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some people seriously take offense if their musical tastes are insulted. maybe it's because i have liked punk and alternative...grunge, indie ("emo"...i could never keep up with all the categories) all my life and i am used to people tearing me apart, and i just don't care if they like what i like.

my young daughter gets upset if i say i don't like her music (she likes classic rock, metal...), and so i don't tell her how much it bugs me, but she feels free voice her distaste for mine. like i said, i don't care, but i have pointed out the double standard.

i thought it might just be age related but i burned a cd of several of my favorite songs and shared it with a co-worker today. he admitted to liking it. when he mentioned some other bands he likes, i said i hated that music. he said "oh thanks!"...sarcastically...but still huffy.

2007-02-05 20:57:34 · 30 answers · asked by soren 6 in Entertainment & Music Music

musonic...that actually sounds interesting. i would always be willing to listen. but i do admit to being very closed-minded musically (and only musically)

2007-02-05 21:17:12 · update #1

i have actually started thinking more about this...and i'm not TOTALLY closed minded. i am open to listening to other types of music. i have been known to like a rap song or a pop song...i do like rush and pink floyd, and some metallica.

2007-02-05 21:46:02 · update #2

moss...lol...i'll admit to having a guilty pleasure or two!

2007-02-06 11:25:55 · update #3

musicimprovedme...music can be very profound to us, i agree. and ina way, i DID share my cd with my co-worker as a ot of "gift". i was happy that he said he liked it, but if he said it was terrible, i really wouldn't have been surprised. i have become accustomed to brutal honesty over the years, so music or not, i have learned not to be so sensitive about many things.

2007-02-06 11:29:43 · update #4

30 answers

No, but i'm often offended by other peoples taste in music! Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and i know its a cliche but it would be boring if everyone liked the same.... blah blah blah! Who am i kidding? I really don't want to talk to people who think that the likes of James Blunt, Coldplay, Dido, Norah Jones and the rest of the coffee table music crowd are the best that music has to offer! People who refuse to even try any different music drive me mad too. I always give everything a chance, including the aforementioned artists, before i decide whether i like it or not. I like to try and introduce friends and work colleagues to stuff that they've not heard before, as music is something i love with a near obsessive passion, but some people are beyond help! Genres and catergories are irrelevant; what matters is whether the songs are any good!

2007-02-05 22:22:20 · answer #1 · answered by Madfan 3 · 2 0

even as i develop right into a baby I used to. yet then i began taking section in guitar at age 15 and that i extremely began to prolonged my musical tastes ever considering. In my mid-30's now I pay interest to countless stuff. darkish, mild, heavy, sparse, previous, new, ect. countless the song i love human beings snicker at me for liking! Even my personal dad and mom do! that is all a count of flavor. in spite of sounds tremendous for your ears and makes you chuffed, you're able to not hate someone for that. those who in common words keep on with and pay interest to what's in trend although, they're restricting themselves on many ranges. i don't love each and every thing although. I have an expansive flavor yet i'm picky as well!

2016-11-25 19:47:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's something i feel really passionate about; what i like and dislike. Ultimately i respect people's right to like whatever they want, but i do get a bit peeved that people don't try to return the courtesy. I won't go 'Ugh i hate that' to someone unless I'm asked directly, then I'd be polite but honest about it.

I knew a girl who dissed everything i liked and wouldn't even let me talk for a second about my faves while going on and on about what she liked. She stopped speaking to me when i said i disliked what she loved. That's just taking it too far for me.

We're all different, no two people will like all the same stuff, we have to live and let live. It's a part of us and our personality, i suppose that's why some take it so personally.

Like life generally, it's better if we're tolerant towards others. (Even if their taste is atrocious!)

2007-02-06 06:59:59 · answer #3 · answered by black cherry 5 · 1 0

Some people think of their music as "lifestyle" and think that when you slam that type of music you are slamming them. Some people take things like that way too seriously.
Music is such a big part of our lives that I can understand this to an extent. Think of working in an office with someone who loves country music when you don't care for it and love metal music. There could be a big fight over MUSIC! It's like you are attacking the person for who they are.......their lifestyle. In my opinion it's best to leave the radio off at work and listen to your own favorite music on your own time.

2007-02-06 10:18:07 · answer #4 · answered by Nightflyer 5 · 1 0

Personally, no, but I can see how it can be frusturating, especially since people EXPECT you to have the same tastes. The most people I know like one type of music, but every once in a while there will be some random picks including some "guilty pleasures"

2007-02-06 05:16:42 · answer #5 · answered by Moss B 5 · 1 0

I get offended sometimes because, usually I am trying to share something with someone I care about, and I don't want them stomping all over it. It's like them turning their nose up at a gift...that is really how I feel about it.

I wanted to share some music with my best friend once, who likes what she likes and is unfamiliar with the rest. As for our common tastes? I like a little bit of everything so we listen to some of the same stuff, but I listen to a lot more variety and eras than she does. I have studied up on things up until the last few years (not cool anymore!). She just doesn't dig it as much as me on any level.

The music in question was a Journey concert that I recorded to DVR from VH1 Classic. I got all mad because she just kept saying Steve Perry looked like a girl.

She does this ALL the time. And a lot of music, I consider gifts I have received, they have helped me, inspired me, touched me somehow...as you may can tell from my screen name. So for a person to just totally miss the point, and be rude about it, well yeah I get offended.

It's usually when I think the person will like it. And if I care about that person at all...you know...a gift.

As for in my car? I don't give a damn what anyone thinks of what I play. I play it anyway because it's my car.

2007-02-05 21:30:39 · answer #6 · answered by musicimprovedme 7 · 4 1

Nope. I dont care at all. I listen to EVERYTHING. Some people might look at me weirdly for turning on some rap and then turning on a punk song and then listening to an oldie. There is good music everywhere and im not gonna just stick myself to one genre because someone else is too scared to branch out and be open-minded. I even go as far as liking themes to TV shows. lol

2007-02-05 21:07:18 · answer #7 · answered by jayfreeze18 2 · 3 1

I don't get offended if they say they don't like my music as everyone has their own opinons!! I do however get annoyed with this whole emo thing!! I like what people would call emo bands!! People hate anything to do with emo for some reason and i can't understand why!! It's like people wont give a band a chance if they are classed as emo and i reckon people could be missing out on some good music.

2007-02-05 21:16:31 · answer #8 · answered by Vamp82 3 · 3 1

No I don't get upset because they don't like it, I get upset because they dismiss it out of hand. When I was 12/13 and just getting into punk, people automatically thought it was about violence and hatred without trying to listen to it and then having a valued opinion. 20 years later and it's very tame music to some that is out there now but people still think it's something to dismiss and dislike without knowing anything about it.

2007-02-05 21:14:06 · answer #9 · answered by jeeps 6 · 2 1

i do a little. dont get me wrong, i dont mind if you dont like like rnb and hip hop. but people are always slagging it off without being asked!! i mean i dont like punk or rock, but i dont go around constantly volunteering my opinion on it!!

some people assume rnb/hip hop is ALL mysoginistic and about making money. they also say its all sounds the same. well if you think about it, all bands within their musical genres sound the same, thats how come we are able to put them into genres.

while I will concede that SOME rnb and hip hop lacks imagination, particularly the music videos which usually feature some women shaking her *** to camera, not all hip hop and rnb is like that. There are some artists (e.g. Lupe Fiasco, Common, Musiq Soulchild, NERD, John Legend) who are innovative and creative and i love them!!

2007-02-08 00:22:07 · answer #10 · answered by Chimera's Song 6 · 0 0

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