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If you compare some of today's teenagers from the teenagers 20-50 years ago they seem like little devils who are constantly pushing away their parents and rebelling against them and sometimes against the law. Why is this happening? What can we do to help solve it?

2007-02-05 19:01:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

15 answers

i am 55 years old. i have raised 4 children. the teens aren't more rebellious. hormones are what they are. teens are more violent now then they were. there are more dangerous drugs on the street. the biggest problem is the parenting. more moms have to work now to help support the family. when i was a child moms stayed home to supervise the kids. we behaved as young children because we got a butt thrashing if we didn't. parents didn't lavish us with toys like computers, cell phones, mp3 players. we were lucky to have food on the table. as teens we already had a clue as to what was expected. we were wild anyway. most teens will stumble their way into adulthood with few problems. some will fall in the gutter. the weak ones will perish. its nature.

2007-02-06 01:02:36 · answer #1 · answered by jacqueline j 3 · 1 0

This is a great question ! I always hated it when my mom would say,"in my day girls just didn't do that." I always swore that I would never do that. I think the problem is--Teenagers are more open today and there seems not to be the guilt associated with wrong doings. We didn't talk open about what we did but there still was a lot going on.Sex I think has now become a expected part of dating where you used to have to work at achieving it. And I don't think all teenagers should be bunched into one group. Each one is unique.

2007-02-06 00:39:38 · answer #2 · answered by snowflake 6 · 1 0

If u allow them then their offsprings, 20 years from now will be even more rebellious. Someone has to come with a heavy hand and stop the rebellion, bring some reason and some understanding, only then can we expect a new generation of disciplined and well behaved teenagers.

2007-02-05 19:25:39 · answer #3 · answered by wizard of the East 7 · 3 1

If by rebelling you mean sitting on their computer and posting on myspace 24 hours a day its because the Internet was not around in the 70's.

If you mean having sex, doing mass amounts of drugs, running away, rock and roll, traveling around the country and riots, that sort of thing didn't exist in the 70's.

2007-02-05 19:08:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Ancient aegyptians had the same issue as you do, and they were exactly as worried as you are... They even carved it on a stone!!

Rebellion is part of growth. Parents will not be with them forever, and this helps in the identity-making process. At this point, parents just become a back-up force, which is not intended to interfere with this process, rather than making it a useful path.

The only way we can do something obout it, is talking to people and try to understand them, not letting us become influenced either.

Good luck!

2007-02-08 08:33:48 · answer #5 · answered by Arminius 5 · 0 2

I think young people are tired of being treated as second class citizens just because of their age. They are asserting their independence in a stronger way and doing so earlier than past generations. I think as a whole this country treats young adults 16-17 poorly and does not give them enough voice in the matters that pertain to them.

2007-02-05 21:51:59 · answer #6 · answered by badmikey4 4 · 4 2

Because the mothers aren't home where they belong raising the children. 50 years ago you didn't have this problem because women knew their roles in society and stayed home to take care of the children. Now they're being raised by their schools and daycare so they don't get values and morals from their mothers. Also since you can't beat the crap out of your kid like in the old days for mouthing off and not minding their elders they've become little annoying hellions. Stupid CPS idiots.

2007-02-06 03:02:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

Ahh the basis that makes sense and yet doesnt...

Here is a little thing I learned when I was younger, I am 22 now about to be 23 and ive learned a lot (especially that all those years my parents knew damn well what they were talking about when I thought they didnt)...

I went to many SUMMER camps when I was in my teens, a lot of them were CHURCH oriented with my youth group.

I found that many of the camps had TONS OF RULES, TONS OF RULES because they had TONS OF EXPECTATIONS of you doing bad things.... The more RULES they had, the more fun it was to break them...

One year I went to a summer camp where I was surprised to hear only one rule... The headman of the camp stood up and said "There is only one rule at this camp, no guy and girl goes into the woods alone, but all of you know better, have a good week"...

That camp had the least amount of rules broken, and the least amount of rebellion, and NO GUY OR GIRL ever went into the WOODS ALONE!!!!

Why??? Because he respected the teens at this camp, he said it like (You guys are smart, you guys are mature, you guys know better and I trust you to make the right descision, no WATCHING HAWK NEEDED)...

He didnt say it like, he was expecting us to all go in the wood and have sex or something... He said it like he trusted us... SO ALL THE TEENS felt MATURE and they did what was RIGHT!!!

MY point being that, it isnt an amount of rules that causes rebellion... Its the fact that the amount of rules proves that an adult expects the teenager or child to do all those things they make rules for, which means their EXPECTATION OF this person, is that they will misbehave, be rebellious and it must be stopped...

This in turn creates a lack of trust, and a feeling dropped on the kid of immaturity, which makes them want to spit in your face and break rules, just so they can show you they are man or women enough to make descisions on their own...

#1 The reason today kids are much more rebellious is because of Father and Mother. Many parents are TO BUSY working their butts off, or paying attention to their own lives, that they are not involved enough in their own childrens lives.

Parents dont exists to stop their kids from doing crap (unless life threatening) but many parents think they DO.

Parents are there so that when their child makes the RIGHT descision, they can give them AFFIRMATION, and when they make the wrong descision, THEY CAN DISCIPLINE THEM with love and teach them WHY ITS WRONG....

Many parents try to CONTROL their childrens YOUNG LIVES< and SHIELD THEM from the world, which is the MOST TERRIBLE THING OF ALL< because if you shield your kid, they wont be your KID forever, one day they will be fully grown, and if they were shielded all their young lives because of your fears, then when they get out into the world, THEY WONT KNOW WHEN TO SAY NO...

There are many reasons why teens of today are like this.

#2 Divorce, if mom and dad made a promise and cant cut it, cant keep it together, it shows me how screwed up they are, it shows me they cant make descisions on their own and mean it, so why should I listen to them when their own lives are screwed up...

Divorce = selfish no matter what (unless you are being abused or your partner is having an affair)

Divorce = the easy way out, and parents only think of themselves when they do this, if they really were NOT thinking of themselves, they WOULDNT FREAKING DO IT, do you know what DIVORCE DOES to your KID???

It makes fckin around OK to them...

I could go on and on and on, and im on a lot of rabbit trails I know...

Parents, respect and love your Children, CHERISH THEM, and DISCIPLINE THEM, so they wont grow up thinking they can do whatever the hell they want, BECAUSE in this world you CANT.

And now people are getting SUED in our country for spanking their kids????? WTF is that? Its not illegal if you dont let your kids do whatever the hell they want?

The country is going to hell, families are going to hell...

#1 Dont shield your children, tell them the truth, cause they will either learn the TRUTH FROM YOU, or they will LEARN IT FROM THE WORLD when they get HURT.

#2 Love your children, set some BASE RULES of AUTHORITY, and ENFORCE THEM.

#3 DONT IGNORE YOUR KIDS, spend time with them, be a part of their LIVES and they will want to be a PART OF YOURS.


2007-02-06 01:34:54 · answer #8 · answered by Danlow 5 · 2 2

There is an extremely simple answer to this question:

Because you are getting older.

It has nothing to do with the teenagers.

2007-02-05 19:05:53 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

hey i'm 13 and well we arnt we are sick of being pushed about and treated like fools.. we dont like to be shouted at dont get mad at us and we wont get mad at you

2007-02-06 00:57:18 · answer #10 · answered by indiebbz 1 · 1 0

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