take him to vet or call!
2007-02-06 02:19:27
answer #1
answered by jenivive 6
Whoever you are you sound sooo funny. So let me get this right, your rabbit "snuffles" climbed into you new microwave and you didn't notice him in their when you went to close the door and puch the button?
sound abit far fetched but if it did happen you should contact you local vet and make sure that any of his inside weren't cooked and by the way i would throw your noodles because you might throw them back up if something is wrong with your bunny.
2007-02-06 02:22:38
answer #2
answered by HRH Simon Thompson 2
That should be fatal. Brain damage sets in almost instantly, and it would be very obvious if your rabbit didn't explode or die.
How'd a rabbit, with no opposable thumbs, manage to open the microwave door and close it on itself?
You need to get a functional microwave. Don't expect to get anywhere cooking those noodles, if it can't even brain-fry a rabbit in four minutes.
2007-02-06 04:29:29
answer #3
answered by Rachel R 4
Actually Noodles and Rabbit are very tasty. It's really hard to believe a rabbit or anything else could survive 4 min. in a Microwave. But if he in fact did, you'd better get him to a vet as Microwaves cook from the inside out....
2007-02-06 02:34:02
answer #4
answered by nalla 3
first of all, i'm very sorry on your loss. It seems such as you probably did each and every little thing attainable on your potential to purpose to get help on your rabbit. the only suggestion i might have sooner or later may well be to in basic terms confirm you call the Vet at present in case you spot any alterations on your rabbit's habit. the reason I say it somewhat is as a results of the fact rabbits can get intestinal blockages from fur and that's necessary look for at present clinical care in case you spot that your rabbit's stools and ingesting behavior have replaced, which incorporate bloat on your rabbit's abdomen. each and every so often, blockages can mask themselves as GI stasis. i'm no longer asserting it somewhat is the reason your rabbit died, in simple terms providing you with some assistance for destiny reference. as a ways simply by fact the pinnacle tilt/wry neck, in case you probably did no longer word any indicators earlier than taking your rabbit to the Vet, your rabbit will possibly no longer have had this subject. i understand that my dollar does this alot and after endless visits to the Vet, it has became out to be no longer something different than his playful nature. one extra element, in my facility, we in no way supply rabbit penicillin. i'm unsure in the adventure that your Vet gave your rabbit penicillin yet i understand that over the path of my occupation, I even have seen rabbits exchange into deathly unwell and a few have even died simply by fact the rabbits might desire to no longer tolerate the penicillin antibiotic. So did your Vet do something incorrect? that's difficult to assert. there are various aspects that come into play such simply by fact the time-physique wherein the animal became ill and then won clinical care, the variety of ailment, etc. wish you detect the solutions you're desperately searching for. And back, my private sympathy for the shortcoming of your rabbit.
2016-12-17 10:36:58
answer #5
answered by schulman 4
Wow your rabbit must be superhuman! Well.. super rabbit! Though how super relally is super rabbit to be honest since rabbits were not really that super to begin with. And yes, deffinately eat the noodles, SuperNoodles are known to contain anti-haluciogens.
2007-02-06 02:26:53
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
That sounds more like a kid trying something stupid. It's animal abuse and if your rabbit isn't dead I'm sure it won't live very long. You basically are cooking it's insides or burning it alive. People that do stuff like that on purpose should be sent to prison.
People that do that kind of stuff are the kind of people that organizations like PETA actually should go after and prosecute.
2007-02-06 04:15:06
answer #7
answered by devilishblueyes 7
Toss out the noodles and keep an eye on your bunny. He might have lost some brain cells from getting so hot.
2007-02-06 02:20:37
answer #8
answered by Jessica H 4
I very seriously don't believe the microwave oven was turned on. The rabbit would have been well done within two minutes.
2007-02-06 02:21:33
answer #9
answered by WC 7
he might seem fine,but will have braindamage,maybe mild,but def. have you ever heart about the experiment of the plantpots where they used microwaved water and purified? guess wich died,so get him to a vet for a checkup!goodluck and BE MORE CAREFULL!
2007-02-06 02:26:07
answer #10
answered by stormflutter 2
You might want to toss the rabbit back in for 5 minutes.
2007-02-06 02:21:16
answer #11
answered by Anonymous