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How horrible must be the overwhelming, cruel force that is capable of transforming men, at the beginning of their lives, innocent and bright-eyed, into such terrible outcasts of humanity. Are humans inherently predisposed to commit murder, simply because they have the physical capacity to do so? Is murder the simple consequence of overwhelming want? Or is murder conditioned, being the undersired outcome of brutality, misery, and neglect? Perhaps abstaining from murder is the abberation here; does society condition humans to stifle their natural impulse to kill? I am curious to know what you think, so please be as elaborate and convoluted as you wish!

2007-02-05 21:21:05 · 11 answers · asked by holdcauf01 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

11 answers

We have a natural impulse to survive. When threatened we are programmed to either attack (fight or flight) or run. A survivor attacks, a victim runs. Self-defense is the only justification for killing. If someone threatens your life then you have a right to defend yourself. Anything else is murder & is evil. Some people have no conscience, no respect for human life & therefore are able to destroy it without remorse. I believe that violent behaviour, evil and murderousness are products of nature & nurture. Mostly nurture, how they are socialized. I think that people are born with certain traits or tendencies but that their life experiences will help to shape them into the people that they are. Murderers were not shown love. They were abused in some form, rejected. They learned to hate. They learned to destroy. Show me a murderer & I'll show you someone who wasn't loved by his parents. Someone who was physically & emotionally abused or neglected & abandoned. Someone who was tortured & who learned that the world is evil & that the only way to survive is to become evil & to destroy. Killers aren't born. They're made. It's not a natural impulse to kill. It's a natural impulse to love. But when denied love, when rejected & abused one can become so hateful, so angry, so desperate that one just wants to lash out at the world & make it hurt so that the inner pain goes away for a little while.

Just a theory...but I don't recall ever hearing about a serial killer who had loving parents...

2007-02-05 21:33:25 · answer #1 · answered by amp 6 · 0 1

There is no doubt that man can be more cruel than the worst animal in nature, if it were not for the moral education that it has received during thousands of years of his evolution on earth, by the great spiritual teachers of mankind.
Society, far from stifling the impulse to kill, encourages young people once they reach 18 years old, to kill other human beings in wars. All in the name of outdated and obsolete ideals that belong to the past.

2007-02-06 12:44:21 · answer #2 · answered by apicole 4 · 0 0

There are multiple causes of this inhuman act. I would cite an instance what´s taking place in my country. POVERTY could lead a man to kill by being a hard killer in order to get paid so he can feed his 12 household members. POWER could also be a factor. To be politically powerful in a government such as we have here, politicians could do something strange by pulling out the trigger so the opponent could not make it in the election.JEALOUSY could be added as well.Someone jealous over the material possession of another will do something to pull him down..we call it "crab mentality".

These are just some of the multifactorial phenomenon that may compell the person to ´take the life another.

2007-02-06 05:39:41 · answer #3 · answered by maconsolviaa 5 · 0 0

Fear. Every child grows up learning fear. Some learn to a greater degree than others. Whereas others learn very little of fear. Fear drives all hatreds and it is this that will drive a man or a woman to kill, to murder, to rape, to steal, to torture, to imprison, to hate.
Somewhere at sometime the child has been taught by someone or something to fear!! This teaching will carry the child into adult hood with a hatred enough to murder,rape,steal,hurt,beat, and hate others for no apparent reason that you and I can see on the outside.
And yes....it is horrible and cruel, evil always has been horrible and cruel, but it feeds on our fears. There is so much fear in this world that evil dines on banquets every second of every day.
The only thing we have to combat that is Love. The only source of love we have is God. In that we are fortunate, because there is nothing that can overcome God. When one uses this force, then a very powerful weapon is used to a great effect against this horrible, and cruel force that transforms men into beasts. Apply this force well and often.
God bless and take care.

2007-02-06 05:31:26 · answer #4 · answered by the old dog 7 · 0 1

that is a matter that can not be explained . anger could push some to kill unwillingly . others consider it their way to life . criminals step by step it becomes an ordinary behavior to them without the the least regret . also it differs according to the motives in self defense ( yourself . your folk, country , ....etc) it is legal . execpt that one would think much why and how dare one do that
may be desires are more powerful than caring for others . the first murder in the history was by brothers . and the motive was jealousy and envy . u can prvent killing by make people have faith, patience , hope ,and getting full control of oneself . we should not relate it to society except in the case of public disorder and abscence of security .

2007-02-06 06:59:21 · answer #5 · answered by marwhitethread 2 · 1 0

The most powerful emotions in existance; Love, greed, hatred, jealousy.
I would bet a lot that those would be the natural impulses to kill.

To be honest, survival of the fittest has died out in human society, now its; survival of the people with the most money and guns, mwah ha ha ha ha!!!!


2007-02-06 06:12:42 · answer #6 · answered by angelchild 3 · 0 1

is not in natural for human to kill another human
the problem could only come from the education we received as kids or the one book that was not taught to us to prevent it
maybe on the first killing like stepping on an ant we shd have
received some guideline to explained what happen
that is good foundation for us to grown up as a reason not
to kill another human

2007-02-06 06:03:14 · answer #7 · answered by kimht 6 · 0 1

the only reason i can see my self killing another is if they killed my children. i would want to hurt them so badly and for a long time. that would be my pain coming out. i can only pray that the good Lord would intervene so i would not do something like that. there is nothing natural about wanting to kill another unless it happens out of self protection.

2007-02-06 05:40:06 · answer #8 · answered by Kim C 2 · 0 0

Misunderstanding. He is unaware of the truth of life and the traditions of life, which have evolved by time and by the experiences derived into the civilization from ancient past and recent past.

2007-02-06 05:30:25 · answer #9 · answered by Kakoo 2 · 0 1


2007-02-06 06:13:34 · answer #10 · answered by xxsanxx 5 · 0 0

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