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I'm a senior in high school and only have a couple good friends, but I could have a lot more if I hung out with the other kids like I have been lately and drank at parties they go to on weekends. I've heard many people say "just go to the party but don't drink" now I'm not sure if you have been in a position like I am in but do you know how hard it is to not feel left out when you see every single person at the party with a beer in their hand drinking? I always feel left out when I don't drink. I know in my heart that it is wrong and I would disappoint a lot of people if I got caught because my parents know I have more common sense then that. I haven't drank at all yet, but I really don't feel like I fit in. I want to be friends with these guys because I see them everyday at school. I know I shouldn't give a rat's *** about what they think of me, but it's really hard not to. Another thing that scares me is that they drive from these parties buzzed and/or drunk with me in the car Help!

2007-02-05 18:09:16 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Friends

25 answers

DRIVE YOURSELF to the parties and think of these things:

After the first couple drinks....these kids are clueless and won't remember you are not drinking. True alcoholics worry about drinking alone and will bug you the most. Pity them.

Remember that they are killing brain cells with every drink....plus a percentage of them are coming closer to crossing a genetic boundary that makes them alcoholic.

In one or two years....all the really savvy kids will be on top with jobs and personalities intact....and those "popular" kids will have
drunk driving records, low gpa's and police records.

The "fun" that some of these kids are having on the nights they end up bowl-hugging drunk....will be remembered as the best times of their life. You will be travelling to Europe or New Zealand looking over a green vistas thinking.....that is the best time of your life.

You have a great head on your shoulders. Go through the motions. Fill a beer can with coke. Add some coke to a little sprite to look like a whiskey drink. You can pull this off. Entertain yourself by seeing who drools first. Who staggers first. Who pukes first. What are you really missing?

You ARE not missing anything. Sit back and tell yourself that you are in full control of your senses and faculties. You can be a designated driver. In an emergency you can call 911. You are a leader of men. You are in charge!

Good Luck,


2007-02-05 18:28:10 · answer #1 · answered by Crispy_Frog 4 · 0 0

First off - don't ever get into a car drunk or with someone you think has had a lot to drink. follow your instincts and if you dont feel safe - get out of the car. call a cab, stay over, wait a few hours, call a friend, or even call your parents to come get you if you have to. It's not worth it.

I stopped drinking about a year ago - and what I've learned is that 'drinking' is not an activity - it just changes your perspective on your activity. it makes watching tv, playing a dumb game, dancing, talking to people, all these things easier because you aren't able to stress about them when you aren't sober. It makes you see them in a more fun or better light. What that means to me is that I can still go to a bar, I can still go to a party, I can still play a 'drinking game' - I can do those things and choose not to drink while doing them. Yes, not drinking is a choice that will limit your social activities - but only in that it means you will be conscious of your choices. That doesnt mean you cant consciously choose to act like an idiot and have a ridiculous time with your friends. It does mean that you might be the only one smart enough to not get in the car when someone has had a lot to drink. Force yourself to be brave and be the loudest - or jump in the pool first, initiate a prank, plan a party, change the music, dance until you sweat, tell a dirty joke, talk to someone you hardly know. That's the fun stuff. (and the hard stuff!) Now that I don't drink I always offer to be the designated driver - it saves my friends from worrying about it, they hand over some gas money so i'm happy, and they see my not drinking as a perk. And the rest of the time, they mostly dont notice that I just have water in my cup. seriously, if you dont' talk about it very very few people will ever take the time to notice. good luck!

2007-02-05 18:24:47 · answer #2 · answered by imnotachickenyoureaturkey 5 · 0 0

You can totally be social and not drink. I wasn't interested in drinking when I was in high school but I'd go to parties just to hang out. Usually, no one cared. If they said anything, I'd joke and say, "Hey, someone has to drive your sorry drunks home."
Use humor.

There was a night that I didn't go to a party because I had a family function. A friend of mine drove after drinking. He fell asleep at the wheel, went into the other lane, and killed two people. If I was there I would have been sober and maybe that wouldn't have happened. My friend went to prison for a few years.

I like to think that I was smart during high school and didn't get caught up in all the peer pressure to drink and do drugs. I also like to think that since I did drive a few friends home, I saved lives.

2007-02-05 18:32:18 · answer #3 · answered by Lisa S 3 · 0 0

I know it's hard, and I suffered with drinking too much in college. I sobered up for awhile and it always helped to have something in my hand like a bottle of pop or a cup of water...as long as it's always full of something, (nonalcoholic) the you usually have a good excuse. Also, I don't know how the high schoolers would react to this but college friends of mine love it when someone volunteers to be a DD. So maybe you could do that. I have fun at parties sober even though it's hard. Try it a couple times to see if you like it but do it for the right reasons, not to get more friends, because drunk friends aren't really real friends, they're just drinking buddies.

2007-02-05 18:13:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Perfect world answer: You can not drink go to the party and have fun, and make friends.

Real Wold Answer: If you weren't friends with these people before it does help to have a few drinks at the party and make new friends; but do you want these people as friends? Drinking isn't the end of the world, it's quite common, just don't do anything stupid like getting behind the wheel of a car and you should be fine.

2007-02-05 18:14:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, it's really possible. In my school, there are a lot of students who are popular but they don't drink. Actually, the people I usually hang out with are popular especially academically. Yes, you may gain lots of friends but "friends" who will just leave you hanging. Good friends will not lead you to things which will cause you danger.
Popularity is temporary but good friends LAST FOR A LIFETIME.
One more thing, if you know that it's wrong then dont do it. Stay away from those trash(sorry for using the word). There are many good people who are fun to be with.
Im a senior too and I know a lot about that.

2007-02-05 18:58:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't drink just to make friends. You don't have to do that to be popular at all. You can still go to parties if you choose to, but you don't need to drink to have a good time. You are the smart one in the bunch! These friends you hang out with are just breaking the law with drinking and driving. Pretty soon, something might happen to them after coming home from a party and then what? Do you want to be like them? It is out of ignorance to even drink and drive. I am sure your parents taught you better than that too.

You can still be friends with them if you don't want to drink. Who cares what they all say about you. Just be yourself! Who cares if they see you with a bottle of water, it is more healthy than alcohol!

Remember, friends don't let friends drive drunk, so next time you are in this situation, you take over the wheel and you be that designated driver! Otherwise, don't go to these parties anymore, you will feel a lot safer if you just stayed home with 'good friends' who care. (smile)

2007-02-05 18:23:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am a health nut. So I drink alcohol very sparingly. I have just as much fun, friends etc.. as any one else. And I don't have the hang overs, headaches etc.. that come with drinking.
I am 29, but I have had the same attitude since I was a young teen about 14. And it has not kept me from being popular and having a lot of friends. If you feel like you have to drink to be comfortable around your friends that is peer pressure. I would look for some new real friends who like you for you.
Good Luck!
Kali :-)

2007-02-05 18:15:44 · answer #8 · answered by Kali_girl825 6 · 0 0

I guess I would rather have a few friends then a lot of them to me if you have to drink to fit in it isn't worth it. I don't think a true friend would [put your life in danger by drinking and driving. I guess i Have a question for you. What is dumber driving drunk or riding with some one drunk that you don't have any control of. When your out of school it wont matter any way because your true friends will stay with you not your drinking friends. Do what is in your heart, why give your self a bad name just to fit in?

2007-02-05 18:19:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Drinking isn't wrong. Being stupid is.
Being at a party where everyone is drinking and you're not is stupid - trust me - 5 years of college teaches you a few things.
However, drinking while underage isn't necessarily stupid - 16-year-olds in europe right now will teach that real fast. It's OK if you can be resposible about it, not get busted by the police and not let it affect your grades.

Don't ever drive drunk or ride with drivers who are drunk. This is how people end up dead or in a sh-tload of trouble.

2007-02-05 18:18:23 · answer #10 · answered by lucky guy 3 · 0 0

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