little brown eyed boy watching Barney in my liveing room.
Honestly, try and relax. I really feel like you'll be just fine.
Oh!! Remeber, when you are pregnant, your cervix has extra blood flow with hundreds of tiny capilaries. What is more than likey happening is one of those little capilaries breaks open then you'll have a bit of spotting. Many women notice spotting after sex and that is why. Those capilaries are so sesitive with a pregnant cervix.
I hope I could help ease your mind a bit.
Good luck and ((((((((hugs))))))))
2007-02-06 11:41:43
answer #2
answered by bluegrass 5
Miscarriage goes down to less than 5% after a heartbeat is detected,they can usually tell if a miscarriage is going to happen if the yolk sac is unusually large or if the sac is a deformed shape...Dont worry all is ok.worrying will just cause more problems for you and your baby,,,
With my last pregnancy i had spotting off and on and they told me it was a threatened miscarriage but my baby is fine and the spotting stopped,now he is a perfect 17 month old..with this pregnancy from 6-8 weeks i was spotting everyday all day,had an u/s as well and everything looked fine,heartbeat was good,she said sac looked good etc...I was placed on bedrest for 2 weeks from 6-8 and at 8 weeks the spotting stopped completely..now i am 15 weeks pregnant and had another u/s that showed heartbeat agin and a healthy big ol baby..next month i go to find out the sex too =)
So,dont give your hopes up and enjoy your pregnancy..chances are your baby is ok and its just a little abnoraml bleeding that doctors dont know the cause of.you and your little one will be fine..good luck!
p.s i suggest resting as much as possible,it stopped my bleeding,it will stop yours..
2007-02-06 11:50:27
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Hearbeat can be seen aroun the 18th day of pregnancy. The risk of miscarriage drops by over 80% after the first trimester.
I am 10 weeks pregnant and I have "spotted" 2 times since the 5th week. Spotting early in pregnancy can be normal for some women even when she hasn't spotted during previous pregnancies. Spotting without miscarriage is usually because of an overly sensetive cervix.
2007-02-06 11:34:53
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
spotting is normal and as becoming a new mother you will freak out over the heealth of your baby. Just as long as you and the baby are properly being taken care of don't worry about a miscarriage. Also, its not very likely that you've miscarried after having a sonogram for no reason. Just take it easy and do everything to keep the baby healthy, that is what is important.
2007-02-06 11:35:12
answer #5
answered by !~!Cheara!~! 2
Spotting doesn't necessarily mean your baby is in danger. I spotted with all of my pregnancies. With my last pregnancy, I not only spotted, I had a huge blood clot come out as well ... I thought for sure I had just lost the baby ... Nope, had an ultrasound and my son was still there. lol ... tough little guy.
Don't worry, unless you KNOW you have something to worry about hun ... stress can affect your pregnancy. :)
2007-02-06 11:42:41
answer #6
answered by ♥Carol♥ 7
There can be some cramping! Usually growing pains. There are a lot of things that can cause spotting. Intercourse, Exercise, Bladder infection. I can't imagine that the doctor didn't check things to find out why you are spotting??
Good Luck and Best Wishes
2007-02-06 11:38:15
answer #7
answered by OMeganO 3
There is always a chance of miscarriage. It usually decreases after the first trimester drastically but heartbeat or not it happens. Spotting is usually normal as long as you do not soak through a pad and there isnt a cramping
2007-02-06 11:33:09
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
just see a doctor.
my wife miscaried 3 kids.
her 1st pregnancy her 3 rd pregnancy
and her 5th.
her 1st was in the 1st tri-mester
her second and 3rd she was in her 20-28th week area
we have two very healthy boys.
but it was very very tough on my wife.
and we found out that 1 out of every three baby;s
are miscarried.
doctors and hospitals will not tell you that.
but from 1960 -1990
it increased by 50 %
it;s our enviroment,today
woman should no longer be brought up to be mommies
and have babies,woman should be brought up to face reality
1 in every 3 is miscarried,some will never have kids.
just like cancer,from 1960-1990
cancer deaths increased 62 %
again 1 in every three people alive today
will die from some form of cancer.
it;s the sad reality of life today
and our values haven;t changed to be with the norm
of today anymore.
little girls are brought up to be mommies and have babies
but the truth is not being told.
2007-02-06 11:41:40
answer #9
answered by rottentothecore 5
I miscarried at 4 months, it can and does happen. Some women spot all through their pregnancy. If the Doctor isn't worried then you need not be either.
2007-02-06 11:35:20
answer #10
answered by Serenayowlerlove 3