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Is it possible to fully eliminate war from the earth, or is war an unavoidable disaster? Perhaps war is not only unavoidable, it is necessary for the advancement, if not sustainment of humanity... please be as elaborate and complex as you wish.

2007-02-05 21:25:08 · 8 answers · asked by holdcauf01 1 in Arts & Humanities History

8 answers


wars are needed as a natural part of human evolution. When you look at war from a long-range perspective, it becomes clear that, as destructive as wars are, their very destructiveness has served as the primary force for the evolution of the human race. By mercilessly elimnating those who were unable to survive in the theater of war, wars resulted in a constant upgrading of both the physiological and intellectual acuity of man.

Although many bright people perish in wars, the preponderance of the casualties occur among people with the limited intellectual capacity to understand the mechanics of wars and who are thus unable to avoid becoming casualties.

Who would seriosly dispute the fact that smart people have higher living standards than intellectually less endowed persons do? War elimnates the intellectually less fit and thus, in the end, raises the average intelligence and the living standards of society as a whole.

Throughout the ages, evolution took advantage of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, war, natural disasters, disease and famine.

If we succeed in eliminating armies and war, we are also eliminating war in its capacity as a powerful contributor to evolution by keeping the world population in check. We are now at 6 billion humans, scientific projections of growth predict 10 billion within 50 years...mostly in under developed countries. Humanity will reach the limits of available resources at 9-12 billion..this is not sustainable.

We can only speculate as to which path evolution will take in reducing the world from 10 to 3 billion. A battle for resources will favor those with higher levels of intelligence and rationality. Evolution never receds to irrationality, superstition and stupidity.

2007-02-06 07:55:55 · answer #1 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 0 1

"Human" warfare exists because mankind has not yet realized that, although it shares some common features with the animal kingdom, it does not belong to it. Man belongs to a higher and more noble creation which is the human kingdom.
The goal of mankind has to be to eliminate war from the earth and to establish world peace. This is not only possible but NECESSARY. If we don't eliminate war from the earth, war will eliminate us from the earth. This however requires a critical mass of people to become aware of its necessity and to act accordingly.
What happens in societies is a reflection of the way of thinking and acting of the individuals that compose it. We can not have a peaceful world if we are aggressive and violent as individuals. In other words a society can not be better that it's individual components. We need a radical transformation of man in some way.
World peace and world unity will not become reality by laws passed by congress. They will become reality because a majority of people in the world will realize that they are necessary for our very survival.

2007-02-06 19:06:51 · answer #2 · answered by apicole 4 · 0 0

War has been in existance since the dawn of mankind. The day there is no more war and peace on Earth, is the day or near the day that mankind will end. Speaking from both a biblical and realistic mind, this holds to be true (not saying that biblical thinking is unrealistic).

According to the Bible, there will be the "anti-Christ" which will deceive humanity and bring about peace on Earth. This will be the dawn of the appocalypse, the final days.

Even if that's not true, you have to consider that as long as humans exist, there will be differences. Our natural means of dealing with these differences in others is to quarrel and even to the extremes of killing one-another. A quarrel of a group could be considered war. So unless everyone suddenly becomes 100% aggreable with eachother and all-loving, then there will be war always.

2007-02-06 05:30:42 · answer #3 · answered by Rush_Informer01 2 · 0 1

You want all the detail, then goto wikipedia and type war in the search box. Personally i think the desire to fight and the instinct for survival is hard wired in our genes and that is expressed as regional conflict, terrorism etc., Also, there will always be a group of rational human beings who counterbalance the aggressive side and will prevent the annhilation of mankind. And wars do have a positive side... As they say, the true indication of caliber is the test of fire... Some remarkable scientific advancements, be it in medicine, mathematics or technology have come out of war. Check it out if you think i'm a nutcase.

2007-02-06 05:40:17 · answer #4 · answered by Gunslinger 2 · 0 1

No one can say it is possible with any certainty and yet no one can say it isn't either. If one looks at recent history carefully, one can see that fewer and fewer nations are at war with each other and more and more nations have reached agreements and relationships that are difficult to imagine they'd be at war with each other.

-In the late 18th early 19th century: Americans were at war with Britain. Britain with France, France with most of Europe...
-Mid 19th to late 19th century: Americans were fighting one another in a big Civil War that killed more Americans than any other war before or since. The US fought Mexico and Spain, China fought Japan. But: The US was at peace with Britain and Britain at peace with France.
-The 20th century (first half): Europeans fought one another in two big wars that America was also involved. Japan fought Russia (1905), China(1937-1945), almost everyone in East Asia and the Pacific including the European colonial forces there and the US. China fought the US in Korea, France fought Vietnam...But at the end of this half century: Western Europe was at peace; Germany , Japan and the US were at peace.
- The 20th century (second half): Algerians fought against France, Egypt and Israel fought several deadly wars, the Vietnamese fought against one another that also involved massive US intervention, Vietnam fought China and Cambodia, the US backed Latin American right wing regimes fought against their own people in horrendous civil wars in El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua (where later US-backed contras also fought against the Sandanista government)...But near the end of the century: the US reestablished relations with China, Russia and Eastern Europe abandoned the cold war against the West, the US and Vietnam re-established relations. Southeast Asia was at peace at last. France and Algeria are on friendly terms. Even in Latin America and in Southern Africa , violence has subsided and democracy and peace are on the rise.

In the early 21st century, even though the world is far from being peaceful with the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and terrorists acts and threats everywhere, but: The major powers are at peace and in talking terms with one another as are 95% plus of the nations of the world. Major wars are unthinkable now within Europe, in the Americas and in East Asia (with only minor internal conflicts in Mexico, Peru, the Philippines and Thailand).

I'll say the possibility of the further reduction of war is very good. Total elimination thereof: still very far into the future.

2007-02-06 06:25:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Human warfare is just organised bullying on a larger more lethal scale. If person A wants something bad enough from person B, he/she will do whatever it takes to get it. We are greedy by nature, we will always want more. Therefore conflict will continue to exist in one way for all time.

2007-02-06 05:54:13 · answer #6 · answered by Big Daddy Jim 3 · 1 0

Only if you could control minds, then war could cease to exist.

2007-02-06 05:28:09 · answer #7 · answered by Docta Jones 4 · 0 1

HoldcaujO; I will not be ellaborate; I do noy need to..
for the (simple) reason IS: We are -ALL- consumers;

-and [that makes] us.. DANGEROUS competitors!

(-just, as simple as THAT; and women..
ARE setting 'THE standard')!

2007-02-06 05:34:18 · answer #8 · answered by Captain M 3 · 0 0

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