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Do you respect the US Constitution and believe that we elect leaders to make decisions ? And if we don't like those decisions. .. . .we vote for somebody else next time ?

2007-02-05 20:19:59 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Ruby - I can't help but notice that your answer looked like a thinly-veiled attack on the President, since it included ALL the Liberal Talking-Points .
Simply because you and about 50% of the country doesn't like his decisions. . . .. . doesn't qualify for the words and actions, both HATEFUL in every respect, of the Hateful Far-Left . Nor does it qualify as any violation of the constitution. If it did, the Democrats would have already impeached him . Slow down and smell the roses .

2007-02-05 20:44:35 · update #1

11 answers

So-called "polls" are nothing more than liberal leftist extremist propaganda. I find it amazing that neither I nor anyone I know has ever been "polled" on any of the subjects talked about on the communist news network (cnn). Yet they tell me what i think......

If I walk into a vegetarian restaurant and take a hunting poll, what kind of results would i get?


2007-02-05 20:26:27 · answer #1 · answered by Bryan _ 3 · 1 0

If there are several instances that prove the leader is wrong yet he makes no indications of correcting his mistakes and insists on making the same mistakes over and over again. Then that is not a leader, a leader and a responsible president puts the welfare of his country before his friends, his politics, his party and most of all before his pride. When you have a president that is not capable of doing so then the general public will stand up and remind him that this Government is for the people and by the people. The general populace elects the president that doesn't make him better and greater then them when he is elected, and that is why polls are needed. When you can be led off a cliff without any objection than you are a sheep, otherwise we stand up and voice our objection. We vote for and expect a president not a tyrant.

2007-02-05 20:42:29 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I respect the Constitution, and The USA should be governed strictly by it. The Constitution is a document intended to RESTRICT the power of the government, in order to protect the people from the government. The real power was always intended to be with the people. Government officials are Public servants...NOT the other way around. Any decisions our leaders make, must conform to the Constitution. Any, leaders who attempt to circumvent the Constitution in any way, should pay the consequences. Good answer, Bert T!!!

2007-02-05 20:36:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

No I don't, but polls have nothing to do with it! Just because we elect someone doesn't mean we have to support him until the next election even if he is Hitler!

Bush lost the popular vote in 2000 and won by 1 hotly contested Electoral vote delivered by his brother! That does not give him any mandates. Hell he couldn't even win the popular vote! If this were a true Democracy, Bush would not even be president.

Do you think we elect someone and let them do whatever the hell he wants to do because we voted! He works for the people! ALL OF THEM!!

And that is not what the Constitution says! We even have the power to remove him through Congress!

And since when did Bush give a S--T about what is in the Constitution, "It's just another piece of paper"!

2007-02-05 20:26:39 · answer #4 · answered by cantcu 7 · 2 1

The Constitution is the supreme law being followed in the USA and the leaders are selected through an election. Vote wisely.

2007-02-05 20:23:54 · answer #5 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 0 0

it variety of feels extremely obtrusive that those fifty 8% only have under no circumstances taken swimming classes. Jeez, that is only about astonishing that when those variety of swimming files are released, human beings seem to imagine that swimming is a few innate human skill from start, and that there should be some thing tragically incorrect with someone because they could't swim. For God's sake, if someone needs to detect the thanks to swim, they could flow to the YMCA or another loose or low-fee provider software service. Sorry, i'm only so weary of the media consistently wanting to create significant social topics the position none exist.

2016-11-25 19:45:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Polls are just another form of peer pressure. I don't base my life decisions on advertisement...voting is suppose to be a decision that is made after your homework is done and include what you've experienced or witnessed working and not working in the past.

2007-02-05 20:46:22 · answer #7 · answered by GoodQuestion 6 · 0 0

We elect them to do our will, not decide for themselves what is right. They work for us. Read a little about the constitution and see where it's power comes from. Here's a hint: it's not god.

2007-02-05 20:26:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Really pops? Is that how the Republicans treated Clinton during HIS 8 years? I seem to recall one invetigation after another during his two terms, costing the US taxpayer MILLIONS in wasted funds and not ONE charge was legitimate.. And all HE ever did was get oral sex. He didnt cause thousands of American soldiers to die for no good reason whatsoever. Frankly if Bush was held to the same standard as Clinton was by Republicans, he would be in Federal Prison right NOW.

What would Republicans have done had Clinton:
1. Flown all of Tim McVeigh's relatives out of the country after the Oklahoma City bombing, when no US citizen was 'allowed' to fly?
2. Refused to allow an independent 9/11 Commission for months or refused to testify under oath about the events of that day?
3. Gone on TV repeatedly to call for bin Laden's capture, "Dead or Alive" and how he would "smoke him out of his hole", but almost 6 years later, bin Laden is still free?
4. Removed the Constitutional doctrine of HABEAS CORPUS, supposedly to help fight the "war on terror" but really to just whittle away at American freedom?
5. Permitted torture of prisoners and in fact justified torture as being "ok in these circumstances".
6. Took a Federal surplus n the budget and in 6 years turned it into almost NINE TRILLION DOLLARS in debt? And DEMOCRATS are the Big Spenders??
7. Handed his VPs company BILLIONS in "no-bid" tax funds (is THIS the free trade and healthy competition Republicans are so famous for?) to serve our soldiers rancid food and drinking water contaminated with fecal matter?
8. Ignored the world, the UN and most of his own constituents to prosecute a war against a country which never attacked the US, and in fact, never THREATENED to attack the US, supposedly for "freedom" mbut we all really know its for the oil. If not, why doesnt Bush threaten to invade N Korea? We're ALREADY at war with THEM arent we?? Is it because they have no oil?
9. Sent our soldiers into harm's way without the proper equipment to dp their job (ie, inadequate or non-existent body and vehicle armor) and now we have over 3,000 MORE needless deaths.
10. The suggestion that wearing paper slippers at the airport somehow fights terrorism when bin Laden is still free is the best the Bush Adminsitration can come up with to fight terrorism domestically?
11. Made you live and work in an "elevated" Terror threat for YEARS now, but supposedly "fighting them over there means we dont have to fight them over here".
12. Men detained for years in prisons with no access to attorneys, no charges filed, no Rd Cross access, etc. Can you IMAGINE the Republican fury if CLINTON tried to pull this fascist crap?
13. The first WTC attack occurred 38 days after Clinton took office as President. Did he spend that time whining about how Bush Sr did nothing about terrorists? Or did he do everything he could to stop their attacks? By comparison, the 2nd attacks happened MONTHS after Bush took office and Bush's response to BARELY winning the Presidency? He spent 42% of that first 10 months in office ON VACATION. Had that been Clinton sitting there in Florida, trying to puzzle out "My Pet Goat" while America was under attack, the Repubs would have burned him at the stake.

2007-02-05 21:47:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Clitoon tried that and it caused the mess we're in.

2007-02-05 21:02:06 · answer #10 · answered by mrfeelsgreat1 1 · 0 0

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