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By my understanding, everyone is given equal standing and thus "no man is left behind." In a capitalist society, a person could be totally unsuccesful and be left way behind by even those in middle class. Capitalism feels like an example of greed and communism feels like the opposite.

2007-02-05 19:08:10 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

12 answers

Because in a communist system, you are right ... everyone is equal. Equally miserable. There is no incentive for one person to work harder and gain more for himself since the government is guaranteed to take his extra earnings away from him and give it to someone who works less.

Communist economic and political systems bring everyone DOWN to the same level. Whereas in capitalist systems every man has the opportunity to RAISE himself and make a better life for himself.

2007-02-05 19:16:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

In a capitalist society you get rewarded for ingenuity and greater risk. That is why there is a cure for cancer. Without capitalism there would be no cure.
In a Communist system the government can tell you what kind of product to make. In our system you take a risk with your own money. Work 80 hours a week. Why would you work 80 hours if everything is equally divided? Why would someone risk money if he wasn't going to get any more than the average person.
Our poor average person has 2 cars registered to them. Most communist countries do not have 2 cars for the rich.

Reagan said "You know, there are only two places where communism works: in heaven, where they don't need it, and in hell, where they've already got it."

2007-02-06 04:17:16 · answer #2 · answered by ALunaticFriend 5 · 0 0

You have it largely right but " to each according to his ability, according to his need" Is a damned hard ethic to reveal. Also a preposition of "Communism" is that "property is theft". These precepts of Communism were propounded by San Sans, Marx and Engles NOT as a program for the liberation of the "working class" from it's menial, slave like conditions but as an academic description of those conditions. The conclusions that the working people should revolt against this inequitable state of affairs was taken up by Rosa Luxembourg and the revolutionaries of the fist and second International where working men declared that they would not fight against each other for their Capitalist masters.

The beginning of the end of these socialist ideals was the First World War. Socialists fought socialists or were persecuted. Lenin was introduced into Russia, a country still in the dark ages with an undeveloped middle class, there was no pattern to the development of Communism just civil wars with perhaps only Tolstoy, fighting for a genuine socialist agenda. The rest were typical tyrants using a false "socialist" cloak of identity to fulfil their own agenda.

Incidentally Stalin had Tolstoy murdered.

Communism as such probably never had a chance. It's my belief that communism can only come from the heart and just as a catholic can be encouraged to his/her beliefs through education so could communists be. This could only work in a situation in which there is no pejorative criticism of race colour or creed. In South America and parts of the developing World there is teaching for liberation and not for domestication.

The command economy of Soviet Russia failed because of corruption and a failure to serve the people. The same is happening in the demand economy of the West.

In the meantime our Planet is being destroyed.

I would like for everyone who reads this to check up on the history involved and oppose those who support the capitalist system (through shareholders and education especially).

The destruction of our planet is imminent, maybe TOGETHER without greed we can save it!

2007-02-06 05:04:51 · answer #3 · answered by salubrious 3 · 0 0

Communism is much like Evolution, Liberalism. All seem to be a great working idea in theory, but a dismal failure in practice.

There is no evidence that communism solved anything except to make life more miserable for everyone, much like liberalism.

Evolution does nothing to promote humanity except sucker it down to some stink'n hairy vertabrae!

Everybody needs to go back to the Bible basics of the Ten Commandments as a start or heed the golden rule.

2007-02-06 03:27:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The problem with capitalism is that they don't know how to take care of the poor. Not everyone's gonna make it. They will have issues. Slavery for example has long term effects in the economic survival of Blacks today. Migrant workers who are allowed to come to the US are used for cheap labor. And capitalists usually have a myth about the poor -- that they're lazy.

To solve poverty, some countries have opted for communism because they want equal distribution of wealth. The problem is that the govt is centralized and usually dictatorial, and yes, one cannot fulfill their real potential and make as much money as they want. But what about those who just want a simple life and can't afford the high rents and standard of living?

2007-02-06 03:25:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

It fails to acknowledge individual talent, effort and hardwork. It also stunts private enterprise, personal initiative, & even in China it is acknowledged that there has to be economic individual commerce and freedoms in order for the economy to move forward. Communist markets were always stagnant, store shelves in Moscow (At GUM store) were always mostly empty of food products & consumer goods, North Korea is starving. Any time a government enforces too many economic controls, it stunts competition and establishes a monopoly. All stagnates and ultimately dies out.

2007-02-06 03:16:46 · answer #6 · answered by gone 6 · 3 0

Because you need to have the infrastructure, drive and money to have that kind of government.

honestly humans are not capable of large scale Communism.

you would need to eliminate greed, corruption, vice, sloth, and independent thought.

good luck doing that.

the concept of Communism would require that no one want to have power or money or land.

you would have to work exclusively for the benefit of the group with no additional benefit for your self

anyone who does not contributes receives an equal share as those who break there backs, so why work?

your pure motivation has to be for the state, you cant simply choose what you want to do or how you want to live, you would have to do what is beneficial to the state and nothing more.

Capitalism is not perfect, bu I would rather be free to make my own choices and way in life than work and gain nothing from my endeavors.

2007-02-06 03:25:57 · answer #7 · answered by Stone K 6 · 2 0

A system without an incentive is one bound to fail. You must be very young, judging by your comment. Just review history and it is very evident that Capitalism is an outstanding system. Communism is a complete failure and cannot survive.

2007-02-06 04:19:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Communism fails to acknowledge one overriding human trait that dominates so much of our world: Competition. Humans are competitive animals, and it's in our nature to try and get as much as we can to make ourselves comfortable. That's why the Communist politicos preached the doctrine, but drank imported Scotch, ate caviar, and smoked Cuban cigars while the average person waited all day in line for toilet paper.

2007-02-06 03:16:24 · answer #9 · answered by tranquility_base3@yahoo.com 5 · 4 0

Ideologically all men are equal. The truth is some are more equal than others.
" It is true that liberty is precious-so precious it must be rationed" Lenin.

For these reason`s, and a few others, communism is ineffective.

2007-02-06 03:14:39 · answer #10 · answered by dingdong 4 · 1 0

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