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6 answers

Rejection is hard, but keep trying. Remember, it's a numbers game. The more apps you submit, the more interviews you will get, and sooner or later it will pay off.

2007-02-05 20:17:27 · answer #1 · answered by Jolly1 5 · 0 0

opportunity will knock u r door at one day or other. basically do the swot analysis. what re u r strentghs weak ness. why u r loosing opportunities. if u r qualification is not sufficient try to improve u r qualification. u r from rural area and language is ur problem try to improve it. if u r problem is not mixing with the people or to face the interview go to any college professor or career counseller and discuss with him. loosing u r confidence may land u in further trouble. determination dedication and sincerity are important. no body is born with silver spoon. only hard work makes them to reach higher heights. never compare u r self with others. self confidence and retrospection is more needed for u. try to improve u r personal and professional skills. all the best.

2007-02-06 07:00:05 · answer #2 · answered by sabu 4 · 0 0

come on, this is not done. Life is very beautiful and full of opportunities. Now at present u r not getting any job, it doesnt mean that there is no hope at all. U should always c a ray of hope. U should'nt lose hope but instead should turn each and every stepping stone which will definitely lead u to ur destination. wish u all the best.

2007-02-06 04:18:17 · answer #3 · answered by arati j 1 · 0 0

An interview is a great opportunity to convince prospective employers about the tremendous value you will add to their organisation. The trick is to prepare in advance and project your strengths with conviction. Take this quiz to see how ready you are for a date with your dream job!

This quiz is best viewed in Internet Explorer (IE) and Netscape above version 6.0.

1. Why do you want to join our company?
Option.1 : You are the market leader in your segment and I want to work with the best.
Option.2 : It has always been my dream to work for your company.
Option.3 : I am looking for a change and I got this call from a consultant.

The correct answer is: You are the market leader in your segment and I want to work with the best.

Knowing why you want to work for a company will give you a lot of confidence. Interviewers can spot the desperation if you are not sure about why you want to join them. Be specific. There is no dream company, so an answer like the first option would sound too fluffy. But wanting to work for a bigger company is an acceptable reason for leaving a job Right!

2. What do you think are your weaknesses?
Option.1 : I tend to work too hard and therefore am left with little time for family.
Option.2 : I am working on improving my computer skills. My goal is to become an advanced user in the next three months.
Option.3 : I don't really think I have any weakness.

The correct answer is: I am working on improving my computer skills. My goal is to become an advanced user in the next three months..

This is a tricky question. No weakness at all would make you sound cocky. You may be a workaholic but that's considered unhealthy and can have adverse effects on your peers and subordinates. It's safe to mention something specific; at the same time, it should be non-critical. Also state your plan of action to get around that weakness. Right!

3. Why should we hire you?
Option.1 : I have XYZ years of experience and have XYZ qualifications... blah blah...
Option.2 : I am the best. It would be a mistake not to hire me.
Option.3 : I have a background in... and am keen on this role. I would bring in the skills that add value to your team.

The correct answer is: I have a background in... and am keen on this role. I would bring in the skills that add value to your team..
Remember the 'WIIFME' (What's in it for me) rule? Focus on what the company is looking for and state specific skills that you have. This is your chance to sell yourself, so don't try to be modest. Right!

4. Can you tell us a little bit about your last job?
Option.1 : As a sales executive for consumer products, I achieved the highest sales figures consistently for the last three quarters.
Option.2 : I was a sales executive and was responsible for the northern territory.
Option.3 : In my last job as a sales executive, I was selling consumer products.

The correct answer is: As a sales executive for consumer products, I achieved the highest sales figures consistently for the last three quarters.

Nobody is interested in your tasks. Talk about what you were able to accomplish and how you added more revenue to your company. There are a lot of people who can do the job, but very few who can do it well. Specifics that demonstrate your accomplishments are crucial. Show how you saved money for your last company and contributed to productivity. Right!

5. Do you have any questions for us?
Option.1 : No questions. Thanks.
Option.2 : Can you tell me about the salary and the benefits?
Option.3 : I would like to know more about specific responsibilities and also about growth prospects within the company.

The correct answer is: I would like to know more about specific responsibilities and growth prospects within the company.

Questions are revealing and employers often judge candidates based on the quality of their questions. The right questions show you are focused on succeeding in your job and are not there just for the money. It is acceptable to ask about the job profile in detail or the company's growth plan or the culture. Right!

2007-02-08 07:31:17 · answer #4 · answered by krishnachandra 2 · 0 0

u should contact a placement. so that u can get a job. after this u can get a confidence & try to get a better job.

2007-02-06 04:18:07 · answer #5 · answered by pank 2 · 0 0

Try reading these articles click on the link...

2007-02-06 04:50:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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