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I've had a pleco in my 20 gallon tank for 2-3 weeks. He was doing fine at first. Today I realized I hadn't seen him in a few days. I found him hiding in one of my plants (all fake). His belly was severely sunken in and when I poked him with the net he didn't move. I thought he was dead so I scooped him up and held him in the net. He didn't move, then weakly flicked his tail and tried to swim away. He made it the few inches to the glass and was able to suction to it, but only for a few seconds. Then he fell on his back and remained upside down until I righted him with the net.

There's algae in the tank (on plants, glass, etc) and I also feed algae discs every few days. I put a disc in the tank right next to him just now, but he wouldn't go near it. I even placed him ON the disc. He still wouldn't eat.

I suspect he's a goner...but if not, what can I do? Also, what may have caused him to stop eating so that, if he does die, I don't have the same problem with a new pleco?

2007-02-05 20:53:40 · 5 answers · asked by rabidbaby 2 in Pets Fish

20 gallon tank:
1 molly
1 male swordtail
3 brilliant rasboras
2 glass catfish

I have never observed any of the fish picking on the pleco. The molly and swordtail occasionally chase one another and nip, but that's the most aggression my tank ever sees.

2007-02-05 22:40:52 · update #1

I don't think it's swim bladder disease...do plecos even get that?

I've only experienced it in my goldfish tank (oranda, black moore). In my experience, fish with swim bladder trouble float. They're still active, and they still eat -- they just have trouble getting around.

The pleco is not behaving that way at all. Very listless -- won't eat, won't move, hides in the plants.

2007-02-05 22:43:37 · update #2

5 answers

Try this website, there are many people there who can help you.
Also there are many posts about Pleco diseases. Hope your Pleco gets better! :)


2007-02-05 22:32:04 · answer #1 · answered by DECEMBER 5 · 0 0

First off check your water parameters, taking particular note of Nitrate. Needs to be below 20, if it is not then do 30% water changes daily until you get the level down. Ammonia and nitrite should be 0.
A pleco does not belong in a 20g tank as they are high waste producers, causing water quality to go down hill very quickly. They also grow quite large. If you are looking for a small algae eating fish then try ottos but beware, they are extremely sensative to bad water quality.
I think your pleco has passed the point of help, if you have it in you I would euthanaise it. For future plecos try offering a piece of zucchini tied to a rock or weighed down, they love it!

2007-02-05 23:47:45 · answer #2 · answered by friskyparrot 2 · 1 0

I hate to bring bad news but once a fish is to that point it's usually impossible to save him. There is a good chance he has an internal infection of some type as many of them don't have any signs you can see until it's basically too late.

It doesn't seem to be anything you did wrong, he was probably sick when you got him but there was no way to tell.

Sorry about that

2007-02-06 00:38:30 · answer #3 · answered by magicman116 7 · 1 0

Bloodworm, even vegetarians seem to eat it and if you can find King British Plec Pellets - they are a GODSEND for plecs and they love them (they are fat and blue and your plec will eat for ages off just one of them). What kind of plec is he?

Also you NEED REAL PLANTS get some amazon swords etc as that will make the right kind of algae grow.

2007-02-06 02:29:55 · answer #4 · answered by Neen 2 · 0 0

try to change its food.... every day ... like a cure....

2007-02-05 23:19:14 · answer #5 · answered by Rolls 1 · 0 0

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