I know of a person that has started a couple of online businesses that do not require much upfront costs. 1-sell stuff on ebay.
2-start your own store on a webhost and sell out of your home.
What is required? A business license to sell in you state, city and county (about $300)
A web domain ($35 per year)
Do it yourself knowledge of how to design a website (free when using a template)
A website ($40/month)
Ability to process credit cards ($300 set up fee and monthly bank account fees [$10]), or take PayPal
Stuff to sell: Unknown-
Search Engine Optimization placement and/or software ($150 or more)
Good luck
2007-02-06 03:33:26
answer #1
answered by Christmas Light Guy 7
Yes, but you have to work at it. I guess it depends on your personality and how badly you would like to achieve that goal. I have an online business. I can't give you a lot of details here since that might be construed as advertising but feel free to email me if you'd like more information.
2007-02-06 07:15:39
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes. you can start your own business working for yourself but not by yourself check out my website at www.igonet.biz/unitephone and join my team in the digital phone service business. Call or e-mail me if you have any questions.
2007-02-06 03:30:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
My name is Ankur and i am writing from india i have my online business where i have three websites and have not invested much of the money but I am getting good results,,its all about planning things and working according to ur plans,,,and also its about ideas that pop up in your mind when you think of online business,,,investment can be taken care off if you hav right planning and idea....anything future please write to me at ankur_nema@yahoo.com.
2007-02-06 03:34:28
answer #4
answered by ankur_nema 1
What exactly is "so much"? $1,000? $10,000? $100,000? Also, many people invest time, rather than money, in their online businesses...
2007-02-06 03:51:30
answer #5
answered by NC 7
2007-02-06 16:29:40
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i tink no one can succesfull on line bunisness
2007-02-06 03:28:28
answer #7
answered by Tan Chiou Pheng A 2
nope i invest in real estate...........
2007-02-06 03:26:37
answer #8
answered by tennessee 7