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how can enyone answer this when they have never been through it themselfes!!!!!!!!!

i alwasy said that i was against it unless there was something wrong with the baby .....as when i was at school they showed an actual abortion from inside the womb (i missed it was having medical at the time) but the girls told me what it was like and thats when i decieded not to ever go through it.... untill i was 26 yeasr old and because i already had a 4 year old and the father of the baby left me i had to make a choice if i wanted to be a single mum with 2 kids ......well i made the choice and 10 years on i regret it i knew what it was and i was nearly 3 months gone at the time and since then i have had another child with my ex husband so yes i now have 2 kids on my own ......so unless you have been through it plesae dont say yes or no....coz untill you have to make the choice for yourself you wont know what you are talking about,,, trust me.......

2007-02-05 22:27:09 · answer #1 · answered by superloopy70 3 · 2 0

I do not think it should be outlawed! This would force many illegal abortions and these could cause more damage for the woman or even death. I don't feel it should be used as a means of birth control!! I know if I was raped by a stranger or family member I don't think I would want to bring that child into the world. I have not been in this situation but I am sure many women have and have been thankful abortion was available to them.

This is something that the women will have to take up with God and themselves along with people involved in performing them. I find it very judgemental for people to say that women who have had this and the people who do the job should die. Sin is sin and there aren't little ones or big ones in God's eyes.

2007-02-05 19:41:19 · answer #2 · answered by simpsonwd 2 · 8 0

Yes, of course. Every abortion unjustly executes an innocent human being. For more information, see:

Photos and Video of Abortions, Including 1st Trimester Abortions:

Information on All Aspects of Abortion:

Photos and Facts About Prenatal Development:

Pain Perception in the Unborn:

Abortion Stories:

Pro-Life Answers to “Pro-Choice” Arguments:

Rape and Abortion:

Is Abortion Ever Necessary to Save the Life of the Mother?

The Testimony of Former Abortionists:

A Comparison of Abortion and Other Historical Genocides:

2007-02-08 00:15:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


not sure about this, on one hand you have people that have problems e.g drug addicts, mentally ill or there is some problem with the baby (severe handicap etc) when it think abortion has its place. On the other hand I don't think I could terminate a pregnancy as i would feel like i was killing my baby. I am adopted and my natural mother had me when she was sixteen. Now i am very grateful that she had the guts to have me and then pass me on to a family that couldnt have children of their own. So maybe the answer is if the baby is healthy then the baby has a right to life even if it is not with its natural birth mother no matter how hard this maybe. There are families out there desperate to have children that cannot conceive themselves and i thank god that I became part of their lives - no regrets!!!

2007-02-05 22:31:07 · answer #4 · answered by Laura G 1 · 0 1

NO, abortion should be legalised. there are so many girl out there being trapped with unwanted baby. What about the future of the girls?we cannot decide for everybody and there are so many different reasons why a girl would want an abortion. it is her life. let her decide.
sometimes even married couples who already have children decide for an abortion. maybe financially they cannot afford to bring up another baby. and it does cost to bring up a baby.

I am 5 months pregnant.I am married for 4 years and did not want a child until me and my husband are ready for a baby. we now can afford to buy everything the baby needs.

An abortion is not a crime.a fetus does not know anything, does not understand anything. what's the use of bringing up a child for 20-25 years and then your son get killed in the war. that is called a crime. taking all the pain of the world to give your child whatever he wants. by the time you are retired and want to relax your child get killed.


2007-02-05 20:53:08 · answer #5 · answered by havillah k 2 · 4 0

i personally would not have an abortion... at this moment in time... but who is to say what my circumstances will be in the future??

until you have been put in the position where you would even have to consider it how can you make a judgement on anyone else.. infact how can you make a judgement on anyone else anyway when it is their body and their life??

would you rather a woman went through with a pregnancy, giving birth to child they dont want and that child ending up abused for the rest of its life or living in poverty, or ending up in care with god knows how many people looking after it??? maybe the abortion was done due to a disability which would render the child helpless?? would you wish to live in a vegetated state not really knowing what life is about, not being able to experiance things due to lack of ability??? there are countless reasons why a woman would choose to have an abortion, and trust me no woman would make the decission lightly, it is a last option for any woman, and usually they have a very good reason for doing so.

people like super loopy who were given NO CHOICE but to have an abortion, even if they didnt really deep down want it have my upmost respect, at the end of the day she did what she felt was right for her and her first son, and although i know she will regret it for the rest of her life, she knew that at the time she had no choice.

dont ever judge ANYONE for making a choice that they feel is right for them and their family,... you never know the full circumstances that led to that choice being made.

2007-02-05 22:34:21 · answer #6 · answered by merrpet 2 · 1 0

Abortion should DEFINITELY NOT be outlawed. Every woman has a right to do what they think is the right thing to do for them and their unborn child. Forcing a woman who has been raped to have their child would cause far more unnecessary pain to both mother and child. What about when the rapist wants access to their child? I shudder to think what quality of life the child would have. That said I know of a few nieve women who get pregnant just to keep their man. Needless to say once their plan backfired they aborted the child. You should not willingly have unprotected sex unless you are going to bring the child into the world under any circumstance. A developing child is a special gift and not just a group of cells.

2007-02-05 20:43:56 · answer #7 · answered by Kate N 1 · 3 0

No, and No, because its not killing your own baby...

Its killing the potential to have a baby at that time... and lets face it... isn't there enough unwanted children in orphanages without necessarily bringing more into the world.

Catholicism should get into the 21st century, and allow abortions and contraceptives... look at all the trouble in Africa, and its all down to 2 factors...

Unprotected sex and overpopulation.

You'd think I'd speak against this when you read the next part... Since my mother had already had a still birth, the doctor had recommended an abortion for me... but do i feel bitter about it? NO, abortion should be allowed as long as the person understands the true meaning of what they are doing and are mentally prepared for any mental scarring afterwards.

2007-02-05 19:31:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 12 1

Not really some people get pregnant whilst using contraception and may not want or be allowed to keep their child. It is up to the person to choose and decide. I had an abortion as iwas to young and not in a steady relationship i would rather not have achild then bring it into a world where it would be unloved and wanted. I am now pregnant again and very happy and i will be keeping this child as i am in a stable relationship and an happy to have a child.

2007-02-05 21:24:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

there are many reasons for an abortion, its impossible to outlaw it as it would be done in backstreet clinics like in the sixties. i dont think anyone goes into an abortion lightly and at the end of the day, its down to personal choice. although i could never see myself ever having an abortion i fully respect that there are circumstances where a woman might have no choice, for example, what if you were raped? would you want to bear your attackers child. adoption wouldnt be realistic because you would still have to go through the pregnancy and birth. you sound very young and i bet you have no kids, life experience can change your views as you get older. so no, i dont think it should be outlawed BUT i think 24 weeks is too late in a pregnancy for termination.

2007-02-05 19:35:16 · answer #10 · answered by ginger 6 · 9 1

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