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4 answers

I think i can help you with this:


* Ra – Sun God, King of the Gods.
Ra was the God of the sun. He sailed across the heavens in a boat the “Barque of Millions of Years”. At the end of each day, Ra was thought to die and sailed on his night voyage through the Underworld, leaving the moon to light the world above. The boat would sail through the twelve doors, representing the twelve hours of nighttime. The next dawn, He was born again.

* Hathor – Goddess of love, music and dance
Hathor was the Goddess of joy, motherhood and love. She looked after al women. She was the Goddess of music and dancing, as well. Dead women were identified with Hathor, as men were identified with Osiris.

*Sekmhet – The Goddess of the Sun
The other side of Hathor, the Eye of Ra, the destructive sun goddess. The Egyptians knew that the Sun brought life, but they also knew that the desert Sun could kill them.

* Nut – The Sky Goddess
The sky is Nut’s body, arching from horizon to horizon. Nut was married to the King of Gods, Ra, but she was in love with Geb, the Earth God. Nut and Geb had four children, Osiris, The God of the Dead, Set, The God of the Desert, Nephthys and Isis.

* Geb – God of the Earth
Geb is the God of the Earth. He is said to be lying down beneath Nut, The Goddess of the Sky. During the day, Nut and Geb are separated, but each evening, Nut comes down to meet Geb and this causes darkness. If storm comes during the day, it is believed that Nut and Geb are close to each other.

* Osiris – God of the Dead
Osiris is shown as a man with a beard wearing white mummy wrappings. His crown is the white crown of Upper Egypt surrounded by red feathers. His skin is green to represent vegetation. He holds the symbols of supreme power, the flail and crook. The crook is used by shepherds to catch their sheep. The flail is used in threshing, to separate the grains from the outer husks. Osiris was the God of the Dead. You would expect that such a god would be gloomy or even evil, but the Egyptians thought about death a lot. They mummified their dead and buried them with their belongings so they could enjoy themselves in the afterlife.

* Set – God of the Desert, Storm and Violence
Set is shown with an animal's head with a long curved pointed snout, slanting eyes, and square-tipped ears. Sometimes he has a forked tail. No-one seems to know what the animal is. Aardvark, antelope, ***, camel, fennec, giraffe, greyhound, jackal, jerboa, long-snouted mouse, okapi, oryx and pig have all been suggested. Seth was the God of the desert, storm and violence, which are all enemies of the fertile, properous, narrow valley of the Nile.

* Horus – God of the Pharaohs, Son of Osiris
Horus is shown as a hawk, or a man with a hawk's head and the crown of all Egypt. This makes him look similar to Ra, but Ra is crowned with the sun disk. Horus' crown is made of two parts. The white part is the crown of Upper Egypt (in the south) and the red part is the crown of Lower Egypt (including the Nile delta). Together they show that Horus ruled all Egypt. During their reign, Pharaohs identified themselves with Horus. The Eye of Horus, healed by Thoth, was an amulet, or magic charm. The Ancient Egyptians also used it to describe fractions. The Egyptians sometimes had had two eye symbols, with the left eye being the Eye of Horus, symbolizing the moon, and the right eye being symbolizing the Eye of Ra, or the sun.

* Isis – Goddess of Magic, Queen of Goddesses
A great goddess, the wife and sister of Osiris, the sister of Seth and Nephthys, and the mother of Horus. Isis, one of the nine great deities known as the Ennead, is featured in myth principally as the devoted wife of Osiris, the first king on earth, and mother of Horus. As the devine exemplar of the dedicated wife and mother, Isis was the center of an important cult which spread over, and out of, the borders of ancient Egypt.

The goddess's adversary was her brother Seth, who brought about the death of Osiris and stole his throne. Isis retrieved her husband's corpse and protected it from Seth, using magic powers to halt or reverse the decay. In one account, Isis hovered over the body as a sparrowhawk and fanned enough life into Osiris with her wings to enable her to conceive a son, the god Horus. Isis protected Horus from Seth and assisted him to regain his birthright, the Egyptian kingship, from his uncle.

* Thoth – God of Wisdom, Time and Writing on the Moon
Thoth invented hieroglyphs, the picture writing of Ancient Egypt. He was the measurer of the earth and the counter of the stars and the keeper and recorder of all knowledge.

* Anubis – God of Embalming
Anubis invented embalming to embalm Osiris, the first mummy. He was the guide of the dead. The Egyptians embalmed their dead, especially their pharaohs, to preserve them, since they thought that this helped them live for ever.

* Ma’at – Goddess of Justice, Wife of Thoth
Ma'at was the goddess of truth, justice and harmony. She was the wife of Thoth, the god of wisdom, since wisdom is needed to find truth and justice. Both Ma'at and Thoth helped at the Weighing of the Heart.

* Amun – God of Creation
Amun was an important god, but there are no stories about him. He created all things. At the same time, he remained apart from creation, totally different from it, and fully independent from it. He was invisible. However, if he was called Amun-Re, this allowed people to see him. Then he had a hat with ostrich feathers on, and like all gods with human heads, a beard.

there you go. ; )
i hope it helps.

2007-02-05 21:35:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

* Amun,god of the wind
* Ra, god of the Sun - When with Amun, they become Amun-Ra.
* Anubis, god of the Dead, and of Embalming.
* Aten, A form of the Sun god Ra.
* Bastet, goddess of cats and perfume
* Bes, Protector of Pregnant Women, Newborn babies, and Families.
* Geb, god of the Earth, father of Osiris, Isis, Nephthys and Seth.
* Hathor, goddess of Love
* Horus, god of the Sky
* Isis, Protective goddess - used powerful Magic Spells when people were in need, and was the Wife of Osiris.
* Nephthys, goddess of the Dead - Wife of Set.
* Ptah, god of Craftsmen.
* Ra-Horakhty, god of both sky and Sun. A combination of Ra and Horus - thought to be God of the Rising Sun.
* Osiris, god of the Dead, and Ruler of the Underworld.
* Sekhmet, goddess of War.
* Set, god of Chaos.

2007-02-06 00:28:19 · answer #2 · answered by serenityfan76 3 · 0 0

too true..Try to be polite when your trying to tell people off dont be rude man,.. hey, to the asker sorry bout this this is totally not helping..hehehe...

2007-02-05 23:16:28 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't you hate it when people copy and paste and don't site their sources? Here: http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=ancient+egyptian+gods+and+goddesses&fr=ush-ans

2007-02-05 21:41:53 · answer #4 · answered by reynwater 7 · 0 4

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